Introduction:Not so long ago, our neighbor, Mr. Kevin, loaded up his truck, waved goodbye to his wife and two little girls, and left for another state, far away. Mr. Kevin explained to his tearful little girls that he must go and prepare a place for them, and then he would return and take them to their new home. The little girls cried to see Daddy go, but then they were also excited and began busily packing their toys and things, and watched for their Daddys return. And he did come for them!
不久以前, 我们的邻居凯文先生把他的卡车装满了, 向他的妻子和两个孩子挥手告别, 因为他要去离这里很远的一个州。两个女儿舍不得他, 在哭。凯文先生告诉他们他必须先去为他们准备一个地方, 然后他会回来接他们去他们的新家。虽然这两个小女孩哭著看他们的父亲走, 他们却又兴奋又忙碌地把他们的东西和玩具收拾好, 等著他们的爸爸回来。他的确回来了。
Presentation:That reminds me of our Bible verse today. In John 14:3 Jesus promised His disciples, And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again.
这使我想起我们今天读的圣经, 约翰福音14:3。耶稣应许他的门徒们说:我若去为你们预备了地方, 就必再来接你们到我那里去。
Explanation:Jesus spoke these words to His disciples before He died and rose again. Did Jesus go back to Heaven?Yes, so then it is no longer an if , is it?Jesus DID go, and He IS preparing a place. But who is the you? Was it just Jesus disciples back then?No, its for every believer, including those of you here who have believed on the Lord Jesus! Hes busy preparing a wonderful, perfect, happy place for you! And He promised, I will come again.
耶稣在他死而复活之前, 向门徒说了这些话。现在他已经回到了天上。也就是他现在正在为你预备地方。那么, 这个你们指的是谁呢?是不是就是当时的那几个门徒呢?不!是每个信耶稣的人。他正在忙碌地为我们预备一个完美, 幸福的家。然后他应许说:我会再来。
Applicaton:If you have believed on the Lord Jesus, be busy serving Him and telling others about Him! Dont be discouraged, He will come for you one day to take you to your wonderful forever Home with Him! You will NEVER want to leave! If you have never told the Lord Jesus you believe on Him, but you want to do that today, go now to How To Be a Child of God.
如果你已经相信主耶稣, 你应当衷心侍奉他, 向别人传讲耶稣。不要灰心, 有一天他会回来, 接你到那天上美好的家, 永远与他在一起。你再也不想离开那个地方。如果你还没有相信耶稣是你的救主, 但你今天愿意接受他, 请你去听怎样成为神的孩子。
Lets sing this happy song to remember our verse!In my Fathers house are many mansions, If it were not so, I would have told you so.I go to prepare a place for you,
And if I go, Ill surely come again.
让我们再说一遍今天读的圣经经节, 约翰福音14:3:耶稣应许他的门徒们说, 我若去为你们预备了地方, 就必再来接你们到我那里去。
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