38.1 People used to be born at home and die at home. In the old days. Children were familiar with birth and death as part of life. But now things are quite different. Our youngsters have never been close by during the birth of a baby and have never experienced the death of a family member. When people get seriously sick, they are often transferred to a hospital, where children are usually unwelcome and forbidden to visit terminally ill patients. This deprives the children of an experience of death, an experience very important to ones life.
38.2 It was once thought that air pollution affected only the areas immediately around large cities with factories and heavy traffic. Today, we know that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is literally worldwide. The increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the burning of coal and oil is creating a greenhouse effect, and raising the worlds average temperature.
39 Several years decades ago, people Now,
Today, Why do people ?
has such change taken place?
39.1 Several years ago, people were often a little surprised when they heard that a college student was doing a part-time job. Why? Maybe he is short of money, they thought. Nowadays, it is not an uncommon occurrence that college students are working as tutors, salesmen and tour guides. Many students put up advertisements on bulletin boards or lamp posts to search for odd jobs. Why do many students show great interest in a part-time or a summer job?
39.2 Several decades ago, early childhood was spent playing games on the streets. To acquire academic skills at early ages was not encouraged. But now there is an increasing awareness of the importance of learning in the early years. Failure to teach children when they are young is seen as evidence of bad parenting. Hence education begins at increasingly earlier ages. Children are now presented both at home and in kindergarten with formal instruction in reading and math once reserved for primary school students. Why has such a big change taken place?
39.3 General attitude toward the market-oriented economy has undergone a great change. Twenty or thirty years ago, very few people believed that the market-oriented economy could work in our society. Now, however, it is widely held that it is the only key to the development of our economy. It is in my opinion that the second of these attitudes is nearly unsophisticated as the first. Yesterdays skepticism was based on ignorance of the law of economic growth; todays assurance reflects a misunderstanding of the nature of economy itself.
40 After a good many years of efforts to enthusiasm for , people begin to
40.1 After years of second-class status, smaller rewards, and lesser coverage by sports writers, women athletes are making great strides not just in gymnastics and swimming, but in weightlifting and football. Women can and do compete well in nearly every sport and draw as large crowds of plying customers as men.
40.2 After years of enthusiasm for more children, childbearing is losing its appeal for many young couples in big cities. In an increasing number, newly-weds put off having children or decide not to have one at all. The latest reports show that in 1994 married couples with wives under 35 had less than one child on average, while with wives over 55 had more than three children.
40.3 After a good many years of observing human nature in action, I have firmly concluded that two qualities make the difference between leaders and men of average performance. They are curiosity and discontent. These deep human urges work together, I believe, to motivate all human discovery and achievement.
41 It is a traditional way custom practice to But now the pendulum has swung to another direction. in the opposite direction. the other way.
41.1 It is a traditional custom for Chinese old people to live with their children and their grandchildren. In this way the young people can express their gratefulness and show respect for the elderly. But in the recent decades, the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction. According to a study in 1994, 52 percent of Chinese elderly were living alone in their own houses or in nursing homes in big cities, as against nearly zero in 1954. Why are increasing numbers of the old people living apart from their children?
中国的老人和他们的子女和子孙住在一起是一个传统的习惯。年轻人以此来表示对老人的尊敬,表达对父辈养育之恩的报答。但最近一二十年,钟摆转到相反的方向去了。根据1994年一项调查, 52%的老人独住自己家,或住进大城市的养老院,而在1954年则基本没有这种情况。为什么越来越多的老人和他们的于女分开住呢?
41.2 Traditionally, young ad4iks are preoccupied with business careers, financial success, the accumulation of possessions and conformable living. But now the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way. According to the 1994 census, many counterculture ideas have entered mainstream culture. More people are defining success in terms of intangibles creativity, autonomy, pleasure, participation, adventure, stimulation, and love. Many are questioning the kinds of work society offers and the payoffs it provides. And many are dissatisfied with the traditional social identities of wife and husband.
42 In recent years, there is a steady / subtle / significant shift of general / growing / healthy tendency to upward / welcome / undesirable trend toward
42 According to a poll study survey , there is X percent of, compared with Y percent last year. Why?
42.1 In recent years there is a steady shift of scientists from the pure to applied field. According to a study, in Beijing alone 72 percent of scientists and researchers have switched to industries where there are more jobs available and frequently more highly-paid than jobs connected with pure research. Does the trend have something to do with nationwide concentration on immediate results of economy and little interest in long-range studies?
42.2 In recent years there is a tendency towards living alone a dramatic step on the path away from the close-knit, extended families so common just a few decades ago. According to a census report, households consisting of just one person have increased to 14 percent in the past year, compared with 4 percent 20 years ago. Why are people living alone?
43 Last Sunday, The other day, Some months ago, I a friend of mine The story case incident is not rare, unusual, it is one typical of thousands of
43.1 The other day, I met Miss Lee, my old classmate, who told me that she had decided to quit her job as a teacher at the end of the school year and to go into a company. She said that she couldnt make a living in her chosen profession and that not even her moonlighting twice a week could put her out of the financial quagmire she was in. Miss Lees case is not unusual, it is typical of thousands of young teachers who are quitting their jobs in search of more lucrative work.
43.2 Last evening, I went to visit one of my friends and was little surprised to find his ten-year-old daughter having an early dinner alone. Why didnt she have supper with her family? She is going to have class in the evening school, explained her father. The case is not rare. My friends daughter is just one of thousands of school children around the city who are learning foreign languages in evening schools.
44 Once in a hospital street newspaper , I saw read of learnt The problem phenomenon plight of has drawn arouse public nationwide general attention. concern
44.1 Once in a hospital I saw a small child with acute leukemia. She made the rounds and asked the adults her father, mother and relatives, What is it going to be like when I die? The grown-ups responded in a variety of ways, some crying out, some l osing for wards. The only message the little girl received through the grown-ups response was that they had a lot of fear when it came to talking about death. How to help our youngsters to deal with the reality of death part of life that all of us eventually have to face? The question has now drawn general attention.
44.2 Once in a newspaper I read of a crowd of people who remained appallingly indifferent to the plea of a mother. As she failed to offer the required amount of cash as a price to save her drowning son, the woman at last watched her son sink to death. The story is not rare in newspapers and on TV, and the casualness and detachment our people now have developed has amused nationwide concern.
45 I have a friend A friend of mine who Should Can he? Such a choice dilemma problem we often meet face confront in our daily life.
45.1 I have a friend who lies in a hospital, slowly dying of a painful and incurable disease. Although there is no hope of recovery, the disease sometimes permits its victim to linger on for many months in ever great torment. My friend, apprised of the outcome and knowing that the hospital expenses are a severe drain on his familys limited financial resources, decides that death had better come at once. Should the family meet his demand despite the enormous love for him? Should the doctor run the risk of providing him with the necessary drug? Such a dilemma we often meet in our daily life.
46 Once upon a time was lived a man. The tale story may be apocryphal unbelievable 46 but it still has a realistic significance its underlying moral has continuing relevance now today.
46.1 Once upon a time there were a brother and sister squabbling over an apple, with each insisting on the larger slice. Just as the boy had gained control of the knife and was poised to hack off the larger share for himself, the parents said: Hold it! I dont care who cuts that apple into two pieces, but whoever does has to give the other the right to select the piece they want. Naturally, to protect himself, the boy cut the apple into two pieces of equal size. The tale may be apocryphal, but its underlying moral has continuing relevance today. There are sane situations in which the needs of the protagonists are not really in opposition. If the focus shifts firm defeating each other to defeating the problem, every one can benefit.
47 Should What ? Opinions of Attitudes towards vary widely / greatly from person to person . 47 Some think of regard view as Others argue believe claim
47.1 Should a scientist be responsible for his discoveries? Opinions vary widely. To some people, the answer is negative. They think that the function of the scientist in society is to supply knowledge and that he neednt concern himself with the uses to which his knowledge or, discoveries may be put. But other people argue that a scientist has a duty to make sure that his discovery is used for, not against, society.
47.2 Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patients to speed recovery or to conceal the approach of death? Peoples attitude toward the doctors lie varies from person to person. Some see important reasons to lie for the patients own sake; others think that truthful information should not be denied or distorted. But in medicine as in law, government and other lines of work, the requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed by greater needs: the need to shelter from brutal news or to uphold a promise of secrecy; to expose corruption or to promote the public interest.
47.3 What does it take to succeed in ones studies or career?
Opinions vary widely. Given approximately equal circumstances, some claim the success factor is largely a matter of luck being in the right place and the right time. Others speak of utter devotion to work, combined with a degree of ruthlessness. Still others maintain that it is undoubtedly a matter of how much intelligence you have or simply how much education your mother had.
48 How do you What do you Do you ever think of? How do you What do you Do you ever see? In answer reply to these questions, we must
48.1 How do we think of the heavy burden a student has to carry from kindergarten through graduate school? How do we measure success in education? How does education affect not only labor skills but the quality of life? In seeking answers to such questions, there is much man indeed necessity for consideration and robust debate.
49 Why do have . ? Many people often ask pose the question like this.
49.1 Why does the idea of progress loan so large in the modern world? Many people often ask the question like this. Surely it is because progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more manifest. Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in morality, it has made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology.
49.2 Why have I chosen to attend college? Is the four-year academic life worthwhile? I have put these questions to myself at many times in the past two years. Have I come because of parental influence, or because I have some goal of my own that I wish to pursue? After pondering these questions on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that I have come to college not for money nor for fame but for knowledge, for a better understanding of the world around me.我为什么要选择读大学,这四年的学习生活是否值得?
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