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发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

What is this?

结构︰问句:What+be 动词+this(that)?

答句:This(that)+be 动词+a book(pen)。

说明︰此句型意为这(那)是什么?这(那)是书(钢笔)。what(什么)叫做疑问词,用于询问事物,通常放在句首,后接 be 动词,再接主词,第一个字母 w要大写,句尾要加问号(?),位置不可排错。

What is this? This is a chair. 这是什么?这是一张椅子。

Whats this? Its a book. 这是什么?它是一本书。

What is that? That is a desk. 那是什么?那是一张书桌。

What are these?

结构︰问句:What are+these/those?

答句:These/Those are+复数名词(+s/es)。

说明︰主词动词的形式要一致,is 后面接单数名词,are 后面要接复数名词.

What are these? These are books. 这些是什么?这些是书。

What are those? Those are cups. 那些是什么?那些是茶杯。

What are they? They are glasses. 它们是什么?它们是玻璃杯。

What are you?

结构︰问句:What+be 动词+主词(人)?

答句:主词+be 动词+a student。

说明︰此句型意为你是做什么事情的?我是学生。疑问词 what 除了询问事物之外,还可用于询问人的职业或身分。be 动词人称代名词的变化而改变形态,如:I am,we are,you are,he is。

What are you? I am a student. 你是做什么事情的?我是一名学生。

What is she? She is a teacher. 她是做什么事情的?她是一名教师。

Are you a ?

结构︰问句:Be 动词(am,are,is)+主词+?



说明︰在否定简答句中,主词和 am,is,are 可以缩写;在肯定简答句中则不可。

Is he a student? Yes, he is. (No, he isnt.) 他是学生吗?是的,他是。(不,他不是。)

Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. (No, Im not.) 你是教师吗?是的,我是。(不,我不是。)

Is that a clock? Yes, it is. (No, it isnt.) 那是钟表吗?是的,它是。(不,它不是。)

What is your name?



说明︰my,your,his,her为单数人称的所有格所有格后面必接名词,即所有格名词;所有格不可与 a,an,this,that,these 或 those 紧接一起使用。

What is your name? My name is Sue. 妳叫什么名字?我的名字叫苏。

What is his name? His name is John. 他叫什么名字?他的名字叫约翰。

What is her name? Her name is Jean. 她叫什么名字?她的名字叫珍。

Who is that ?

结构︰问句:Who+be 动词+that+形容词+名词?

答句:That is+名字。

说明︰Who 是疑问代名词,询问人的姓名或关系;将形容词直接放在名词前面,叫做前位修饰。

Who is that short boy? That is Bill. 那位矮男孩是谁?那位是比尔。

Who is that tall girl? That is Mary. 那位高女孩是谁?那位是玛丽。

Who is that fat man? He is my uncle. 那位胖男子是谁?那位是我叔叔。

Where is ?

结构︰问句:Where+be 动词(am,are,is)+主词?

答句:主词+be 动词+in the+名词。

说明︰问句是Where ?,简答时可用副词词组In/On the+名词。

Where is Sue? She is in her room. 苏在那里?她在她的房间里。

Where are your books? On the desk. 你的书在那里?在书桌上。

Where is your mother? She is in the kitchen. 你妈吗在哪里?她在厨房里。

Are you V-ing ?


说明︰此句型意为主词(人,物)正在吗?。这一句型转换的三要素是:be 动词移到句首;改为大写;句尾用问号。

Is Mary sleeping? 玛丽正在睡觉吗?

Are you reading a book? 你正在看书吗?

Is the dog playing? 小狗正在玩耍吗?

What are you doing?



说明︰主词(人)正在做什么?主词(人)正在。注意:祈使句的动词只能用原形,不可造现在进行式;表示瞬间产生的动作的动词词组,如 sit down,stand up,不可造现在进行式.

What am I doing? You are reading a book. 我正在做什么? 你正在阅读一本书。

What are the girls doing? They are singing. 姑娘们正在做什么? 她们在唱歌。

What is Bill writing? He is writing a letter. 比尔在写什么? 他在写一封信。

How old are you?

结构︰问句:How old+be 动词+主词(某人)?

答句:主词(某人)+be 动词+year(s) old.

说明︰此句型意为某人几岁?某人是岁。该句型中,疑问词要用 how,不可用 what;且 be 动词(am,is,are)要和后面的主词(某人)配合;答句中的year(s) old可以省略。

How old are you? I am twelve (years old)。 你几岁?我十二岁。

How old is your sister? She is thirteen years old. 你的姊妹几岁?她十三岁。

How old is John? He is one year old. 约翰几岁?他一岁。

What time is it?

结构︰问句:What time is it?

答句:It is+数字+oclock.

说明︰此句型意为现在是几点钟?现在是点钟。问句中 what 当形容词,修饰后面的名词 time;time 当时间解时,只能用单数,不可用复数。

What time is it? It is ten oclock. 现在是几点钟?现在是十点钟。

What time is it? It is six oclock. 现在是几点钟?现在是六点钟。

What time is it? It is nine oclock. 现在是几点钟?现在是九点钟。

Do you + V ?




说明︰肯定句中,如有一般动词(speak,work,teach),则在句首加助动词 do 或 does,并将一般动词改为原形动词(不加s或es),即构成疑问句.

Do you speak English? Yes, I do. (No, I dont.)


Does she have a cat? Yes, she does. (No, she doesnt.)


Do they work in office? Yes, they do. (No, they dont.)


What time do you + V ?

结构︰问句:What time+do/does+主词+原形动词?


说明︰此句型意为某人几点做某事?助动词 do 或 does 的选择依主词而定,若主词为第三人称单数,用 does;其它用 do.

What time do you get up? I usually get up at six. 你几点起床?我通常六点起床。

What time does he go to bed? He usually goes to bed at ten.他几点就寝?他通常十点就寝。

What time does your class begin? It begins at eight-ten.


What day is today?

结构︰问句:What day is today?


说明︰此句型意为今天是星期几?今天是星期日/星期一/。it 可用于指星期的名称,但 this或 that 不可以;一星期七天的名称,都是专有名词,开头的首字母要大写,前面不加冠词.

What day is today? Its Sunday. 今天是星期几?今天是星期日。

What day is today? Its Wednesday. 今天是星期几?今天是星期三。

What day is today? Its Saturday. 今天是星期几?今天是星期六。

How many N are there

结构︰问句:How many+复数名词+are there in/on+名词?

答句:There is/are+单数(复数)名词+in/on+名词。

说明︰此句型意为在某处有多少?在某处有。该句型中,many 修饰复数名词;又因本句型是 疑问句,故用 are there,不可用 there are.

How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year.

一年有几个季节? 一年有四季。

How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week.

一星期有几天? 一星期有七天。

How many lessons are there in this book? There are twelve lessons in this book.

这本书里有几课? 这本书里有十二课。

How many do you have?

结构︰问句:How many+复数名词+do/does+主词+have?


答句:主词+dont/doesnt have+复数名词。

说明︰How many后面接复数可数名词,复数名词的前面可用 many,a lot of,a few,some,few,any,no 等修饰。

How many books do you have? I have a lot of books. (I dont have any books.)

你有几本书? 我有许多书。(我没有书。)

How many sweaters do you have? I have three sweaters. (I dont have any sweaters.)

你有几件毛衣? 我有三件毛衣。(我没有毛衣。)

How many friends does she have? She has a lot of friends. (She doesnt have many friends.)

她有几个朋友? 她有许多朋友。(她没有许多朋友。)

How much do you have?

结构︰问句:How much+单数不可数名词+do/does+主词+have?


答句:主词+dont/doesnt have+单数不可数名词。

说明︰How much后面接单数不可数名词,单数不可数名词前面可用 much, a little,some,little,any,no 等修饰。

How much tea does he have? He has a lot of tea. (He doesnt have any tea.)

他有多少茶? 他有很多茶。(他没有茶。)

How much homework do they have? They have a lot of homework. (They dont have much homework.) 他们有多少家庭作业? 他们有许多家庭作业。(他们没有许多家庭作业。)

How much fruit do they have? They have a lot of fruit. (They dont have a lot of fruit.)

他们有多少水果? 他们有许多水果。(他们没有许多水果。)

How much do(es) cost?

结构︰How much do(es)+某物+cost?

说明︰此句型意为某物值多少钱?。how much 用来询问商品的价格。还可以写作:How much+ be 动词+某物?。

How much does this computer cost? (=How much is this computer?)这部计算机值多少钱?

How much do the vegetables cost? 这些蔬菜值多少钱?

How much do the movie tickets cost? 这些电影票值多少钱?

Did V


说明︰将肯定句中的过去式改为Did+原形动词,并将 Did 放在句首,句尾用问号,即构成过去式的疑问句.

Did he clean the room yesterday? 他昨天打扫房间吗?

Did she wash the skirt yesterday? 她昨天洗这裙子吗?


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