What could be better on a numbingly cold winter night than a hot pot to warm your heart? Eating hot pot is not simply about dipping small pieces of food into boiling liquid, it’s also an opportunity to have a great time with friends gathered around a simmering pot. Here we bring you hot pot ideas from around the world, so that you and your friends can enjoy these exotic flavors at home or (if allowed) in your dormitory. 严寒冬日,有什么能比火锅更暖人心呢?吃火锅不仅仅意味着在热气腾腾中涮锅锅,同时也让人们有机会和朋友围坐在火锅旁其乐融融。在这里我们为您奉上来自世界各地的火锅创意,这样一来你和朋友在家或寝室(如果允许的话)便可以享用异国美食了! Cheese fondue, Switzerland 瑞士奶酪火锅 A heaving pot of bubbling cheese with bite-sized bread and vegetables to dip into it, that’s what hot pot in Switzerland is about. The dish bears a French name: fondue. 一锅沸腾的奶酪,再加上切成小块的面包和蔬菜,这就是瑞士火锅。这道没有有一个法文名字:fondue,意思是奶酪热蘸锅。 Legend has it that the cheese fondue was created by two shepherds in the Alps. Whether or not that’s true, one thing is for sure: the Swiss are credited with creating the fondue. It is always served as a main dish in the country, not as an appetizer or as part of a multi-course meal. 传说奶酪火锅是由两位住在阿尔卑斯山的牧羊人发明的。不管传闻真假,有一件事可以肯定:瑞士是奶酪火锅的发源地。一直以来,奶酪火锅都是瑞士人餐桌上一道主菜,而不是开胃菜或是套餐的一部分。 But beware, the etiquette for eating fondue forbids double dipping. And if a person drops their bread into the cheese they must kiss the person to their left. Or you could drop it on purpose if you happen to fancy the person next to you. 食用奶酪火锅时要注意餐桌礼仪,切记不要蘸食两次。如果有人将面包掉入奶酪中,那么他/她必须亲吻坐在自己左边的人。或者如果你恰巧钟情于身边的人,那么也可以故意失手哦。 Chocolate fondue, US 美式巧克力火锅 Americans love fondue parties. With the number of different seasonings available today, there are fondues made out of beef, prawns and even scallions. But chocolate fondue is by far the most famous. 美国人喜爱各种火锅派对。如今的火锅种类可谓五花八门,有牛肉火锅、对虾火锅甚至葱火锅。但是巧克力火锅是迄今为止最著名的一种。 The dish, in which fresh fruit is dipped into a hot, rich, creamy chocolate sauce, was born in a long-lost New York restaurant called Chalet Suisse in the 1960s. It has since become one of the most popular dessert options for parties. 上世纪六十年代,这道用新鲜水果搭配香浓丝滑热巧克力酱的美食诞生于纽约一家名为Chalet Suisse的餐厅之中,如今这家餐厅已经不复存在了。自面世之后,它便成为派对上最受欢迎的甜品。 The most common and traditional chocolate fondue dipper is strawberries. Bananas, blackberries and pears also go well with hot chocolate. You could even try some more unconventional dippers, like potato chips. 最大众也最为传统的巧克力火锅涮品要数草莓。而香蕉、黑莓以及梨也都是搭配热巧克力的上上之选。你甚至可以尝试一下一些特别的涮品,譬如薯片。 Chanko nabe, Japan 日式相扑火锅 This hearty, protein-rich Japanese-style hot pot dish is famous for being the principal source of energy for the country’s sumo wrestlers. But don’t worry, you would have to eat a serious amount of this special hot pot before you become as big as them! 这道十分丰盛且高蛋白的日式火锅是日本相扑选手的主要热量来源,也因此而闻名于世。但别担心,除非你食量惊人,否则才不会成为像相扑选手那样的大块头! A traditional chanko nabe usually contains a dashi or chicken broth soup base with sake or mirin to add flavor. Vegetables and meat are then cooked in the soup. 传统的相扑火锅通常选用鱼汤或鸡汤作为汤底,并加入清酒或甜米酒提味儿。然后再将肉类与蔬菜放入其中烹制。 During sumo tournaments, this hot pot is served exclusively with chicken meat. This is because a sumo wrestler should always stand on two legs like a chicken, not on all fours. Of course, you are free to replace chicken meat with any other meat or seafood. 在相扑锦标赛期间,相扑火锅专门选用鸡肉为主料。这是因为相扑选手需要一直像雄鸡一样双腿直立,而不是四脚着地。当然,你可以随心所欲地用其他肉类或海鲜来代替鸡肉。
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