当主要矛盾解决的时候,次要矛盾就迎刃而解;集中优势兵力;各个歼灭敌人,以消灭敌人的有生力量为主,毛爷爷的战略思想同样适用雅思口语备考,雅思口语第二部分大约50张卡片;一类重点20-30张卡片。 小鹏哥的预测综合了全国雅思考生的回忆:口语第一部分考生三句话到五句话左右简洁回答,不难应付。口语第三部分为第二部分卡片描述的拓展提问,大概问五到八个问题左右,也不难应付。难点就是卡片描述,因为卡片描述不预先准备可能没有思路和精彩语料库。 薛鹏老师原创的雅思口语预测覆盖到全部口语新题以及回暖旧题卡片,不仅上传word文档的细节提问还有第三部分的追加提问电子版,简洁版的思路拓展。助烤鸭一臂之力,小鹏哥一路伴你同行。欢迎期待博友烤鸭私信联系,所有卡片小鹏哥准备有精彩个性的口语答语;小鹏哥对于口语的精彩语料库输出如同写作一样可以帮助考生博取高分。加油,努力,坚持。 小鹏哥一个人的战斗状态: 他看了一眼远方,又低下头,继续走路 PS. 语料库和思路拓展正在紧急筹备中,敬请期待! 最高频雅思口语卡片:适合全国考生: 薛鹏预测:家庭庆祝 Describe a family celebration that you attended. 1. When and where this celebration was held ? 2. What you did in this celebration? 3. Who you celebrated the event with? 4. And explain why this celebration was held.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. Are weddings considered very important in your country? 2. Where are wedding ceremonies held? 3. Who officiates weddings in your country? 4. Do you think its important to marry someone who has the same of level education as you do? 5. Why do you think there are more people these days who get married at a later age than they used to? 薛鹏预测: 梦想的家 Describe a beautiful place where you want to have a home 1. Where this place is ? 2. How you come to know about this place ? 3. What work you would do in this place ? 4. And explain why you would choose to live there.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. What is the difference between a house and home? 2. In your home, how many rooms do you have? 3. Do you have your own room? How does it look like? 4. Do you think children should have their own rooms? 5. How do children benefit from sharing a room with others? 6. Is privacy important? How is it important? 7. Do you think people have enough privacy today? 8. Have the rooms in peoples houses changed much compared to the rooms of your parents time? 9. How do you think rooms will change in the future? 10. What do you think of people who decorate their houses in a very flamboyant manner? 薛鹏预测:游览过的城市 Describe a city that you have visited that has left a good impression on you. 1. Where the city was ? 2. When you went there ? 3. What you liked disliked about the city ? 4. And explain why you visited this city or why this city had left a good impression on you.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. Why do so many people want to travel to the city you have just mentioned in Part 2? 2. What materials did you use to get information about this city? Where did you get them? How did you get them? 3. Which do you think is a better place to live in the city, village or countryside? 4. Are the educational facilities in the countryside as good as those in the cities? 5. What kinds of people like city life? 6. Compare people who live in cities with people who live in rural areas. What are their differences and similarities? 7. What are the advantages of living in a city for families with children? Are there any disadvantages? 8. What are some of the most serious problems associated with living in big cities? 薛鹏预测:国家好法律: Describe a good law in your country. 1. What the law is ? 2. How you first learned about this law ? 3. Who benefits from this law ? 4. And explain why you think this is a good law.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. What are some of the ways to encourage people to obey the law? 2. Do you think there are some circumstances when it is okay to break the law? 3. Do many people in China like to become police officers? 4. What personal qualities skills do people need to have to become a police officer? 5. What jobs would most people prefer to have in order to become a police officer or a lawyer? 6. How do you think the police officers and lawyers play different roles in connection to the law? 7. What areas should international laws cover? 8. Do you think the international law is useful? Effective? Necessary? 9. Do you think it is suitable to have exactly the same laws for every country? 薛鹏预测:买了闲置的东西 Describe something you bought but you dont often use 1. What it is ? 2. When and where you bought it ? 3. What it is used for ? 4. Why you bought it ? 5. And explain why you dont often use it.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. Do people in your country like to go shopping? 2. Do many people buy things in street markets? 3. What do you think are pros and cons of shopping in a large department store? 4. What are the similarities and differences between buying something in a shopping mall and buying something online? 5. In your opinion, what is more important when you buy something? Is it the price or the quality of the product? 6. Do you often use recyclable products? 7. In your country, is recycling considered important? 8. Have peoples attitudes toward recycling changed in recent years? In what way? 薛鹏预测:第一个手机: Describe your first mobile phone 1. You should say ? 2. When you got it ? 3. How you got it ? 4. What you used it for? 5. And explain how you felt when you got it? Part 3追加提问: 1. What is the importance of having a mobile phone these days? 2. What kinds of people use mobile phones? 3. Do many old people use mobile phones? 4. Do you think old people find it easy to use a cellphone? 5. At what age do people in your country usually get their first cellphone? 6. Do you think there are downsides in using a cellphone? 7. What can someone do if they lost their cellphone? 8. What are some of the problems that people face as a result of losing their cellphone? 9. Do people use their cell-phones more for speaking or more for sending text messages? 薛鹏预测:一个有着有趣工作的人 Describe something that you know who has an interesting job. 1. Who this person is ? 2. How you know this person ? 3. What job he/she does ? 4. And explain why you think this persons job is interesting.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. In what ways do you think big and small companies are different and similar? 2. What types of companies prefer to hire university graduates? 3. What do you think of the working conditions in your country at the moment? 4. Do you think the working environment in your country is better nowadays or was it better in the past? 5. Do you think long working hours can have an effect on the families of employees? 6. How can working overtime affect peoples lives especially women? 7. Do you think it is reasonable or fair for people to have different salary levels? 8. What improvements do you think schools should make in order to identify the talents/potentials of their students? 9. Is it very difficult for recent university graduates in your country to find a job? 10. How do people find or get a job in your country? 11. What are the main qualities that employers want or require their employees to have? 薛鹏预测:外国名人 Describe a famous person not living in your country who you would like to meet 1. Who person is ? 2. How you know this person ? 3. What kind of person he/she is ? 4. What made him/her famous ? 5. And explain why you would like to meet him/her ? Part 3 追加提问: 1. If you meet that person you just spoke about, what will you say to him/her? 2. In what ways do people become famous? 3. Why do some people stay famous for just a short time while other people stay famous for a long time? 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous? 5. Why do you think many companies like to use famous people to endorse their products in advertisements? 6. What benefits do famous people have in their country? 7. How can famous people use their fame to help other people? 8. When a young person thinks of a famous person as an idol or a hero, what effects do this have on this young person or child? 9. Do you think a country needs internationally famous people to represent the country? 薛鹏预测:童年学校: Describe a school you have attended in your childhood 1. Where it was ? 2. What the classrooms were like ? 3. What the teachers were like ? 4. And explain why you would like to learn in that school ? Part 3 追加提问: 1. For children these days, do you think it is easier to make friends in a small school or a large school? 2. Do you think it is easier for kids to make friends when they are in primary school or in high school or secondary school? 3. In addition to teaching academic subjects, what roles do you think schools should play? 4. Do you think schools have the responsibility to teach social skills to children? 5. What are the qualities of a good teacher? 6. How do you think the educational system in China could be improved? 7. In China, are there any differences between schools in the cities and schools in rural areas? What are these? 8. Besides schools, what other places can people go to learn something from? 9. Do you think there is too much pressure on students these days, which has something to do with school? 薛鹏预测:遗忘时刻: Describe a time when you forget something 1. What you forgot? 2. Where and when you forgot it ? 3. What you were doing at that time? 4. And explain how you felt after you forgot it.? Part 3追加提问: 1. Do you often forget things? Why? 2. Why do people forget things? 3. What are some things that people most often forget? Why do they forget these things? 4. Who do you think are more forgetful, the younger ones or the older ones? 5. What are the consequences of forgetting things? 6. What techniques can help people improve their memory? How can these techniques help improve their memory? 薛鹏预测:高智商的人: Describe an intelligent person that you know. 1. Who this person is? 2. When and where you first met her/him? 3. What kind of person he/she is? 4. And explain why you think this person is intelligent? Part 3追加提问: 1. Do you think its important for people to be intelligent? Why? 2. Is there a difference between being intelligent and being smart? In what ways are they similar or different? 3. Which would you rather be, intelligent or clever? Why? 4. What do you think is the difference between the intelligence of a computer and that of a human? 5. Do you think computers might one day be more intelligent than humans? How can this be possible? 6. Do you think there are more highly intelligent children nowadays compared to the past? What percentage of the population in your country is intelligent? 7. Do you think its best for these highly intelligent children to go normal schools or do you think they should go to special schools? Why? 8. What games that you know can help children become more intelligent? Are they really helpful? In what way? 薛鹏预测:一则广告 Describe an unforgettable advertisement that you saw, heard or liked 1. Where you saw or heard it ? 2. What kind of advertisement it was ? 3. What the advertisement was about ? 4. And explain how you felt when you saw or heard this.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. In general, what are the pros and cons of advertising? 2. In what ways do advertisements influence people? 3. What are the different forms of advertising that you know? How do they differ from each other? 4. Some people say that the high cost of advertising adds to the price of products and that if advertising was banned, it could make products cheaper. Do you agree? Why? 5. What is your understanding of brand credibility? Do you think it is important? 6. Do you think the brand of a product is important to people? Why? 7. For manufacturers, what are the advantages of having a well-known brand name? 薛鹏预测:忙碌时光: Describe a time when you were very busy 1. When this time was ? 2. What you did at that time ? 3. How you managed your time ? 4. And explain how you felt during this busy time.? Part3 追加提问: 1. Do you manage your time effectively? How do you do it? 2. Do you think its important to live an organized life? 3. How do you do think busy people manage their time? 4. Do you think modern technology helps people become more efficient with their time? How can it help people become more organized? 5. Do you follow a certain time table? Why? 6. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having a time table? 7. Do you like drawing up detailed plans? 8. What are the advantages of making plans? 9. What do you usually do during your free time? 10. Do you prefer sedentary or dynamic leisure time? 薛鹏预测:异地文化 Describe a place you visited to learn another culture 1. Where you went ? 2. What you learned ? 3. How you learned it ? 4. And explain how you felt about the culture ? Part3 追加提问: 1. Do you think its important to know about other cultures? Why? 2. What do you think is the best way to learn about a foreign culture? 3. Do you think that learning foreign languages can help us understand foreign cultures? How can we undestand a culture when we study a foreign language? 4. Do you think its better to go overseas to study a foreign language or is it better to study it in your home country? Why? 5. What is your understanding of the term globalization? Is it good or bad? 6. Can globalization help people around the world become united? How can this help? 薛鹏预测:童年礼物: Describe a present or gift you received when you were a child 1. What the present was 2. Who gave it to you 3. How you used it 4. And explain how you felt when you got this present.
Part3 追加提问: 1. Do you think it is important to give gifts? Why? 2. Do Chinese people often give gifts? On what occasions do they usually give gifts? Why? 3. What is the value of giving presents to people? 4. What kinds of gifts are the most suitable for friends to give each other? 5. What factors do people consider when buying a gift for friends? 6. Compare the kinds of gifts that boys like with those that girls like. 7. Are expensive gifts always better than the cheaper ones? 8. Do men and women have the same attitudes towards gift giving? In what ways are they similar or different? 9. What do you consider in buying gifts for babies and children? 薛鹏预测:想学的第二外语 Describe another language that you would like to learn 1. The name of this language ? 2. How you would learn it ? 3. What difficulties you think you might have when learning this language and explain why you would like to learn this language? Part 3 追加提问: 1. Do many people in China study a second foreign language? 2. What other languages do you think they would like to learn? 3. Why do you think some people are better than others at learning a foreign language? 4. How would you assess your ability to learn a second foreign language? 5. Do you think children can learn a foreign language faster than adults? 6. Who do you think is better at learning a language, boys or girls? 7. If you were an English teacher, how would you try to make your lessons appealing to your students? 8. How does studying a foreign language help people understand the culture of the people who speak that language? 9. What would be the advantages and the disadvantages of having a global language? 薛鹏预测:积极的经历 Describe a positive experience when you were a teenager 1. Where and when you experienced it ? 2. What you did ? 3. Who you experienced it with ? 4. And explain why this experience was positive for you.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. What are some of the changes that people experience throughout their lives? 2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of experiencing changes? 3. Can change help people become stronger or weaker? In what ways? 4. Do you think it is a good idea to change jobs frequently? Why? 5. What are some possible problems that people face as a result of changing jobs? 6. Do young people in your country spend much time with old people? Why? 7. Do you think spending time with old people would be good for the younger ones? How? 8. What can younger generation learn from the older generation? 9. What are the differences between young people and elderly people in your country? 薛鹏预测:转学或搬家的经历: Describe a time when you moved to a new school or home. 1. When you moved ? 2. Where you moved from and where you moved to ? 3. Why you moved ? 4. And explain how you felt about this move.? Part3 追加提问: 1. What are some of the various reasons why people move to a new home? 2. What are the benefits and downsides of moving from one house to another? 3. What effects does moving have on people? 4. Who do you think can better adapt after moving, children or adults? 5. Do you think elderly people can easily adapt to a new environment? 6. Why are there some parents who move their children from one school to the other? 7. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of transferring schools? 8. How can this move affect children? 薛鹏预测:历史建筑: Describe a historical building you have visited 1. What and where it is ? 2. When you went there ? 3. Who you went with there? 4. Why you went there ? 5. And explain how you felt about this building.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. What types of historical places do people in your country most often visit? 2. Who do you think should pay for the maintenance or reparation of historical sites, should it be the government or should it be charged to the visitors by asking them entrance fees? Why? 3. Which do you think is better, having the government own and pay for the maintenance of historical buildings or having investors own them? Why? 4. What is the difference between personally visiting a historical building or just reading or looking at some pictures and articles in the Internet or books? Which do you think is better between the two? 5. Do you think studying history has benefits for children or young people? What are the benefits they can get from this? 6. Do you think it is a waste of money for the government to maintain historical buildings? Why? 7. What are the characteristics of traditional Chinese architecture? What makes it distinct from all other kinds of architecture in the world? 薛鹏预测:喜爱的公园或者花园 Describe a park /garden you visited that has impressed you 1. The name of this garden ? 2. Where it was located ? 3. What it looked like ? 4. What people did there ? 5. And explain what you felt towards this garden.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. Are public gardens very important in China? Why? 2. Do you think these gardens are the most important places for people to relax? How can people unwind in these places? 3. Do you think the government should spend more money on public gardens in cities, villages, small towns and in the countryside? Why? 4. Between vegetables and flowers, which do you think would be better to plant in your garden should you have one? Why? 5. What do people in China like to do outside parts of their homes, for example on their balcony or in their backyard? 薛鹏预测:有问题的设备: Describe a problem with equipment that you cant solve. 1. What the equipment is ? 2. What the problem is ? 3. What you do with it ? 4. And explain how you felt when you cant solve the problem.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. What things are necessary for people to live besides computers? 2. Do people need to buy a new one or just mend it when something is broken? 3. Why do people buy new things? 4. What are the reasons why something gets broken? 薛鹏预测:有用建议 Describe a situation when you received some useful advice. 1. What the situation was ? 2. Who gave the advice ? 3. What the advice was ? 4. And explain how useful this advice to you was.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. In what situation do young people or children need advice? 2. Do you think the advice from young peoples parents is important? 3. What value do people put on the advice given by older people? 4. What advice do parents usually give to their children? 5. Do young people always take the advice from their parents? 6. Which advice do you think is more important, the advice from parents or from friends? 7. Do you think it is part of a teachers job or is it one of his/her responsibility to give advice to his/her students? 8. Do people ever get advice from strangers? 9. Why do some people give advice to strangers? 10. What do professional advisers give to people in the society? 薛鹏预测: 助人为乐 Describe a situation when you helped someone 1. What the situation was ? 2. Who the person was ? 3. Why you helped him/her ? 4. And explain how you felt after helping him/her.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. In your view, should children be taught how to help others? 2. How can we encourage children to help other people? 3. Do you think people are less willing to help others these days as compared in the past? Why? 4. Do people today trust others as much as they used to in the past? 5. What are the charitable institutions that you know in your country and in the world? How can these organizations help people? 6. Some organizations get volunteer workers. What do you think are the benefits of getting volunteers to work for some charitable organizations? 7. Would you also do volunteer jobs? Why? 8. What kinds of people do you think need help? How will you help them? 9. What are some examples of international aid? How can these aids help people in need? 薛鹏预测:喜剧演员 Describe a comic actor or a cartoon character who is popular in your country 1. Who the actor/character is ? 2. What the actor/character does in the comic/cartoon ? 3. How you know the actor/character ? 4. And explain why you like this actor/character or why the actor/character is popular.? Part 3 追加提问: 1. Do people in your country like to imitate celebrities? Why? 2. What qualifications do celebrities need to have? Why are these important? 3. How do celebrities become famous? 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of children imitating superstars? 5. What kinds of shows do you think are suitable for children? 6. How do you think childrens shows affect their behavior? 7. Which do you think is more important to actors, good appearance or talent? 8. Do you think actors/actresses make too much money? Is it affair? Why? 薛鹏预测:分享课程 Describe a subject that you want to share with others 1. What it is ? 2. How long you have studied this subject ? 3. Who you like to introduce this subject to ? 4. And explain why you would like to do that ? Part 3 追加提问: 1. What is adult education? Is it popular in your country? 2. Why do you think some adults choose to study further after finding a job? 3. Do you think seeking further studies is important? Why? 4. Do you think the government should invest more on education? Why? 5. There are some people who do not have enough money to support their studies. What do you think should they do? 6. Is it difficult to be a teacher in your country? Why? 7. What difficulties do teachers in your country face? 8. How can they overcome these problems? 9. What are the differences between online courses and traditional courses? 10. Do you think it is better to study online or in the classroom? Why? 薛鹏预测:一场比赛 Describe a competition you would like to take part in. 1. What it is ? 2. How much it would cost you to join this competition ? 3. How you would practice for it ? 4. And explain why you would like to take part in this competition ?. Part 3 追加提问: 1. What are some other examples of contests and competitions in your country? 2. Do/Did you join any of them? Why? 3. What is the most popular competitive game in your country? Why is this popular? Who plays this game? 4. What motivates the competitors in this game or sport? 5. What benefits do people acquire from taking part in competitive games or sports? 6. Do you think competitions are good for children to take part in? How can they help them? 7. How can you relate sports to work ethics? 8. Can competitive sports help companies to motivate their employees to perform better? 9. What do you think a company could do to motivate the employees to work better? 薛鹏预测:重要来信 Describe an important letter you received 1. Who wrote it ? 2. What the letter was about ? 3. How you felt about the letter ? 4. And explain why it was important. ? Part 3 追加提问: 1. What kinds of letters do you write? 2. Do you often write letters to your family and relatives? Why? 3. Is it important for us to read letters that were written years ago? What can we get from them? 4. What can we learn from looking at handwritten letters that are written hundreds of years ago? 5. How has modern science and technology changed letter writing? 6. What is the difference between sending letters and calling clients about a business proposal? 7. What are the differences between business letters and personal letters? 薛鹏预测: 旅游胜地 Describe a tourist site in your country that you enjoyed visiting. 1. What and where it is ? 2. What it looked like ? 3. What you did there ? 4. Who you went with ? 5. And explain why you enjoyed it or why you think people are attracted to that place.? Part3 追加提问: 1. What is the current state of the tourism industry in China? 2. Do you think there are different types of tourists? In what way are they different from each other? 3. In China, what are the different places that tourists can visit? Why do people visit them? 4. Do people in China prefer to visit old places or modern tourist attractions? Why? 5. Do people prefer to visit urban or rural areas? Why? 6. What is the difference between the tourist attractions in urban areas and in rural areas? 7. Do you think historical sites are important places for tourists to visit? Why? 8. In addition to economic reasons, what are the other benefits of developing the countrys tourism industry? 9. What can you suggest to improve the tourism industry in your country?
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