1.a: Your Work
What work do you do
Why did you choose that job *
What are your responsibilities at work
What is the most interesting part of your work*
Is your job very important to you *
Would you like to change your job*
Tell me about your typical daily routine at work. *
How do you and your work colleagues help each other at work
Do you often get together with your colleagues after work
1.b: Your Studies
What subject are you studying
Why did you choose to study that
Where do you study
Do you like your university/school
Does your university specialize in any particular subject/area*
Is there anyone who helps you at university/school
Do you often get together with your classmates after classes
2. Your Hometown
Whereabouts did you grow up
Is that a city or is it in the countryside*
Do you still live there
Does your family still live there
What kind of place is your hometown *
How has your hometown changed in recent years
What part of your hometown do you like best
Whats the most famous place in your hometown
Note: One of the two topics above is a compulsory topic.
3. Secondary school
Note 1: It seems that you could be asked about your secondary school studies even if you are working now or a university student now. However, if you are a university student and if you answered 1b, above, you probably will not get these questions. Everyone should prepare for this topic because if you get Hometown as your first topic, Secondary School is possible as one of your other topics.
Note 2: Secondary school means the same as high school. Unlike China and the U.S.A., most students in Britain and Australia go to one school from the age of about 12 to 18, called secondary school . However, there are also a small number of Junior High Schools and Senior High Schools in Britain and Australia.
What subjects did you study in secondary school *
What was your favourite subject in secondary school
And which class did you like the least
Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life
What part of your secondary school education did you enjoy most?
4. Leisure Time
When do you have free time
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