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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  153. At first glance , the characteristics of Bugs Bunny seem comical . However, a closer examination reveals the cartoon character never creates a problem, and instead simply hopes for quiet and peaceful life. This suggests that cartoons most often teach children the difference between good and evil.  乍一看,流氓兔的性格似乎滑稽。然而,仔细观察发现这个卡通人物从不制造麻烦,相反,它只希望过安静平和的生活。这说明卡通在大多数情况下教授给儿童好与坏之间的区别。

  154. Logically, calls for a New World Order sound valid, and I whole-heartedly agree with some points, but the absurdity arises when considering that the worlds 200-odd nations have diverse agendas when it comes to development and diplomacy.  从逻辑而言,要求形成新的世界秩序听似正确,而且我真心实意地同意一些观点,但是,考虑到世界上二百余个国家在发展和外交上有不同的议事日程,这种要求就显得荒谬了。

  155. In spite of claims to the contrary, it is common knowledge that corporal punishment most often has the exact opposite affect intended.  尽管有相反的主张,但是大家都知道体法在多数情况下产生适得其反的效果。

  156. We were brought up to believe that the role of a man was to provide and the role of a woman was to care for the household and family. Today, however, role reversal is becoming increasingly commonplace.  我们从小就相信男人的角色是提供生活所需,女人的角色是照顾家庭和子女。然而,今天,角色的互换变得越来越普遍。

  157. Some people tend to tenaciously cling to the misguided concept of racial superiority. Their persistence in doing so, however, does readily reveal the inferior mentality and social incompatibility of certain human beings.  一些人顽强地坚持种族优越性的错误观点。然而,他们坚持这样做正揭示了某些人自卑的心理和社会对立性。

  158. Some people claim the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine far exceeds that of Western-style pharmaceuticals. More often than not, however, the exact opposite is true.  有的人声称中药的功效远远好于西药。但是,通常情况下,事实正好相反。

  159. Workers commonly complain that causes for labor disputes rest solely on the shoulders of management. Quite likely the opposite is true.  工人经常抱怨劳资纠纷的责任完全在管理者的肩上。很可能正好相反。

  160. There are those who claim that competition brings out the best in people. Others contend it simply forces one person to prove he/she is better than another. Advocates vociferously support one position or the other. I suggest the former proposition bears greater relevance than the latter.  有些人认为竞争促使人们发挥出最优秀的东西。另一些人认为它只是强迫一个人证明他/她比别人更优秀。提倡者叫嚣着支持其中的一个立场。我认为前一个立场比后一个立场更恰当。

  161. Claiming something is true misses the point, while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness.  声称某样东西是正确的没有什么意义,而提出可以证实的事实能证明它的正确性。

  162. Suggesting that one thing ... is better than another thing ... bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white .  暗示一件东西比另一件东西更好比旁敲侧击地说黑比白好并没有更大的意义。  163. Ignoring cause and effect is exactly the same thing as failing to look both ways when crossing a busy intersection.  忽略因果就相当于横穿繁忙的十字路口时没有朝两边看。

  164. One who advocates the rights of homosexuals should not be surprised by the belligerent stance of opposition forces.  主张同性恋者的权利的人对反对力量的好战姿态不应感到奇怪。

  165. The greatest problem with political and religious zealots is their total inability to consider the views of others.  政治和宗教狂热者的最大问题在于他们完全不能考虑别人的观点。

  166. The basic stumbling block to global peace rests with the self-serving ambitions of many nations.  全世界和平的基本障碍物在于许多国家谋私利的野心。

  167. The overemphasis on one particular aspect of a problem often obscures the relevance of other issues.  过分强调问题的一个方面经常掩盖了其他方面的相关性。  168. Any presumption that smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous.  任何对抽烟不管怎样是有益的假设都是完全荒谬的。

  169. The fallacies of many arguments are quite obvious.  许多论证的推论错误是相当明显的。

  170. Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy. An even more foolish mistake would center on denying the need for extensive sex education programs worldwide.  武断地无视性乱行为的增多和性传播疾病的迅速蔓延之间的直接联系是鲁莽的。一个更愚蠢的错误是否认在世界范围内开展广泛的性教育项目的必要性。

  171. There is absolutely no reason for us to believe that a brighter future for the world is impossibility.  我们丝毫没有理由相信,世界不可能会有一个更光明的未来。

  172. Meteorologists offer computer models leaving little doubt that this years El Nino phenomenon has disappeared.  气象学家提供计算机模型,充分证明今年的厄尔尼诺现象已经消失了。

  173. Facts prove the unjustifiability of claims that China will be unable to feed itself by the year 2020.  事实证明:断言中国到2020年将不可能养活自己是不合道理的。

  174. Previous explanations of the rising divorce rate in China are simply untenable. The fact is that many marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands.  以前对中国离婚率升高的解释是完全站不住脚的。事实是许多婚姻仅仅建立在便利的基础上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。

  175. Claim that entering the Chinese market offers foreign companies an immediate road to profits are grossly misstated and have been proven wrong time and again . The key to entering China rests with the phraseology vast potential market, and how long one is willing to wait for returns.  声称进入中国市场会给外国公司带来立即获利的途径是非常错误的,事实已经一次次地证明了这一点。进入中国的关键在于广阔的潜在市场这一说法以及为了回报愿意等待多久。

  176. Parents are not wrong in enforcing good study habits, but they must not do so at the expense of stifling normal child development.  家长把好的学习习惯强加给孩子没有错,但是,他们这么做不能以抑制儿童的正常发展为代价。

  177. It is quite reasonable to assume that modern science and technology will continue to advance. It is no less reasonable to believe that ST will radically improve the way we live. However, the same reasoning cannot be applied to improving social interaction.  假定现代科学技术将继续进步是很有道理的。相信科技会大幅度地改变我们的生活方式也是同样有道理的。然而,同样的逻辑不能用于改善社会上的相互作用。

  178. Belief in the wonders of modern medical science is quite understandable. It is also quite possible that our faith in the ability of scientists to find the key for prolonging life is well-founded. Yet, the wisdom of prolonging life remains in question when considering the already massive global population and projected future growth.  相信现代医学的奇迹是可以理解的。很有可能我们相信科学家能够找到延长生命的关键也是有根据的。但是,考虑到已经非常庞大的世界人口和预计的未来的增长,延长生命是否明智仍有疑问。

  179. It is one thing to support euthanasia, but quite another to offer any justification for genocide.  支持安乐死是一回事,为种族灭绝提供正当的理由是另一回事。

  180. Claiming the need for censorship is one thing, but rationally proving its redeeming values represents a quite different issue.  主张审查制度的必要性是一回事,理智地证明它的可取之处是完全不同的另一回事。



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