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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Part I Writing

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

  1. 有人做好事期望得到回报;

  2. 有人认为应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报;

  3. 我的观点。

  Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?

  Lei Feng, a communist soldier, who devoted his limited life to the limitless cause of serving the people, has long been set as an outstanding example to encourage us to spare no efforts to help those in need, whereas, with the passage of time, people voice different opinions towards doing good deeds.

  Some insists A good turn deserves another, as the old saying goes, which indicates that a good deed ought to bring about a reward, the motivation or the stimulus for the favor. Meanwhile, others believe good deeds belong to voluntary work, purely out of willingness, which has nothing to do with expectation for rewards. As to me, good deeds are supposed to result from spontaneous reaction confronted with certain circumstances, ranging from giving up one seat to a silver-haired passenger aboard the bus, donating blood to the designated organization by Red Cross to traveling to the remote and poverty-stricken areas to serve as a volunteer for a whole year.

  In short, rewards are by no means the trigger or purpose for intention of conducting good deeds, no matter how trivial or stunning they are.


  Writing Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Digital Age. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.


  The Digital Age

  写作点拨: ①审题及布局。由题目和提示可知,这是一篇以叙述为主,议论为辅的文章。写作可以分三步来进行:第一步通过举例说明数字化产品的普及,数字时代的到来;第二步论述数字化产品对人们的影响,这一部分比较灵活,可以仅从正面或反面进行论述,也可以正反结合进行论述;最后总结全文,深化主题。 ②语言。本文是一篇叙述和议论相结合的文章,因此语言上要注意准确性,事例选用时要注意典型性;句式使用上要注意多样性,长短句结合,使用较复杂的句式,如从句、倒装句等;过渡自然,使用连接词或一些固定用法,力求文章流畅。

  The Digital Age

  Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced digital technology, more and more digital products are commonly and widely used in everyday life, ranging from computers and MP4s to mobile telephones and digital cameras. We are indeed coming into the digital age.

  The popularity of digital products will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand, the digital products really facilitate our life. With the help of computers, we may even deal with our work at home, enjoying music at the same time. With digital cameras, we may take photos to our hearts content, keeping happy occasions as a permanent memory. With digital TV programs, it is convenient for us to watch whatever programs at any time we like. But on the other hand, some people are becoming too dependent on digital products and almost becoming slaves of advanced technology. Nowadays some students even cannot calm down to study without wearing their MP4s and mobile phones at hand. What a terrible scene!

  To conclude, digital products are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them, always being the master of them.

  范文点评:开门见山描述社会现象:数字化产品得到广泛使用。使用rang from. . . to. . . 结构进行例证。总结概括社会现象。本段中心句,总述数字化产品给人们带来的影响。和使用on the one hand. . . on the other hand. . . 结构,从正、反两方面介绍数字化产品对人们的影响。 三个with引导的短语,构成排比句式,行文流畅。使用to conclude总结全文,深化主题。however形成对比,与第2段的论述形成呼应。



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