17.Wealth and Happiness
Everybody wants to get wealth. In todays material world, making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a persons success and capability. Many people just make every effort, pay any price to attain greater wealth. With money, they can but nice, large apartments in nice neighborhood; with money, they can own stately luxury cars. Wealth seems with money, they can own stately luxury cars. Wealth seems to bring all happiness in life. In my opinion, people cannot do anything without money, but money is not everything. What money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life. If you are kind enough to help others, especially the poor, money is a good thing to you. With it, you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country, and it will and to your own happiness. If you want money just for your own needs, youll never be satisfied or happy. In a word, you should have money spent for more people, only then can money be the source of your happiness.
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