Grades cant Say Everything For years many people have such thought that high grade means high ability. In order to get a satistying grade, students work hard everyday with almost no play. However, in my eyes, grades cant say everything. The following reasons can support the argument. Undoubtedly, high grades dont mean that one is excellent in everything. A case in point is that one may have a poor academic performance but show a great talent in music. Futhermore, grades can be affected by many uncertain factors, like students psychological state. For example, there are some excellent students who cant perform well just because they aare too nervous. Besides, sometimes some students cheat to get high grades, which account for nothing. All mentioned above tell us that in many cases grades cant measure ones ability accurately. And it is only and indicator to evaluate ones comprehensive ability. Therefore, we should no pay too much attention on high grades but should focus on developing a students comprehensive ability. 12. Man Proposes, God Disposes 框架搭建:通过审题可知这是一篇论证观点类作文,其基本的段落安排如下:第一段解释谋事在人,成事在天的含义,阐述其中蕴涵的道理;第二段举例论证该道理;第三段重申谚语的正确性,呼应第一段。 Man Proposes, God Disposes There is a widespread proverb, Man proposes, God disposes, which means that the planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. This proverb reflects a relation between success and luck, that is, we should always work hard in order to achieve our goal, though sometimes we may meet ucexpected things. Let me take English study for example. A student spends much time and energy on English, and he has good study habits. He is supposed to receive good grades in the examination. But suppose something unexpected, like illness, occurs, and his final score is far from ideal. Should he lose heart and become pessimistic? Of course not. What he should do is just keep it up, and next time luck will mostly probably favor him. From my point of view, luck does influence or even dominate us sometimes, but in any case we are the master of our own fortune. It is up to ourselves whether we want to go ahead or backward. As long as you insist working hard, your effort will pay in the long run.
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