2013年12月14日,即将迎来四六级改革后的第一次考试。笔者简单预测了12月的考试情况并总结了近三年的考试规律,供正在紧张复习的考生们参考。 对于今年12月的考试-- 1.难度上: 很难说以后的听力难度会有大幅下降的时候。很多做过历史真题的同学都会发现,近三年的考试总体难度其实是上升了。所以对于下次12月份的考试,我们需要有对于难度上的一个心理预期。可能下次12月份的考题更加具有挑战性。 2.内容上: 在普通场景和话题加强的基础上,也要重视这几年比较新的商务话题: 在这次长对话中和短对话里又都涉及到了商业的范畴。从2007年6月的长对话开始、包括去年和2011年,长对话都涉及到了商务话题,所以说这个内容应该是各位考生需要重视的了。 3.能力考查重点上: 在短对话部分,充分重视需要理解的人物意图和推断题。在长对话和短文的部分,需要尽量理解、注重同义替换和定位的作用,迎接句义理解替换上的难题出现。 总结过去的考题,总体来看,这三年的考题听力部分有以下几个显著特点。 对基础强调加重 近年考试听力部分的一个显著特点是加强了对基础的考察。举刚过去的2013年6月考试为例,听力题目中出现了一些有分量的生词,很多考生会觉得熟悉但是一下子难以想到意思,如compartment,distorted,exaggerated,dictating machine,prescription,price range,maternity leave等。 再往前回忆2011年12月的考试,涉及到了如a fractured ankle 骨折的脚踝、ward 病房、campaign 商业宣传活动、trade fair 商品交易会、initial proposal 最初的提议、extension 延期、prime minister 首相、headline 头条资讯、cabinet meeting 内阁会议、space shuttle 航天飞船、routine mission 常规任务,等比较困难的词汇。 2012年6月份的题目同样涉及到了重要的场景和常见的场景代表词汇。如:spine脊椎、ballet芭蕾舞团、conflict in her schedule时间安排上的冲突、drain排水、a bit short on cash手头钱不够、vegetarian素食者、generosity慷慨大方、lever控制杠杆、resort胜地、mineral water矿泉水、Chamber of Commerce商会、stray走失流浪、recession-stricken受经济衰退影响的、interracial不同种族间的、 intriguing有趣的、problematic有疑问的、convict证明有罪、jury陪审团、testimony证词、eyewitness 目击证人。 而对此的建议是,各位考生可以结合基础的场景词和真题中的高频词把基础夯实,并结合考题来练习,不要出现明显的短板。 短对话题型变化: 一,审题压力增大 前几年考试中,大部分的短对话选项是几乎没有审题压力的,在单词量适当的情况下,只有一些复杂或需要翻译的选项会给考生带来紧张。但是近三年来,听力部分的选项明显变得复杂了,无论从选项的结构上看还是选项的长度上看,考生的审题压力增大了。很多考生都认为审题完成才有做对答案的可能,虽然事实未必如此,但如此一来选项未看完带来的紧张感会使一些同学乱了阵脚,把本可能答对的题也听错了。 应对方法:提高阅读速度、扩大词汇量,通过真题练习,高效完成有效的审题,并练习划重点。 二,对于投机取巧打击加重 几乎大部分四六级考生心中都会有对于听力的这样一句话叫短对话听啥不选啥,也就是视听反向,考生们会发现,这句话越来越不那么好用了。事实上,近些年来的几次考试,出题人都在尽量避免钻空子的发生。2010年以后的短对话中非常明显的一个特点就是人物意图题和推断题增多。这类题的问题如 What does the man mean?/ What does the woman imply?/ What can we learn/ infer from this conversation? / What do we know about ... from this conversation?等。同学们仍旧要警惕在今年12月考试中此类题目会以压倒性比重在短对话中出现。 应对方法:找出历年真题中此类题目练习,体会共性和出题要点。 三,同义替换的难度加大 在几年前的考题中,同义替换往往是词之间完成的,如assume, expect, think之间的替换,switch to, change, convert之间的替换,suit and tie和dress formally之间的替换。而近三年的听力中同义替换更注重语义上的转换。 举刚过去的2013年6月考试听力短对话为例: 分别出现:12. Affordable housing is rare in this city.替换He has difficulty finding affordable housing. 13. Oh, thats your number for the new photocopier. It acquires an access code everyone got one.替换A code number is necessary to run the copy machine. 14. And since she wants to go back to work, Ive decided to take a year off to raise the baby.替换He will stop work to take care of the baby.15. Well, OK. It looks like everyone in town came to the mall today.替换The shopping center is flooded with people. 应对方法:理解语句的意思、提高语法基础,熟记常见的同义、近义词组。 长对话和短文题型变化: 总的来看,近三年长对话和短文中细节题变得更难、推断题增多。 三年以前题目中的长对话和短文都是在细节题上为大家友情送分。近几次考试中长对话和短文不乏仍有简单题目,但是很多细节题变难,更有推断题增多。 如2013年6月考试第一篇短文--短文来自于Peter Svensson, AP Technology Writer ,是07年1月30号的yahoo news上发表的资讯。 Would you trust a robot to park your car? The question will confront New Yorkers in February as the citys first robotic parking opens in Chinatown. The technology has been successfully applied overseas, but the only other public robotic garage in the United States has been troublesome, dropping vehicles and trapping cars because of technical problems. Nonetheless, the developers of the Chinatown garage are confident with the technology and are counting on it to squeeze 67 cars in an apartment-building basement that would otherwise fit only 24, accomplished by removing a maneuver space normally required. A human-shaped robot wont be stepping into your car to drive it. Rather, the garage itself does the parking. The driver stops the car on a flat platform and gets out. The platform is lowered into the garage, and it is then transported to a vacant parking space by a computer-controlled device similar to an elevator that also runs sideways. There is no human supervision, but an attendant will be on hand to accept cash and explain the system to newly users. Parking rates will be attracted about $400 monthly or $25 per day, according to Ari Milstein, the director of planning for Automation Parking Systems, which is the U.S. subsidiary of a German company. This company has built automated garages in several countries overseas and in the United States for residents of a Washington, D.C. apartment building. 四道问题分别是: Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26. What do we learn about the robot parking in the U.S. so far? 27. What advantage does robotic parking have according to the developers? 28. What does the attendant do in the automated garage? 29. What does the company say about the parking rate? 其中前三道题是细节题。 第26题答案在文章开头,所谓的首句群出题,开头The technology has been successfully applied overseas, but the only other public robotic garage in the United States has been troublesome, dropping vehicles and trapping cars because of technical problems.在but这词的提示下,后面的信息尤为重要。机器人停车在海外是项很成功的技术,然而在美国却遇到了一些麻烦。得出答案A. It has not been very successful. 第27题答案继续定位在转折关系上。Nonetheless, the developers of the Chinatown garage are confident with the technology and are counting on it to squeeze 67 cars in an apartment-building basement that would otherwise fit only 24, accomplished by removing a maneuver space normally required. 机器人停车可以停进67辆车,普通情况只能停24辆车,由此选B. It increases parking capacity. 第28题考察了转折关系和同义替换,There is no human supervision, but an attendant will be on hand to accept cash and explain the system to newly users.在but之后出现答案,而原文的accept替换了collect,所以选A. Collect money and help new users. 第29题不再是细节题,Parking rates will be attracted about $400 monthly or $25 per day,可以用排除法排除错误选项,也可以看选项B. They will be discountable to regular customers.其中discountable的意思是可打折的,按每天25美元一个月30天来计算,应该正常是750美元每个月。而原文说 regular customers只需要400美元每个月。所以是可以打折了。答案选B. They will be discountable to regular customers.这道题想在考场上短时间做出来并不容易。 应对方法:首先,视听基本一致一定要结合同义替换。加强理解能力是关键。其次,尽量看完六级历史题目的所有短文部分的出题位置,会发现出题位置有明确的规律。这些在往期的文章中已有详尽的介绍。
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2011年实用口语练习:In the bookstore 在书店里
2011年实用口语练习:说客 拾人牙慧
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