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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  dawn 黎明,拂晓 work from dawn to dark

  dazzle (强光等)使目眩,耀眼:He was dazzled by his sudden success.

  deceive 欺骗,蒙蔽:deceive oneself

  decent 体面的,像样的:She didnt have a decent dress for the ball.

  decline 拒绝,谢绝:We sent him an invitation but he declined.

  decompose 分解,腐烂,腐败:decompose a compound into its elements.

  dedicate 奉献,把。。。用在(to): The doctor dedicated himself to finding a cure.

  deduce 演绎,推论:From her conversation, I deduced that she had a large family.

  define 解释,给。。。下定义: People define him as a genius.

  deform变形:Heat deforms plastic.

  defy 公然违抗,反抗:He was going ahead defying all difficulties.

  degenerate 衰退,堕落,变坏(into): Her eyesight degenerated with the years.

  deliberate 慎重的,深思熟虑的:The government is taking deliberate action to lower prices.

  delight 高兴,快乐:To the teachers great delight , all his students passed the examination.

  deliver 投递,传送,运输:deliver the mail

  demonstrate 论证,证明 :demonstrate a philosophical principle

  denote 表示,是。。。的标志,意思是:A frown often denotes displeasure.

  dense 稠密的,密集的:a dense forest

  deposit 存放: She deposited her bag in the cloakroom.

  depress 使沮丧,使消沉:That movie depressed me.

  deprive 剥夺,使丧失:deprive sb. of his property

  derive 取得,得到:He derived his enthusiasm for literature from his father.

  descend 下来,下降:Darkness descended too soon.

  deserve 应得,值得:The question deserves consideration.

  designate 指明,表明:designate boundaries

  desolate 荒芜的,不毛的:desolate land

  despise 蔑视,鄙视:He despises flattery.

  detach 拆卸:They detached their trailer and set up camp.

  detain 留住,担搁:be detained by business.

  detect (当场)发现(某人在干坏事):detect a student cheating

  deteriorate (使)恶化,变坏,退化: Relations between the two countries began to deteriorate.

  deviate 背离,偏离:deviate from the rule

  devote 将...献给(to):Mary devoted her life to caring for the sick.

  diagnose 诊断,判断:The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.

  dictate 口授,使听写:dictate a letter to a secretary

  differentiate 使不同,使有差别,区分,区别:differentiate varieties of plants

  diffuse 扩散(气体,液体等):The colors of the sunset were diffused across the sky.

  diminish 减少,降低:His illness diminished his strength.

  diplomat 外交家,外交官,圆滑的人:a career diplomat

  discard 丢弃,抛弃:discard an old pair of shoes

  discern 看出,觉察出:We could discern from his appearance that he was upset.

  disclose 揭露,透露,使公开:disclose information to sb.

  discharge 释放:The judge found him not guilty and discharged him.

  discount 把(价格,费用等)打折扣,削价出售:The store discounts 3 per cent on all bills paid when due.

  discriminate 区别,辨别:Its difficult to discriminate between the twin brothers.

  disgrace 丢脸,耻辱:bring disgrace on oneself

  disgust 厌恶,恶心:feel disgust for bad odors

  disperse 分散,驱散,散去:Police dispersed the rioters with tear gas

  displace 移动。。。的位置:Many of the inhabitants were displaced by the rising floodwaters

  dispose 布置,整理:The stores disposed the jewellery in an attractive display

  disregard 不理会,不顾:Disregard the noise and keep working

  distinct 有区别的,不同的:Three distinct types of people

  distort 扭歪,扭曲:a face distorted by pain

  distract 使转向:be distracted from ones original purpose

  distribute 分配,分发:distribute the prizes among the winners

  divorce 离婚,分离,脱离:sue for a divorce

  dominate 分配,统治:a white dominated society

  donate 捐赠,赠送:They donate to the Red Cross every year.

  doom 命运,厄运,劫数:His doom was to be poverty.

  doze 打瞌睡,打盹儿:The old lady dozed in her armchair.

  drain 慢慢排去:drain water from a pool

  dread 怕,畏惧:I dread to think of what may happen.

  drift 漂流,漂泊:The sounds of music drifted up to us.

  dubious 引起怀疑的,不确定的:a dubious reply

  due 欠款的,应支付的:A great deal of money is due to you.

  dump 倾倒,倾卸:He opened his bag and dumped its contents on the desk.

  duplicate 完全一样的,复制的:a duplicate key

  durable 耐用的:a durable fabric

  dwell (dwelt 或 dwelled )(尤指作为常住居民)居住: dwell on an island



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