Acquaint vt.使认识,使了解,使熟悉
The internet and newspaper acquaint us with recent happenings around the world.互联网和报纸使我们能及时了解天下之事.
Array n.排列,队行;展示,陈列 陈列衣服,盛装 vt.排列 配置,打扮,装饰
When the array of players of the Royal Madrid turned out in force in the stadium, the fans broke into loud cheers.当兵强马壮的皇家马德里队员鱼贯进入体育场时,球迷们爆发出震耳欲聋的欢呼声.
The soldiers were arrayed on the hill to ambush the Japanese army.兵力就部署在这个小山上以伏击日军.
Capsule n.胶囊;航空舱,密封舱
You should swallow five capsules and ten pills at one time. the physician said. 医生吩咐道;一次服下 五粒胶囊,十粒片剂.
Tito has become the first tourist in the world who entered the capsule and took a tour in a spaceship.蒂托成为世界上第一位进入航空舱、乘坐宇宙飞船遨游太空的人.
Compact a.紧凑的,小巧的,紧密的,坚实的n.契约,合同 vt把压实或塞紧,使坚实
A compact disc is a small circular plastic disc on which music or large quantities of information can be stored. CD就是一种小巧的,塑料圆盘可以储存音乐及大量信息.
The six nations made a compact to preserve peace recently in Shanghai.六国最近在上海签定了和约.
configuration n.构成,结构,配置
The arrangement of a computer system or network is defined by the nature,number, the interconnection, and chief characteristics of its functional units.计算机系统或网络的布局是按其操作部件的特点、数目、互连及主要特性下定义的.
More specifically,the term configuration may refer to a hardware configuration or a software configuration.更明确地说,术语配 置可以指的是硬件配置或软件配置.
Contrive v.谋划;策划;设计做到;设法想出
The notorious drug- pusher has been contriving an escape from the prison.这个臭名昭著的大毒枭一直都在图谋越狱.
Can you contrive to be at the station by noon?你能设法在中午前赶到车站吗?
Degrade vt.降低...身份,有辱...人格
You degrade yourself when you tell a lie. 说谎会贬低自己的身份.
Some people think that charity degrades those who receive it.有的人认为施舍使接受者蒙羞.
During the Asian Financial Crisis,China made a great contribution to the stability of the worlds economy by not degrade Chinese currency. 在亚洲金融危机的关键时刻,中国为稳定世界经济做出了伟大贡献,坚持人民币不贬值.
Discern v.看出,察觉出;识别,认出
It is difficult to discern the truth.很难了解真相.
It was so dark outside that I was just able to discern the road in the dark.外面一片漆黑,我在黑暗中勉强能分辨出道路.
Elicit vt.诱出,探出
After much questioning among the people concerned,the headmaster at last elicited the truth regarding the incident.经在有关人员中反复询问校长终于问出了那件事的真相.
Eternal a.永久的,永世的;无休止的,没完没了的;永恒的,永不改变的
Rome has been called the Eternal City.罗马被称为永恒之城.
Stop this eternal chatter!不要没完没了罗嗦不停.
Facet n.一个方面;面
There are several facets to this question.这个问题有几个方面.
Glide vt./vi.滑行,滑动
The years glided past.岁月不知不觉地流逝.
The thief glided out of the room.小偷悄悄地溜出了房间.
hospitality n.友好款待,好客
Its well known that the Chinese people show great hospitality.中国人以热情好客著称于世.
Impulse n.冲动,一时的念头;推动,驱使;脉冲
Respect for the liberty of others is not a natural impulse in most men.绝大多数人来说,尊重他人的自由并不是一种自然的本能.
Immediately after she had bought the dress on impulse,the lady regretted.女人一时冲动买了这件衣服,马上就生出后悔之意.
Inherent a.内在的,固有的,生来就有的
Polarity is inherent in a magnet.极性是磁铁的固有性质.
Weight is an inherent property of matter.重量是物质固有的特性.
A woman has an inherent love of beauty.女人天生爱美.
intimidate vt.恐吓,威胁
He said he would never be intimidated by big names and authorities.他说他决不会被名人、权威所吓倒.
justification n.正当的理由;借口
The revolutionaries considered misgovernment to be a justification for revolution.革命家把对国家治理不当看作是革命的正当理由.
Merge vt./vi.结合,合并,使合为一体
Can one colour merge into another?If yes, what colour will result?一种颜色与另一种颜色混合在一起吗?如果可以,那会产生什么颜色呢?
The steel trusts merged various small business.钢铁托拉斯联合兼并了许多企业.
Notable a.值得注意的,显著的,著名的 n.名人,要人
Sled dogs are notable for their stamina.雪橇狗以它们的忍耐力而著称.
The city formed a commission of notable citizens.这个城市组成了一个特别市民委员会.
Ornament n.装饰品,点缀品 vt.装饰,点缀
The palace was rich in ornament.宫廷装饰琳琅满目.
Do you like ornamenting the house with flowers and paintings?你喜欢用花和画装饰房子吗?
Permeate vi.透入 vt.弥漫;遍布,散布;渗入,渗透
Water will permeate blotting paper.水能渗透吸水纸.
Our thinking is permeated by our historical myths.我们的历史神话渗透着我们的思想.
Premise n.房屋及基地,经营场址;前提,假设
If your premise is established,your conclusions are easily deducible.如果你的前提成立,那么 就很容易推断出你的结论了.
If the premise is found to be true, the corresponding action specified in the rule conclusion is taken.若前提为真,则采取规则结论所规定的相应行为.
productive a.多产的,富饶的;富有成效的
The productive writer cannot produce any more works now.此高产作家现在已经是江郎才尽了.
Un is a productive prefix. Un 是一个构词力活跃的前缀.
Random a.随意的,随机的
Please choose a number at random.请随便选取一个号码.
Retrieve vt.重新得到;取回,收回挽回,补救;检索
Some dogs are trained to retrieve game.一些狗被训练来衔回 猎物.
Something should be done at once to retrieve the error.应该立即采取措施来补救错误.
Sentiment n.意见,观点;感情,情绪
Theres no place for sentiment in business.做生意不能感情用事.
Sentiment should be controlled by reason.感情应受理智的控制.
Strive vi.努力,奋斗,力求
Modern men have to strive with various temptations.现代人不得不与各种各样的诱惑作斗争.
suspicious a.猜疑的,疑心的;可疑的 表示怀疑的
The ignorant are suspicious.无知者多疑.
Dont always be suspicious of us!不要老是对我们疑神疑鬼的!
Tiresome a.令人疲劳的;令人厌倦的
The tiresome lecture seemed endless;nearly half of the audience dozed of.索然无味的演讲似乎没完没了,几乎一半的听众都打起了瞌睡.
Uphold vt.支持,维护
Men should also do everything to uphold womens legal rights.男人也应该竭其所能去维护妇女们的合法权益.
The judge upheld the lower courts decision.法官维持下级法院的判决.
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