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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. I was in the ____ of washing when she came to visit me and brought

  me a couple of books.

  amid        center

  course       midst

  2. The ____ death of the revolutionary, at his twenties, is a great loss

  to our party.

  premature      forthcoming

  advanced      hasty

  3. He took the ____ by asking the first question to the visiting scholar

  at his lecture.

  injection      rejection

  orientation     initiative

  4. Shes very ____ --she spends all her money on clothes.

  generous      extravagant

  extreme       unreasonable

  5. A ____ of interest in the matter came into her eyes but soon


  glitter       drizzle

  dazzle       gleam

  6. These who can ____ difficulties on their way to success may keep

  calm when they really appear.

  anticipate     expect

  promise       foresee

  7. The constant ____ between the young couple finally caused divorce.

  conflict      collapse

  resistance     friction

  8. We have several difficulties in foreign trade transactions. Now the

  excess of imports over exports became another ____.

  compliment     intricacy

  complication    compensation

  9. Mohammed is the ____ of the Muslims, who established his teachings,

  which formed the basis for Koran.

  infant       genius

  puppet       prophet

  10. With no pictures at hand, the police artist made a ____ picture of

  the murderer.

  composite      sophisticated

  competitive     mechanical

  11. What causes emotional problems for children of divorce is generally

  the events that ____ the break up.

  prevailed      presided

  proceeded      preceded

  12. Found in all parts of the country, pines are the most ____ trees in

  this country.

  ordinary      average

  usual        common 13. Swarms of ants are always

  invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ____.

  nuisance      disturbance

  trouble       annoyance

  14. The head office of the company has been ____ from HongKong to

  New York for the sake of business expansion.

  transported     transplanted

  transferred     transmitted

  15. You should make certain that everyone understands what is

  required and how to ____ the procedures.

  impose       implement

  reinforce      rectify

  16. ____ circumstances compelled him to close his business. Now he

  had to find other ways for a living.

  Opposite      Adverse

  Opposed       Favorable

  17. He works as a ____ for this community, delivering letters and

  newspapers everyday.

  messenger      passerby

  preacher      burglar

  18. Our new director is much younger than his ____, who is already

  50 years old.

  successor      precedent


  19. She is so ____ --she wont let anyone help her when she is in

  such a dilemma.

  willful       abnormal

  obstinate      ardent

  20, The woman is in a sorry ____, unemployed and with no one to

  support her.

  surrounding     environment

  plight       embarrassment

  21.They work long hours but do not earn enough to ensure a ____

  living for themselves and their families.

  reticent      decent

  innocent      descent

  22. There are few areas of our lives in which tools do not play an ____


  indispensable    independent

  indistinguishable  indiscriminate

  23. Britains Channel Four television sent him to New York to do a

  ____ interview for its The Word programme.

  lively       live

  living       alive

  24. In one of the most high-tech countries in the world, the process

  applied by an animator is surprisingly ____.

  physical       manual

  mental       sensual

  25. It might be ____ noting that while words last a long time,

  sensitivities do change.

  deserved      worthwhile

  worth        worthy

  26. My shoes have been worn out. Ill have to buy____.

  some new pair    a new one

  some new ones    a new pair

  27. If ____ letter arrives for me, can you send it to this address?

  no         some

  any         some more

  28. Taxes and death may come to____, but they never come with


  all men       all of man

  all men       all of men

  29. Miss Green contributed fifty dollars, but she wished she could


  one other fifty dollars the same amount also

  more fifty dollars    another fifty

  30. Our monitor is always ready to do good to____.

  the other      the others

  other        others



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