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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 1

  1. ___________ that she realized it was too late to go home.

  2. Color and sex are not relevant to _______________________ .

  3. Corn originated in the New World and thus ________________ until Columbus found it being cultivated in Cuba.

  4. I dont mind your delaying making the decision _________________.

  5. There are few electronic applications _________________________ .

  Unit 1

  1. It was not until dark that

  2. whether a person is suitable for the job

  3. was not known in Europe

  4. as long as it is not too late

  5. more likely to raise fears concerning future job opportunities

  respecting, regarding , concerning: I wrote a letter respecting / regarding / concerning my daughters school examinations.

  provided = if : We will pay you the bonus provided the job is completed on time.

  supposing. Supposing it rains tomorrow, what will you do?

  Unit 2

  1. take into account his reputation

  2. are freshmen permitted to take the make-up test

  allow / permit sb. to do sth.

  never, hardly, not, not only, little, seldom, often, many a time, not until, rarely, in vain, scarcely / hardly... when ; no sooner... than:

  Never have I seen him before.

  Hardly had 1 reached the bus stop when the bus started.

  only: Only then did I realize that I was wrong.

  Only in this way can you learn from your friends.

  not a, nothing, nobody, no one, many a 和 many等:

  Not a single word did Mr. Li speak. / Nothing did I know about the matter.

  3. take our skin for granted

  4. could have made a good salary in a job

  5.who had been driving all day

  Unit 3

  1. American football and baseball are __________________________ .

  2. ________________ , he does get annoyed with her sometimes.

  3. All their attempts to ___________________ were in vain.

  4. She keeps a supply of candles in the house ___________________ .

  5. Not until the game had begun ______________________.

  Unit 3

  1. known to the British through televised transmissions

  be known for... He is known for his talent for music.

  be known as... : Lu Xun is known as a writer.

  be known to.. . : The fact is known to all.

  2. Much as he likes her / Although he likes her very much

  3. to rescue the child from the burning building

  rescue sb. from

  4. in case of power failure

  5. did he arrive at the sports ground

  Unit 4

  1. We dont know why so many people in that region__________________________.

  2. He must have had an accident, __________________________.

  3. The growth of part-time and flexible working patterns, and of training and retraining schemes, _________________________________.

  4. I didnt know the word, so__________________________.

  5. There are signs__________________________ .

  Unit 4

  1. like to wear dresses of sueh dull colors

  2. or he would have been here

  he must have had an accident,

  If I were you, I would study hard.

  If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam.

  If you were to go to the party, you would enjoy it.

  If I had studied hard, I would pass the exam now.

  Without / But for your help, I would not have succeeded.

  Were I you, I would study hard.

  3. allows more women to take advantage of employment opportunities

  4. I had to refer to a dictionary

  5. that restaurants are becoming more popular with families

  be popular with

  Unit 5

  1. It was in the 1960s__________________________.

  2. ______________________ ,well help one another to overcome them.

  3. He always did well at school every now and then. _____________________ every now and then.

  4. Without proper lessons, you could __________________________ when playing the piano.

  5. I suggested he__________________________.

  Unit 5

  1. that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point

  It is /was... that

  Yesterday my mother threw a bad egg at the manager. It was yesterday that my mother threw a bad egg at the manager. It was my mother who / that threw a bad egg at the manager. It was a bad egg that my mother threw at the manager yesterday. It was at the manager that my mother threw a bad egg yesterday.www.233.com

  2. Whatever / No matter what difficulties we may come across

  no matter what whatever / no matter what difficulties;

  3. in spite of having to do part-time jobs

  5. adapt himself to his new conditions

  Unit 6

  1. I was halfway back to the cottage where my mother lived __________________________ .

  2. __________________________, we couldnt go on with the experiment.

  3. In the southern part of the United States __________________________ built in the last century.

  4. __________________________, but not before extensive damage had been caused.

  5. By the time he arrives in Beijing, __________________________.

  Unit 6

  1.when the man caught up with me

  2. With the temperature falling so rapidly

  3. are many abandoned mining towns

  abandoned to

  In came a man with a white beard. /Hardly did I think it possible. here, there, now, then, thus, out, in, up, down 和 away 谓语是 be, come, go, lie, run 和 rush

  There comes the bus. / Away went the boy. / Out rush the children.

  Here it is. / There she comes!

  4. The fire was finally / at last brought under control

  bring sth. Under control, get sth. under control ; sth. is under control

  5. we will have stayed here for two days

  Unit 7

  1. When I woke up, I found myself__________________________躺在床上).

  2. Jack wishes that__________________________when he was in university.

  3. Fifty years ago, wealthy people__________________________ going sightseeing.

  4. Though__________________________, he can speak fluent Chinese.

  5. Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert even if __________________________.

  Unit 7

  1. lying on the bed

  2. he had studied business instead of history

  3. liked hunting wild animals for fun more than

  4. he was born and brought up in America

  5. it means standing in a queue all night

  Unit 8

  1. The older New England villages have changed relatively little__________________________

  in recent decades.

  2. _______________________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

  3. ____________________ that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.

  4. As one of the worlds highest paid models, she _______________ .

  5. ________________________ from the entire globe, these countries have for many years not felt any population pressure.

  Unit 8

  1. except for a gas station or two / one or two gas stations

  2. Eating too much fat can contribute to

  3. It is our consistent policy

  We find it difficult to prevent people from doing that.

  Its no use talking without doing.

  Its a well-known fact that the development of a country depends on the quality of its younger generation.

  4. had her face insured for five million dollars

  5.Thanks to the enormous flow of food

  Unit 9

  1. Tom should__________________________.

  2. __________________________, because the room was too dark.

  3. None of us__________________________, because we thought he was still in hospital.

  4. There was a big hole in the road __________________________.

  5. He is quite sure that_______________________ within two days.

  Unit 9

  1. know better than to ask Dick for help

  know better than to do sth.

  none other than : The first speech was given by none other than Mr. Smith.

  not so much as:甚至不。。。连。。。都没有 I have not so much as heard of him, much less know him.

  other than : The truth is quite other than what you think.

  still less : He knows little of mathematics, and still less of chemistry.

  much more : John likes music, much more dancing.

  As good as : The house was as good as new.

  as good as or better than : The facilities of the older hospital are as good as or better than those of the new hospital.

  as good as, if not better than: Anns work is as good as, if not better than, ours.

  2. The children were not to blame for the broken glass

  be not to blame for

  3. expected the chairman to turn up at the party

  4. which held up the traffic

  5. its impossible for him to fulfill the task

  it is + for sb. to do sth.

  Unit 10

  1. I have kept that portrait__________________________, as it always reminds me of my university life.

  2. ______________________ and he will be back this afternoon.

  3. But for the help of their group, __________________________.

  4. If people feel hopeless, they dont bother________________________.

  5. During the process, great care has to be taken_______________ .

  Unit 10

  1. where I can see it every day

  in the place where / in which I can see it every day

  He found the books where he had put it.

  He found the books in the place where he had put it.

  The news that we heard is not true.

  The news that he won the prize is not true.

  It is the place where they lived before.

  It is in the place that they lived before.

  2. Our manager is calling on an important customer now

  3. we would not have succeeded in the investigation

  4. to acquire the skills they need to succeed

  5. to protect the delicate silk from damage

  protect sth. from



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