Words and expressions
carol n. song; Christmas hymn (圣诞)颂歌
Charles Dickens [`tFB:lz `dikinz] 查尔斯狄更斯
Santa Claus n. 圣诞老人
care for be pleased or attracted by 喜爱;对感兴趣
She doesnt care for skating. 她不喜欢滑冰。
look after; attend to 照顾;照料
The sick must be cared for. 病人应得到照料。
employee n. the person who is employed 雇员;受雇者
The factory has two hundred employees. 工厂有两百个职工。
hygiene n.[u] 卫生
public hygiene 公共卫生
n.[u] 卫生学(=hygienics)
mental hygiene 心理卫生学
fake adj. having a false or misleading appearance假的;伪造的
n. one that is not authentic or genuine冒牌货;赝品
The painting looked old but was a recent fake.
bacteria n.[c] a very small living thing 细菌(bacterium 的复数)
The smallest living things that can be seen under a microscope are bacteria.
powder n. very small pieces of something together 粉;粉末
Flour is a powder made from wheat. 面粉是小麦做的粉。
standard n. anything taken as a basis of comparison; a model 标准;水准;规格
We must raise the living standard of the people. 我们必须提高人民的生活水平。
conscience n. the moral sense of right and wrong 良心;是非感
He is a man of conscience. 他是个有良心的人。
shilling n.[c] 先令 (英国货币单位,1971年为止,1/20 英镑,十二旧便士; 略作 s.)
frost n.[u] thin, white cover of ice on the ground, plants, etc. in very cold weather 霜
There was white frost on the ground yesterday. 昨天地上有白霜。
n. extreme cold, freezing weather 严寒
The frost cracked my skin. 严寒使我的皮肤裂了。
handwriting n. writing done by hand; a persons manner of writing by hand 笔迹;书法
Colin has clear handwriting. 柯林字迹清楚。
humbug n. something intended to deceive; a hoax or fraud 花招;谎话;欺骗
nonsense; rubbish 废话;胡扯
Humbug! 胡扯!
overcoat n. long coat that you wear over other clothes in cold weather 大衣;外套
Put on your overcoat; its cold outside. 穿上大衣,外边冷。
wage n. money that you receive for work 工资;工钱
Most British workers get their wages by the week. 多数英国工人的工资是每周领取的。
anyway adv. anyhow 无论如何;不管怎样
Anyway its worth trying. 无论如何值得一试。
god n. the great being who made the world and controls all things 上帝;造物主
Weve seen the last of him, thank God! 我们不用再看到他了,真是谢天谢地!
n. any being that people think has power over them and nature 神
Mars was the Roman god of war. 玛尔斯是罗马战神。
leave alone to refrain from disturbing or interfering 不管;不理会;随去
Left alone, he was quite productive. 别打搅他,他相当有创作才能。
foolish adj. not clever, silly, stupid 愚蠢的
Dont be so foolish. 别这么傻啦。
clap v. hit your hands together to show you are pleased, etc. 鼓掌;拍手
The audience clapped for five minutes. 听众鼓掌达五分钟。
n.[c] sound made by hands hitting together 拍手声;鼓掌声
partner n. one that is united or associated with another or others in an activity or a sphere of common interest伙伴;搭档 a member of a business partnership企业合作人
dancing partner 舞伴 a business partner 合伙生意人
festive adj. for special happy times节日的;欢庆的
We all wore festive costumes to the ball. 我们都穿着节日服装来到舞会。
abundant adj. plentiful丰富的;富裕的
There is abundant time. 时间多的是。
in want of needing something 需要
This broken fence is in want of repair. 这个破篱笆需要修理。
warmth n.[u] heat温暖;暖和
The warmth of the room made me sleepy. 房间里挺暖和的,(使)我想睡觉了。
n.[u] friendliness; kindness 热情;热心
He was pleased by the warmth of the welcome. 他受到热烈欢迎,很高兴。
idle adj. not working 闲着的
The machines in the factory were idle when the men were on holiday.
adj. not willing to do things, lazy 懒惰的
He is not an idle boy. 他不是个懒惰的孩子。
taxpayer n. one that pays taxes or is subject to taxation 纳税人
badly off poor 穷困
Were you badly off at that time? 你那时穷困吗?
occupy vt. to keep somebody busy 使忙碌
His work occupies him for the whole day. 他的工作使他整天没空。
vt. fill time (space, mind, etc.) 占(时间;占空间;占据思想等)
These activities occupied most of her time. 这些活动占去了她的大部分时间。
constant adj. happening all the time 经常的;不断的
Matter is in constant motion and constant change. 物质总是在不断运动,不断变化的。
close up shut up (使)停止或暂停营业;关闭
Business declined to such an extent that Smith Brothers had to close up.
come or bring closer together in a line or lines 使靠近
The officer told the men to close up their ranks. 军官要士兵们把队伍靠拢些。
welfare n.[u] the state of being well or doing well; health, happiness and well being 福利;幸福
economic welfare 经济福利
It concerns his welfare. 这关系到他的幸福。
striking adj. very unusual and interesting 吸引人 的;起眼的
She wore a striking dress. 她穿了一件惹眼的连衣裙。
clerk n. someone who works in an office, keeping records writing letters, etc. 职员;
Our clerk types all our business letters. 我们的文书替我们打所有业务信件。
have an eye for v. 有眼力;很能鉴赏
composer n. someone who makes up songs and music 作曲者;作曲家
Mozart was a famous composer. 莫扎特是个著名的作曲家。
novelist n. someone who writes novels 小说家
Charles Dickens was a famous novelist. 查尔斯o狄更斯是一位著名的小说家。
firm n. a business owned by a group of person 商行;公司
He is representative of a big firm. 他是某大公司的代理人。
as follows as will be stated next 如下
The results are as follows... 结果如下
shadow n. area of shade where the sunlight cannot fall because someone or something is standing in the way 影子
Shadows get longer as the sun sets. 太阳落山时,影子越来越长。
n. darkness 阴影
The north side of the mountain was in shadow. 山北处在背阴之中。
idol n. an image used as an object of worship 偶像
The football player is the idol of many young people.
ambition an eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power; the object or goal desired雄心;野心;抱负;志向
Until all is over ambition never dies. 不到黄河心不死。
He had a high ambition to be a headmaster. 他的抱负,想成为一个校长。
noble adj. fine and good 高尚的;祟高的
He is a man of noble nature. 他是一个品德高尚的人。
aspiration n. a strong desire for high achievement; an object of such desire; an ambition 热望;抱负
I have no aspiration for [after] fame. 我对名声没有什么渴望 [我不好名] 。
bond n. a written and sealed obligation, especially one requiring payment of a stipulated amount of money on or before a given day; a certificate of debt契约;债券
enter into a bond 订契约
of late recently 最近;近来
We have had much rain of late. 近来雨水很多。
indeed adv. very; truly 的确;真正地
Its very cold indeed. 今天真是冷。
goose n.鹅;鹅肉
pudding n. a sweet, soft kind of food usually served at the end of a meal布丁(西餐中的一种松软的甜点心)
selfish adj. thinking too much about oneself and what one wants; not thinking about other people 自私的;不顾别人的
That selfish boy wont let other children play with his toys.
bishop n.[c] [常 B~]主教
the Bishop of London 伦敦主教
choir n.(教堂的)合唱队
karaoke [.kArE`Euki] n. 卡拉OK
Jacob Marley `mB:li 雅各布马利
Ebenezer Scrooge eb`ni:zE ` 埃比尼泽斯克鲁奇
Bob Cratchit [`bRb `krAtFit] 鲍勃克拉特基特
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