Words and expressions
pro n. an argument or a consideration in favor of something 赞成
Please weigh the pros and cons. 请掂量一下赞成的论点和反对的论点。
con n. an argument or opinion against something 反对
the pros and cons 正反双方
experiment n. something that you do to see and study what happens so that you will learn more实验;试验
They made the school a place for scientific experiment.他们把学校变成一个科学实验的场所。
glove n.[c] cover of leather, wool, etc. for the hand手套
I want a new pair of gloves. 我要一副新手套。
gas n. a substance like air which is not liquid or solid; especially the gas you burn in the house to give heat气体
Most matter has three states: solid, liquid and gas.
liquid n. anything that flows, and is not a solid or a gas液体
Oil and water are liquids. 油和水是液体。
advantage n. something useful or helpful有利条件;优点
He has the advantage of a good education. 他具有受过良好教育的优点。
disadvantage n. small problem; something that makes things hard to do, etc.不便;不利条件
It is a disadvantage not to be able to drive a car. 不会开汽车是不便的。
application n. the act of using as a means; putting to a special use or purpose应用
Freedom is a word of wide application. 自由一词可用于多种场合。
n. the act of requesting; a formal request or appeal; the writing expressing such request申请
He made an application by words of mouth last week. 上星期他提出了口头申请。
maglev [XmBglev] n. adj. 磁力悬浮列车(的)
engine n. a piece of machinery which drives a machine引擎;发动机
a steam engine 蒸汽机
nuclear adj. of the central part of an atom; of atomic energy原子核的;原子能的
nuclear energy 原子能
economy n.[u] way that a country spends its money, uses its goods and workers, etc经济
. We cannot develop our national economy without science and technology.
n.[u] using money, goods, etc. well and carefully 节约
We must practise strict economy. 我们要厉行节约。
comfort n.[u] being free from worry, pain, etc舒适;安逸
He had saved enough money so that he could live in comfort.
n.[u] anything that makes trouble or sorrow easier to bear安慰
We could give him no comfort. 我们无法安慰他。
unnecessary adj. that you do not need; not important不需要的;多余的
A coat is unnecessary on a hot day. 大热天不需要外套。
successful adj. having success成功的
He was successful in everything he did. 他做的每一件事都很成功。
conduct vt. manage; direct; carry on 经营;管理;指挥
Who conducts this orchestra? 谁指挥这个乐队?
vt. lead or guide引导;带领
He was conducted through the museum. 他在指引下参观了整个博物馆。 n.[u] 行为;操行
Many pupils in this class got prizes for good conduct.
a number of several; many若干;许多
A number of my friends came to the party. 我的一些朋友参加了这次聚会。
lightning n. electricity which flashes in the sky, especially during a thunder storm闪电
I dont mind thunder, but lightning frightens me. 我不怕打雷,但是闪电使我害怕。
thunderstorm n. a storm with thunder and lightning雷雨
A thunderstorm broke out. 雷雨发作了。
condenser n.[c]电容器;冷凝器
shed n. building for animals, tools, etc.棚;小屋
He left his bicycle in the shed. 他把自行车存在车棚里。
string n. piece of cord for tying things线;细绳
Jone tied up the parcel with (a) string. 乔恩用绳子把包裹扎起来。
charge v. put power into something充电
He forgot to charge the battery. 他忘记给电池充电了。
v. to ask for money for something收费
He charged me $1.50 for mending the watch. 他要我付了一元五角修表费。
v. say in a law court, etc. that someone has done wrong 控告
He was charged with murder. 他被指控犯了谋杀罪。
electric adj. worked by electricity电的;电动的;导电的
Some electric wells have been built. 已打了几眼机井。
shock n. sudden pain when electricity passes through the body 电击
If you touch an electric wire, youll get a shock. 如果你去碰一根带电的电线,你就会受电击。
n. a very sudden shaking震动
When the tree fell down, I could feel the shock in the house.
n. a sudden bad surprise震惊
The news was a terrible shock. 这消息是巨大的震惊。
a great deal of a large or considerable quantity, quite a lot 大量;相当多
He seems to have a good (great) deal of money (trouble, etc.) 他好象有很多钱(麻烦事)。
very much极;很
She is a good deal better today. 她今天好得多了。
prove vt. show that something is true 证明;证实
It was proved from another fact. 它由另一事实证明。
vi. turn out to be, be found to be证明是;表现是
The new typist proved (to be) useless. 这位新打字员证明是不合格的。
tear v. pull something apart; make a rough hole in something撕裂;弄破 (tore; torn)
Paper tears easily. 纸一撕就破。
frame n. strong bars of wood, metal, etc., that give the main shape to something构架
A modern tent has cloth walls over a metal frame. 现代帐篷都是在金属架上盖布做墙。
n. thin edge of wood, metal, etc. round a picture, door, mirror, or the glass in spectacles框架
He put the photograph in a frame and hung it on the wall. 他把相片放在镜框里挂在墙上。
handkerchief n. square piece of cloth that you use to wipe your nose手帕
He blew his nose in his handkerchief. 他用手帕擤鼻子。
control n. the act of controlling控制;支配;管理
He has good control over his company. 他把公司管理得很好。
vt. to make something or somebody do what you want 控制;支配;管理
The policeman was controlling the traffic. 警察管理着交通。
sharp adj. with an edge that cuts easily; with a fine point; that makes holes easily锋利的;锐利的
Be careful with that knife -it s very sharp. 当心那把刀子--它很锋利。
adj. clear; that you can see or smell clearly清楚的;明显的
The tower stands sharp against the clear sky. 塔巍然屹立映着睛朗的天空。
adj. that can see, hear, etc. well敏锐的
He has sharp ears and eyes他耳目敏锐。
foot n. a measure of distance英尺(略作 ft.)
One foot (1 ft.) is 12 inches. 一英尺等于12英寸。
fasten vt. make fast, fix firmly, tie or join together扎牢;拴紧;固定
We use buttons to fasten our clothes. 我们用钮扣把衣服扣好。
ribbon n. 丝带;缎带;带状物
tie up ones hair with a ribbon 用丝带扎头发
thundercloud n. 【气】雷雨云
pick out choose, select by picking选出;挑出
Can you pick out the right one? 你能找出正确的那一个吗?
be able to see someone or something in a lot of others区别出;看出
Pick out the participles or gerunds in the following sentences and give their functions.
sense n. one of the powers of the body感觉;感官
Sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch are the main senses. 视、嗅、听、味和触觉是主要的感官。
test vt. ask someone questions to find out what he knows or can do 考试;测验
The examiner is testing our spelling tomorrow. 明天老师测验我们的拼写。
vt. use something to find out if it works well试验
The worker tested a new car. 工人们试验了新汽车。
vt. look at something carefully to find out how good it is; examine something检验;检查
The doctor tested my eyes. 医生检查了我的眼睛。
n. an examination; a trial考试;测验
Robert failed his driving test. 罗伯特的汽车驾驶考试没通过。
test on 在(身上做试验)
shampoo n. any of various liquid or cream preparations of soap or detergent used to wash the hair and scalp.洗发精; 洗发香波
skin n. the outside covering of the body皮肤
Leather is made from the skin of animals. 皮革是用动物的皮做的。
n. a usually thin, closely adhering outer layer 外皮;外壳
apple skin 苹果皮 banana skin 香蕉皮
drug n.[c] medicine that makes sick people well or that takes away pain 药物
An effective drug is bitter. 良药苦口。
n.[c] dangerous stuff that people eat or inject to make them sleep, or do things they usually do not do麻醉药品;成瘾性毒品 Heroin is a dangerous drug. 海洛因是一种危险的毒品。
activist n. 激进主义分子;行动主义分子
doubt n. not being sure怀疑;疑惑
If there is any doubt, you had better make certain. 如果你有什么不能肯定的,一定要弄清楚。
vt. not feel sure about something; not believe something怀疑
I doubt very much whether he is coming or not. 我很怀疑他是否来。
cruel adj. ready to give pain to others残忍的;残酷的
The cruel man was hitting the donkey. 那个残酷的人正在抽打那头驴。
painkiller n. 镇痛剂; 止痛药
view n.[c] opinion, what you believe or think about something观点;意见
I take a different view of it. 我对这有不同的看法。
n.[c] place that you look at; picture or photograph of a place风景
What a wonderful view from your window! 从你家的窗子里看,这一带景色美丽极了!
conclusion n.[c] end; a result obtained after reasoning 结束;结论
The discussion was brought to a conclusion. 讨论结束了。
Finally they came to this conclusion. 最后,他们得出了这个结论。
Benjamin Franklin [XbendJRmin XfrBNkilin] 本杰明富兰克林(美国科学家)
雅思听力场景和词汇 课外调查场景
雅思听力词汇 - 学科重点词汇
雅思分类词汇 法庭与法律用语
雅思分类词汇- 关于钱的词组
做雅思阅读 记雅思词汇:True
False or Not Given
雅思听力场景和词汇 新生报到场景
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雅思口语饮食词汇提高篇:中国药膳文化 Chines
做雅思阅读 记雅思词汇:Classify(分类)题型
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