1 观点While it is reasonably natural to think that adaptation makes people more flexible and easier to fit into a new environment, sometimes staying unchanged may help us achieve a goal of life.
2 解释原因 In some cases, it is better to stick to ones original goal and hold on.
3 结构提示 The example of Rachel Carson well illustrates my point.
提示:这位同学介绍的主人公Rachel Carson是美国生物学家和科学读物作家,1962年发表预言性著作《寂静的春天》,提醒世界注意农药在食物链中所起的破坏作用,被认为是环保运动史上有重大影响的著作。
Carsons mother was a naturalist herself and bequeathed to little Carson a life-long love of nature and the living creatures. Carson was deeply influenced by her mother and was determined to dedicate her life to the cause of studying and protecting the natural world.
After graduating from Johns Hopkins University, Carson was somehow hired by the U.S Bureau of Fisheries and mostly wrote radio scripts for the government. For the next 15 years, she stayed in federal service and worked as a government official. Most people might think of Carson as a typical government official. But unlike most of her fellow officials, who were in fanatic pursuit of high places and positions, Carson never abandoned her childhood goal----to tell people about the beauty of nature. Instead of changing and adapting herself to the typical government environment, she remained the old Carson and never changed herself.
During her spare time, she turned her analytical and statistical data into lyric prose: first as an article Undersea,and then a bookUnder the sea-wind.In 1952,she published her prize-winning book The sea around us.At that point of her life, she made up her mind to resign from government service and devote herself to writing.
She published numerous books later on in life, most of which had a tremendous influence on how people viewed the world around them. In her writings, Carson led the world to appreciate the beauty and integrity of nature ,rendering people realize that human is only a vulnerable part of the fragile environment, and that the only power human had is the one to alter the world, sometimes in an irreversible way. Through her writings, Rachel Carson made invaluable contributions, inspiring generations of people to relish and protect the natural world.
1) 总结例子
If Rachel Carson had changed her mind halfway and adapted herself to be a normal government official, she would not have achieved and contributed much as a naturalist, writer and scientist.
It is exactly her strong will to remain unchanged and make her dream come true that finally raises the awareness of the pulic about the significance of environmental protection.
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