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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  121. capricious unpredictable; whimsical; to act with complete spontaneity; impulsive; impetuous; acting without restraint

  122. animated lively; vigorous

  123. endorse to support; to approve; to champion; to authorize;to advocate; to commend

  124. auspicious promising; favorable

  125. exacerbate to make a bad situation worse; to worsen

  126. obscure not easily noticed; dark or shadowy; unclear; vague

  127. dogmatic stubbornly opinionated; arrogantly inflexible; close- minded; intractable

  128. extravagant fancy; luxurious; immoderate

  129. venerate to honor above others; to revere

  130. gregarious friendly; outgoing; genial

  131. attain to achieve, especially a goal; to get

  132. elude to avoid being found or caught, usually by being clever

  133. tenacious persistent, especially in the face of continuing challenges; stubborn; resolute; rarely if ever resigned

  134. mediate to try to help two arguing sides reach an agreement; to reconcile to parties

  135. meticulous careful; thorough; painstaking; scrupulous;exacting

  136. negligible extremely small; so unimportant that it can be ignored; inconsequential; trivial

  137. equanimity calm; composure, especially under difficult circumstances

  138. mitigate to lessen the severity or force of something, especially of something bad or harmful; to moderate; to alleviate

  139. transitory of short duration; brief; ephemeral; transient;mutable

  140. immutable unchanging; not able to change; everlasting

  141. evoke to inspire; to arouse; to bring forth

  142. cursory hurried and superficial; quick; perfunctory; not meticulous

  143. rancor extremely bad feelings about something; bitterness

  144. authentic genuine; true; real; valid

  145. reserved generally quiet and reserved in behavior; modest

  146. intuitive knowing by instinct as opposed to rational thought; what you would expect without having to give much thought to the matter

  147. satirize to imitate so as to make fun of; to mock, especiallyin writing

  148. devoid lacking; free from; empty

  149. concise expressing a lot using few words; short and clear;to the point; terse

  150. erroneous wrong; mistaken; incorrect

  151. collaborate to work together with someone as equals on a project, as with a colleague

  152. thwart to block or impede, often for a long time or permanently

  153. spontaneous happening without being planned; making decisions suddenly and without thought; happening naturally, or without human effort; impulsive

  154. implement to put into practice; to begin to use something

  155. underscore to emphasize, as if by drawing a line under; to highlight

  156. explicate to explain or analyze logically; to clear up any misunderstanding; to make explicit; to elucidate

  157. exasperate to annoy someone to the point of frustration

  158. momentous extremely important; major; unprecedented

  159. pertinent important; relevant

  160. conspicuous obvious; easily seen; in plain sight; extremely noticeable; easily distinguished or discerned; prominent

  161. amiable friendly; nice; genial; gregarious; amicable

  162. widespread widely spread out or shared; commonly held;pervasive; abundant

  163. pervasive appearing or being everywhere; widespread;abundant; prevalent

  164. prophetic foretelling events; predicting or anticipating the future

  165. cynical looking at the bad side of peoples actions; lacking faith in humanity; lacking any optimism

  166. tenuous thin; insubstantial; unable to support anything else

  167. innate inborn; inherited; naturally belonging; inherent

  168. explicit clearly stated; in plain view; clear; lucid;unambiguous; conspicuous

  169. distort to twist something out of shape; to misrepresent; to give a false or misleading impression

  170. challenge to question or dispute the truth or validity of something

  171. acclaim high praise; fame; renown

  172. moderate not extreme; reasonable; tempered

  173. legitimate justified by some rule or law; legal; real; true

  174. patronize to be a customer; to treat rudely, condescendingly,or contemptuously

  175. exacting demanding; insisting on; meticulous

  176. contentious to fight; to deal with difficulty; to argue a point

  177. conscientious careful; diligent; prudent; scrupulous; meticulous

  178. diligent always careful and hardworking; thorough;persistent; assiduous

  179. deter to prevent; to discourage; to impede; to daunt

  180. initiate to begin; to start; to introduce



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