下面SAT思为大家整理了SAT官方指南Senctence Completion练习题,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。
Practice Test 2
Section 4
1. 电影的情节是________:当你知道了英雄经历了什么,你就可以________恶人的命运。
The movies plot was ________: once you knew what befell the hero, you could _________the fate of the villain.
convincing adj. 令人确信的...misinterpret v. 误解
misleading adj. 误导性的...anticipate v. 预期
predictable adj. 可预言的...foresee v. 预见
ironic adj. 讽刺的...endorse v. 认可,拥护
spellbinding adj. 吸引...ignore v. 忽视
2. 在汽油里加入某种添加物为了减少空气污染实际上是在_________地下水,一项发现显示最善意的修补有时候_________。
A certain additive put in gasoline to reduce air pollution is actually _________groundwater, a finding that shows that even the most well-intentioned fixes can sometimes_________.
liquefying v. 液化...founder n. 创始人 v. 破坏
contaminating v. 污染...backfire v. 产生反效果
purifying v. 净化...boomerang v. 产生事与愿违的结果
saturating v. 使饱和...reciprocate v. 互换
polluting v. 污染...prevail v. 盛行
3. 生物学家对狼群的描述是真实的_________,全无任何情感或私人的偏见。
The biologists description of the wolf pack was truly _________, devoid of any emotion or personal prejudice.
dispassionate adj. 不带感情的
insubstantial adj. 无实体的
esoteric adj. 机密的
capricious adj. 任性的
indignant adj. 愤怒的
4. 现在不再被认为_________,波多黎哥的土著泰诺人几百年前就消失了的观点在现在看来是_______因为近代泰诺人的后代已经涌现。
No longer considered _________, the belief that all of Puerto Ricos indigenous Taino people perished centuries ago appears to be a _________now that modern Taino descendants have come forward.
conclusive adj. 确定的...reality n. 现实
tenable adj. 站得住脚的...misconception n. 误解
mythical adj. 神话的...possibility n. 可能性
erroneous adj. 错误的...delusion n. 错觉
hypothetical adj. 假设的...digression n. 离题
5. 虽然很容易被我们的淘气行为激怒,我们的母亲很快就被我们懊悔的表情所_________。
Although easily angered by our mischievous behavior, our mother could be immediately _________by our expression of remorse.
substantiated adj. 被证实了的
impugned adj. 责难
protected adj. 保护,防卫
united adj. 团结,和睦
mollified adj. 平息,缓和
6. 科学家不知道怎么处理不用了的卫星,投弃了火箭,漂移的油漆碎片,和其他旋绕地球的_________。
Scientists wonder what to do with the dead satellites, jettisoned rockets, drifting paint flecks, and other _________orbiting Earth.
flotsam n. 漂流货物,废料
reconnaissance n. 侦查,搜索
decimation n. 大量毁灭
raiment n. 衣服
sustenance n. 维持生命的东西
7. 虽然老化带来深远的生理上的改变,老化通常不会改变个人的________: 一个人在三十岁的时候易怒在七十岁的时候也大概会是_______。
Although aging brings about profound physiological changes, it does not often alter an individuals ________: an irascible thirty year old will probably still be ________at seventy.
disposition n. 气质,性格 ...cantankerous adj. 脾气不好的,爱争吵的
anatomy n. 人体...churlish adj. 脾气坏的
outlook n. 观点,人生观...benevolent adj. 善良的
personality n. 人格,个性...laconic adj. 简洁的
stature n. 身材...robust adj. 强壮的,富有活力的
8. 评论员将全体选民描述成_________因为选民是难捉摸的和经常变换情绪。
The commentator characterized the electorate as _________because it was unpredictable and given to constantly shifting moods.
mercurial adj . 反复无常的
corrosive adj. 腐蚀性的,有害的
disingenuous adj. 不真诚的
implacable adj. 无法平息
phlegmatic adj. 冷静的,镇定的
Section 7
1. 杰奥菲瑞的腐败行为使他名誉扫地,他再次入选市委员会的概率完全的_________。
Geoffreys corrupt dealings earned him such disgrace that any possibility of his being reelected to the city council was completely _________.
ensured adj. 确保
approved adj. 被认可的
belittled adj. 轻视
eliminated adj. 消除,除去, 完全没有了的
defended adj. 保卫,防御
2. 虽然编辑者被认为是非常_________, 他们选进诗文选集里的不同特征的素材暗示他们太_________。
Although the editors were reputed to be very _________, the uneven quality of the material they put into the anthology suggests they were too _________.
amateurish adj. 外行的...professional adj. 专业的
lax adj. 不严格的...harsh adj. 严厉的,丑陋的
selective adj. 选择的,不普遍的...inclusive adj. 范围广泛的
judgmental adj. 审判的...discriminating adj. 有鉴别能力的
sensitive adj. 敏感的...insightful adj. 富有洞察力的
3. 教授的展示会是________和_______:虽然很简短,但是很具指导性。
The professors presentation was both ________and ________: though brief, it was instructive.
verbose adj. 唠叨的...mundane adj. 单调的
concise adj. 简明的...elaborate adj. 详细描述
comprehensive adj. 有理解力的...edifying adj. 有教化意义的
succinct adj. 简明的...enlightening adj. 有启发作用的
provocative adj. 刺激的...technical adj. 技术上的,专门的
4. 拥有着大量的发行量,精华杂志享受了________只有最近才被新的关于猛烈寻觅女性黑人美国人读者的出版所挑战。
With its large circulation, Essence magazine has enjoyed_________only recently challenged by new publications aggressively seeking female African American readers.
an aggregation n. 集合体,聚集
an inclination n. 倾向
a prognosis n. 预知
a retrenchment n. 节省,删除
a preeminence n. 卓越,杰出
5. 法官公布了的观点,虽然复杂和微妙,是不可否认的________:它们没给她的意向留下丝毫的怀疑。
The judges published opinions, though sophisticated and subtle, were undeniably _________: they left no doubt of her intentions.
unequivocal adj. 不含糊的,明确的
effusive adj. 感情横溢的
incorrigible adj. 不可救药的
tenuous adj. 稀薄的,纤细的
ineffable adj. 不可言喻的,难以形容的
Section 9
1. 美国西南的很多绘画传递一种孤独和孤立的感觉,在绘画里_________风景反映出来。
Many painting of the American Southwest convey a feeling of isolation and loneliness that mirrors the_________landscape they depict.
lush adj. 丰富的,豪华的
sprawling adj. 不规则的伸展的
desolate adj. 荒凉的,使孤独
gaudy adj. 华而不实的
monumental adj. 不朽的,纪念碑的
2. 只有最近才发明,这个兰花是一个________,由两种不同品种的花杂交而成。
Only recently created, this orchid is a__________, a plant produced by deliberately crossbreeding two different varieties of flowers.
misnomer n. 用词不当
hybrid n. 混合物 adj.混合的,杂种的 ----- e.g hybrid car 用汽油也用电的汽车
vector n. 航线,带菌者
curative n. 药品,治疗法 adj. 有疗效的
precursor n. 先驱,前导
3. 这个制药厂强调他们对新药物的检测是挺_________, 比行业标准更严格。
The pharmaceutical company insisted that its testing of new drugs was quite _________, more rigorous than the industry standard.
stringent adj. 严厉的
dispersive adj. 扩散的
conditional adj. 有条件的
recessive adj. 隐性的
obtrusive adj. 刺眼的
4. 自由表达不一定是一个_________的力量: 支持自由表达的社区通常比持异议_______的社区感受较少的社会不安带来的威胁。
Freedom of expression is not necessarily a __________force: communities that encourage it often feel less threatened by social unrest than do those in which dissent is _________.
revolutionary adj. 革命的...promoted adj. 提升,促进
positive adj. 肯定的,正的...prohibited adj. 禁止的
successful adj. 成功的...protested adj. 抗拒
divisive adj. 分裂的...restricted adj. 受限制的
militant adj. 好战的...fostered adj. 培养,抚育
5. 托马斯海笛的小说被描述成_________因为他小说关注在农村和农业环境里的日常生活。
Thomas Hardys novels are described as _________because of their preoccupation with daily life in rural and agricultural settings.
bucolic adj. 乡下风味的
prolific adj. 多产的,丰富的
lugubrious adj. 悲哀的
sundry adj. 杂的,各式各样的
metaphorical adj. 比喻性的
6. 有些怀疑主义者认为寻找高等智慧外星人是_________,甚至愚蠢的;有些人甚至指控SETI的科学家在运用不正确的数据上完全的_________。
Some skeptics consider the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence to be _________, even foolish; others go so far as to accuse SETI scientists of outright_________in applying skewed data.
misguided adj. 误导的...remonstrance n. 抗议,规劝
absurd adj. 可笑的,不合理的...erudition n. 博学,学识
plausible adj. 似乎可信的...lassitude n. 疲倦
painstaking adj. 勤勉,刻苦的...fabrication n. 伪造物
wrongheaded adj. 坚持错误的...chicanery n. 欺骗,强词夺理
以上就是SAT官方指南Senctence Completion练习题的详细内容,考生可针对文中介绍的方法进行有针对性的备考。
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