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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.Barbara McClintocks systematic examination of corn demonstrated the transposition of genes, a finding that overturned entrenched beliefs and proved that ------- study may produce brilliant insights and ------- change.

  A. haphazard . . radical

  B. inherent . . controversial

  C. improvised . . startling

  D. methodical . . revolutionary

  E. derivative . . gradual

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  2.Paradoxically, this successful entrepreneur is sometimes ------- and at other times reclusive.

  A. autonomous

  B. dispassionate

  C. solitary

  D. unthinking

  E. gregarious

  3.Eduardo Galeanos novel consists of discrete vignettes, so the reader must supply the invisible ------- binding such apparently ------- parts.

  Answer Choices

   emotions . . impersonal

   interpretations . . somber

   descriptions . . related

   connections . . independent

   categories . . cohesive

  4.The test of truth is not ------- , for we have often felt firmly convinced of many things that were not so.

  Answer Choices






  5.Those scholars who believe that the true author of the poem died in 1812 consider the authenticity of this particular manuscript ------- because it includes references to events that occurred in 1818.

  A. ageless

  B. tenable

  C. suspect

  D. unique

  E. legitimate

  6.The success of the Norman Invasion depended on ------- logistical operation: in planning it, William the Conqueror wisely left no detail -------.

  Answer Choices

   a puzzling . . untarnished

   a realistic . . unsupervised

   an intricate. . overlooked

   an erroneous . . ignored

   a flawed . . unattended

  7.Those scholars who believe that the true author of the poem died in 1812 consider the authenticity of this particular manuscript ------- because it includes references to events that occurred in 1818.

  A. ageless

  B. tenable

  C. suspect

  D. unique

  E. legitimate


  1.The correct answer is C

  Only methodical study and revolutionary change match the ideas of systematic examination and overturned entrenched beliefs.

  2.The correct answer is E

  The paradox in the sentence is that the successful entrepreneur can be reclusive at times and gregarious at others. The entrepreneur alternately prefers isolation and its opposite, the company of people.

  3.The correct answer is D

  The word so indicates that the sentence is a cause-and-effect statement: the second half of the sentence must describe the way readers must respond to a novel that consists of discrete vignettes. Inserting the terms in choice into the sentence creates a logical cause-and-effect statement. If the novel is composed of discrete, or unconnected, episodes, then the reader must supply the connections that bind these apparently independent parts.

  4.The correct answer is B

  To be firmly convinced of something, whether it is true or not, is to be certain, or to possess certitude.

  5.The correct answer is E

  Choice is correct. Since an author would be unable to refer to events that occurred after he or she had died, scholars would have cause for considering the authenticity of an 1818 manuscript suspect, or worthy of suspicion.

  6.The correct answer is C

  Choice is correct. If these terms were inserted into the sentence, the sentence would read The success of the Norman Invasion depended on an intricate logistical operation: in planning it, William the Conqueror wisely left no detail overlooked. The sentence indicates that the Norman Invasion was an overall success and that William the Conqueror behaved wisely, so we can infer that the logistical operation was well-planned. It is likely, then, that William the Conqueror did not overlook, or neglect, any of the numerous logistical details involved in an intricate, or complex, operation.

  7.The correct answer is E

  Choice is correct. Since an author would be unable to refer to events that occurred after he or she had died, scholars would have cause for considering the authenticity of an 1818 manuscript suspect, or worthy of suspicion.




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