SAT OG Practice Test 1
Section 2
1. 当他准确预测他的书某天会在他祖国俄罗斯出现时,亚历山大舒恩森的________被证实敏锐。
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyns __________ proved keenest when he accurately predicted that his books would someday appear in his native Russia.
foresight n. 先见
nostalgia n. 怀旧之情
folly n. 荒唐事
despair n. 绝望
artistry n. 艺术性
The simple and direct images in Dorothea Langes photographs provide __________reflection of a bygone social milieu.
an intricate adj. 一个复杂的
a candid adj. 一个坦白的
an ostentatious adj. 一个夸耀的
a fictional adj. 一个虚构的
a convoluted adj. 一个复杂的
3. 凯特任性的本性和突然的兴致被她朋友们称为__________。
Kates impulsive nature and sudden whims led her friends to label her__________.
capricious adj. 任性的,反复无常的
bombastic adj. 夸大的
loquacious adj. 多话的
dispassionate adj. 不带感情的
decorous adj. 有礼貌的
4. 脑科医生亚历克斯肯尼迪一贯主张选择职业是一个直觉的选择而不是________审判;也就是说,选择不是理性的而是________.
Neurosurgeon Alexa Canady maintained that choosing a career was a visceral decision rather than ________judgment; that is, it was not so much rational as _________.
an emotional adj 一个情绪的...intellectual adj. 聪明的
a chance n. 一个机会...random adj. 任意的
an intuitive adj. 一个直觉的 ...impulsive adj. 任性的
a deliberate adj. 一个仔细思考的...instinctive adj. 直觉的
an intentional adj. 一个故意的...logical adj. 逻辑的
5. 创意性的商业策略经常成为_________是受________影响的结果, 策略的多功能性和适应性在它们被实施成严厉的政策时就失效了。
Creative business stratagems frequently become _________as a result of__________, their versatility and adaptability destroyed by their transformation into rigid policies.
streamlined adj. 净化了的...infighting n. 斗争
mitigated adj. 减轻...jingoism n. 侵略主义
ossified adj. 僵化的...bureaucatization n. 官僚主义
politicized adj. 政治化了...innovation n. 创新
venerable adj. 庄严的 ...legislation n. 法律
Section 5
1. 她出了名的_______, 米兰达急切的要求别人去她家。
Known for her_______, Miranda eagerly welcomes anyone into her home.
cowardice n. 胆小
prudence n. 审慎
hospitality n. 好客
aloofness n. 高傲
loyalty n. 忠心
2. 果然不出所料,当法院决定将这个计划_______时,支持政府划地去做绿化的人很失望。
Not surprisingly, supporters of the governors plan to set aside land for a forest preserve were disappointed when a court decision _________the plan.
applauded adj. 喝彩
derailed adj. 脱轨
acknowledged adj. 承认
permitted adj. 允许
anticipated adj. 预料
3. 因为演奏乐器可以增加脑部活动,它有时候会被做为_________来加强孩子学习。
Because playing a musical instrument increases brain activity, it is sometimes used as a _________to promote learning in children.
condition n. 情况
highlight n. 强调
stimulus n. 刺激物
dictum n. 声明
respite n. 缓解
4. 外交家认为在外交里,一个国家愿意_________和愿意抢着去_________是截然不同的。
The ambassador argues that, in diplomacy, there is a subtle but important difference between a countrys showing a willingness to _________and a too-obvious readiness to make _________.
negotiate v. 谈判...concessions v. 让步
antagonize v. 敌对...friends v. 朋友
surrender v. 俘虏enemies v. 敌人
dominate v. 控制inquiries v. 调查
equivocate v. 不清楚denunciations v. 谴责
5. 这位舞蹈家的表演风格是______和______,每个步伐都是模仿别人的,而且模仿的很糟糕。
The dancers performing style was __________and_________, with each move taken from another artist, and poorly executed at that.
rousing adj 活泼的...memorable adj. 难忘的
pedestrian n. 行人 adj. 徒步的... evolving adj. 进化
chaotic adj. 混乱unprecedented adj. 无前例的
derivative adj. 引出的,派生的...inept adj. 笨拙的
spontaneous adj. 自然的,无意识的...graceless adj. 不知耻的
6. 刘易斯莱特曼的廉价碳灯丝生产方法________初期电子产业是通过让电子灯泡在商业上________。
Lewis Latimers inexpensive method of producing carbon filaments_________the nascent electric industry by making electric lamps commercially_________.
cheapened adj. 减价 ...affordable adj. 负担得起
transformed adj. 改变...viable adj. 可实施的
revolutionized adj. 革命化的 ...prohibitive adj. 禁止的
provoked adj. 激怒 ...improbable adj. 不大可能的
stimulated adj. 刺激...inaccessible adj. 达不到的
7. 赢得了奖项后, 菲利普采用了傲慢的姿态,对待他朋友也是________规矩。
After winning the award, Phillip adopted a haughty pose, treating even his best friends in a _________manner.
cryptic adj. 神秘的
judicious adj. 头脑精明的
jubilant adj. 欢呼的
supercilious adj. 傲慢的
pugnacious adj. 好斗的
8. 将军被广泛的怀疑成________在战争时期他的名字最后成为不忠实的同义词。
The general was so widely suspected of ________during the war that his name eventually became synonymous with disloyalty.
belligerence n. 好战性
indigence n. 贫穷
perfidy n. 不诚实
aspersion n. 中伤
tenacity n. 固执
Section 9
1. 李察莱特的自传小黑人里的散文是_________, 风格没有诡计也不模糊。
The prose of Richard Wrights autobiographical Black Boy is __________, free of stylistic tricks or evasiveness.
imprecise adj. 不精确
straightforward adj. 明确
deficient adj. 不足的
obtrusive adj. 刺眼的
elliptical adj. 椭圆的
2. 人群的规模是________,人群的欢呼共鸣是________, 这个团队在经历以前受到过的欢迎。
It seemed from the size of the crowd, which was _________, and the resonance of its cheers, which were _________, that the team was experiencing a resurgence of popularity.
vast adj. 巨大的...hollow adj. 空的
sparse adj. 稀少的...thunderous adj. 像打雷的
enormous adj. 庞大的...deafening adj. 震耳欲聋的
unimpressive adj. 给人印象不深的...muted adj. 静音
negligible adj. 可忽略的...rousing adj. 充满活力的
3. 宇宙在膨胀的证据________我们对宇宙的认识,和引发一个________天文学思维。
Evidence that the universe is expanding _________our perception of the cosmos and thus caused a ________in astronomical thinking.
advanced adj. 增加了...setback n. 挫折
altered adj. 改变了...revolution n. 革命
contradicted adj. 否认...truce n. 休战
reinforced adj. 加强...crisis n. 危机
halted adj. 停止breakthrough n. 突破
4. 虽然铅毒的大量蔓延加快毁坏罗马帝国的理论得到了________,但是证据还是__________。
Although the theory that widespread lead poisoning contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire has gained _________, the evidence is still _________.
credence n. 信任...irrefutable adj. 不能驳倒的
disrepute n. 不光彩...dubious adj. 可疑的
acceptance n. 接受...convincing adj. 确信
momentum n. 动力..systematic adj. 有系统的
currency n. 通用...inconclusive adj. 不确定的
5. 时装设计师喜欢很__________纤维织物,几乎就像透明一样。
The fashion designer favored fabrics that were so __________as to be virtually transparent.
palpable adj. 易觉察的,明显的
diaphanous adj. 透明的
variegated adj. 杂色的
luxurious adj. 奢侈的
anomalous adj. 异常的
6. 威廉姆斯教授轻视传统: 她经常批评被重视的信仰和机构,因此被称为_________。
Professor Williams disdained tradition: she regularly attacked cherished beliefs and institutions, earning a reputation as __________.
an egalitarian n. 平等主义者
a dowager n. 贵妇
a dilettante n. 业余爱好者
an iconoclast n. 攻击传统观念的人
a purveyor n. 承办商
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