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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. Many private universities depend heavily on -------, the wealthy individuals who support them with gifts and bequests。

   Instructors administrators monitors accountants benefactors

  2. One of the characters in Milton Murayamas novel is considered ------- because he deliberately defies an oppressive hierarchical society。

   rebellious impulsive artistic industrious tyrannical

  3. Nightjars possess a camouflage perhaps unparalleled in the bird world: by day they roost hidden in shady woods, so ------- with their surroundings that they are nearly impossible to -------。

   vexed . . dislodge blended . . discern

   harmonized . . interrupt impatient . . distinguish

   integrated . . classify

  4. Many economists believe that since resources are scarce and since human desires cannot all be -------, a method of ------- is needed。

   indulged . . apportionment verified . . distribution

   usurped . . expropriation expressed . . reparation

   anticipated . . advertising


  Questions 5-8 are based on the following passages。

  Passage 1

  Line I know what your e-mail in-box looks like, and it isnt pretty: a babble of come-ons and lies from hucksters and con artists. To find your real e-mail, you must wade through the torrent of fraud and obscenity known politely 5 as unsolicited bulk e-mail and colloquially as spam。

  In a perverse tribute to the power of the online revolution, we are all suddenly getting the same mail: easy weight loss, get-rich-quick schemes, etc. The crush of these messages is now numbered in billions per day. Its becoming 10 a major systems and engineering and network problem, says one e-mail expert. Spammers are gaining control of the Internet。

  Passage 2

  Many people who hate spam assume that it is protected as free speech. Not necessarily so. The United States 15 Supreme Court has previously ruled that individuals may preserve a threshold of privacy. Nothing in the Constitution compels us to listen to or view any unwanted communication, whatever its merit, wrote Chief Justice

  Warren Burger in a 1970 decision. We therefore category- 20 cally reject the argument that a vendor has a right to send unwanted material into the home of another。 With regard to a seemingly similar problem, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 made it illegal in the United States to send unsolicited faxes; why not extend the act to include 25 unsolicited bulk e-mail?

  5. The primary purpose of Passage 1 is to

   make a comparison

   dispute a hypothesis

   settle a controversy

   justify a distinction

   highlight a concern

  6. The primary purpose of Passage 2 is to

   confirm a widely held belief

   discuss the inadequacies of a ruling

   defend a controversial technology

   analyze a widespread social problem

   lay the foundation for a course of action

  7. What would be the most likely reaction by the author of Passage 1 to the argument cited in lines 16-21 of Passage 2 ?

   Surprise at the assumption that freedom of speech is indispensable to democracy

   Dismay at the Supreme Courts vigorous defense of vendors rights

   Hope that the same reasoning would be applied to all unsolicited e-mail

   Concern for the plight of mass marketers facing substantial economic losses

   Appreciation for the political complexity of the debate about spam

  8. Unlike the author of Passage 1, the author of Passage 2

   criticizes a practice

   offers an example

   proposes a solution

   states an opinion

   quotes an expert




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