此地无银三百两A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting
his innocence.
从粗放经济转变为集约经济shift from extensive economy to intensive economy
粗放式管理extensive management
促进全球经济一体化foster integration with the global economy
促进富余人员合理流动promote a rational flow of surplus personnel
促进住房商品化promote the commercialization of housing存款保证金guaranty
money for deposits
大包干all-round responsibility system; lump-sum appropriations operation
达到或接近国际先进水平reach or approach advanced international standards
打破地区封锁和行业垄断break regional blockades and trade monopolies
呆帐与坏帐stagnant debts and bad debts non performing funds
道琼斯工业平均指数飙升至9580点the Dow Jones industrial index average
soared to 9580 points
当日指数已1120点收盘the index closed finished ended at 120 on that day
第三产业third/tertiary industry, service sector, third sequence of enterprises
第四产业quaternary/information industry
第一/第二/第三产业the primary/secondary/tertiary industry
豆腐渣工程a jerry-built project
东亚金融危机the southeast Asian Financial crisis
毒品走私drug trafficking
对大中型国营企业进行公司制改革to corporatize large and medium-sized State-
owned enterprises
厄尔尼诺El Nino
恶性肿瘤malignant tumor
恶性循环vicious circle
遏制通货膨胀curb the inflation
法轮功Falun Gong Cult
发行股票、债券issue shares and bonds
发扬优良传统carry forward the fine traditions
发优惠券以促销issue discount shopping coupons to promote sales
发展文学艺术、资讯出版、广播影视develop literature, the arts, the press,
publications, radio, film and television; promote literature and art, the
press and publishing, radio, film and television
发展新兴产业和高技术产业develop rising and high-tech industries
发展畜牧业、养殖业、林业develop animal husbandry ,
aquaculture and forestry
反对铺张浪费oppose/combat extravagance and waste
防暴警察riot police
防止经济过热prevent an overheated economy
防止国有资产流失prevent the loss of State assets
防止泡沫经济avoid a bubble economy too many bubbles in economy)
分流下岗人员争取再就业redirect laid-off workers for reemployment
扶贫、脱贫poverty reduction and elimination
妇幼保健maternity and child care
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2015考研英语词汇复习之China Daily常见热词 (11)
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