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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ties, or neckties, have been a symbol of politeness and elegance in Britain for centuries. But the casual Prime Minister Tony Blair has problems with them. Reports suggest that even the civil servants may stop wearing ties. So, are the famously formal British really going to abandon the neckties?   Maybe. Last week, the UKs Cabinet Secretary Andrew Turnbull openly welcomed a tieless era. He hinted that civil servants would soon be free of the costliest 12 inches of fabric that most men ever buy in their lives.   In fact, Blair showed this attitude when he had his first guests to a cocktail party. Many of them were celebrities without ties, which would have been unimaginable even in the recent past.   For some more conservative British, the tie is a must for proper appearance. Earlier, Labor leader Jim Callaghan said he would have died rather than have his children seen in public without a tie. For people like Callaghan, the tie was a sign of being complete, of showing respect. Men were supposed to wear a tie when going to church, to work in the office, to a party-almost even social occasion.   But today, people have begun to accept a casual style even for formal occasions.   The origin of the tie is tricky. It started as something called simply a band. The term could mean anything around a mans neck. It appeared in finer ways in the 1630s. Frenchmen showed a love of this particular fashion statement. Their neckwear impressed Charles II, the king of England who was exiled to France at that time. When he returned to England in 1660, he brought this new fashion item along with him.   It wasnt, however, until the late 18th century that fancy young men introduced a more colorful, flowing piece of cloth that eventually became known as the tie. Then, clubs military institutions and schools began to use colored and patterned ties to indicate the wearers membership in the late 19th century. After that, the tie became a necessary item of clothing for British gentlemen.   But now, even gentlemen are getting tired of ties. Anyway, the day feels a bit easier when you wake up without having to decide which tie suits you and your mood.   1. The tie symbolizes all of the following except   A.  respect.   B. elegance,   C. politeness.   D. democracy.   正确的答案是: D   2. Why does Blair sometimes show up in a formal event without a tie?   A. Because he wants to make a show.   B. Because he wants to attract attention.   C. Because ties are costly.   D. Because he wants to live in a casual way.   正确的答案是: D   3. Which of the following is NOT a social occasion?   A. Going to church,   B. Going to work in the office.   C. Staying at home.   D. Going to a party,   正确的答案是: C   4. Who brought the Frenchmens neckwear to Britain?   A. Tony Blair   B. Charles II   C. Jim Callaghan,   D. Andrew Turnbull.   正确的答案是: B   5. When did British gentlemen begin to wear ties regularly?   A. After the late 19th century.   B. In the 1630s.   C. In 1660.   D. In the late 18th century.   正确的答案是: A   Why Not Eat Breakfast?   Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day, it is also the most neglected or skipped. Common reasons for not eating breakfast include lack of time, not feeling hungry, traditional dislike for breakfast, and dieting.   Breakfast simply means break the fast. Your body spends at least six to twelve hours each night in a fasting state. In the morning your body needs energy to rev up into high gear for the days work ahead.   If you skip breakfast, you are likely to concentrate less effectively in the late morning, feel irritable, short-tempered, tired, or weak.   When you choose not to eat breakfast, your body stays in slow gear. Also, people   who skip breakfast often binge later in the day at other meals or eat a high-calorie snack in the morning. Breakfast eaters tend to eat less fat during the day, have more strength and endurance and better concentration and problem-solving ability.   A good breakfast should provide up to 1/3 of your total calorie needs for the day. On the average, we eat 400 less calories for breakfast than for dinner. If breakfast doesnt appeal to you in the morning, try eating a lighter-dinner, earlier in the evening or save half your dinner for breakfast in the morning.   If you still arent hungry in the morning, start with something small like juice or toast or have a mid-morning snack later when you are hungry.   Not eating breakfast can also cause you to overeat, since a fall in blood sugar often makes you feel very hungry later. To make matters worse, since your body is in a slowed state, it will not be able to burn those extra calories very efficiently. If you feed your body healthy snacks and meals throughout the day, you are less likely to become extremely hungry and stuff yourself as soon as you begin to eat.   Since breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day, choosing the right fuel is important. The best breakfast foods are fruits, juice, lean meat, and grain products such as breads, rice, noodles, and cereals.   6. The word fast in the phrase break the fast in paragraph 2 means   A.  a series of quick actions.   B. a habit of eating.   C.  a period of not eating.   D. a strict rule.   正确的答案是: D   7. Which of the following is NOT true of a person who does not have breakfast?   A. He will be easily distracted.   B. He will tend to lose his temper.   C. He will feel weak.   D. He will become very talkative.   正确的答案是: C   8.You can improve your appetite for breakfast by   A. not eating too much for dinner in the evening   B. drinking a glass of milk before going to bed.   C. eating a big dinner in the evening.   D. having some juice and a toast for dinner.   正确的答案是: B   9. Which of the following is a healthy eating habit?   A. Eating as little as possible.   B. Eating no breakfast.   C. Eating no lunch.   D. Eating three regular meals a day.   正确的答案是: C   10. Which food is NOT fit for breakfast?   A. Rice   B. Fat meat   C. Bread.   D. Juice.   正确的答案是: A   more than a ride to school   the national education association claims.the school bus is a mirror of the community.   they further add that,unfortunately,what appears on the exteriordoes not always reflect   the reality of a chosen community.they are right.and sometimes it reflects more!just ask liesl   denson riding the school bus has been more than a ride to school for liesl bruce hardy.sch001 bus driver for althouse bus company has been liesls bus driver since kindergarten last year when liesls family moved to parkesburg,knowing her bus went by her new residence,she requested to ride the same bus this year liesl is a senior and will enjoy her last year riding the bus.she says.its been a great ride so far!my bus driver is so c001 and has always been a good friend and a good listener.sometimes when youre a child adults do not think that what you have to say is important.mr.hardy always listens to what you have to say and makes you feel important.her friends ashley batista and amanda wolfc agree. brace hardy has been making octorara students feel special since 1975.this year he will celebrate 30 years working for althouse bus transportation.company president。larry a1thouse   acknowledges bruce hardys outstanding record.you do not come by employees 1ike bruce these days;he has never missed a day of work and has a perfect driving record.recognized in 2000 by the pennsylvania school bus association for driving 350,000 accident free miles,hardys reputation is made further evident through the relationships he has made with the students that ride his bus a1thouse further added.althouse bus transportation was established 70 years ago and has been providing quality transportation ever since my grandfather started the business with one bus.althouse bus transportation is delighted to have the opportunity to bring distinctive and safe service to our local school and community and looks forward to continuing to provide quality service for many more years to come. three generations of business is not all the company has enjoyed.thanks to出ivers like bruce hardy,they have been building relationships through generations.liesls mother caroi also enjoys fond memories of riding bruce hardys bus to the octorara sch001 district.   11. the wordmirrorin the first line could be best replaced by   A. vehicle.   B. device   C. company.   D. reflection   正确的答案是: D   12.   how long has bruce hardy been working for althouse bus transportation?   A. for 30 years.   B. for 70 years   C. since last year.   D. since 2000   正确的答案是: A   13. which of the following statements is not true of bruce hardy?   A. heisc001.   B. he is a good friend   C. he is impatient.   D. he has driven 350,000 accident free miles   正确的答案是: C   14. who founded althouse bus transportation?   A. larry althouse.   B. althouses grandfather   C. liesls mother,   D. ashley batista.   正确的答案是: B   15. what has althouse bus transportation been mainly aiming at?   A. making as much money as possible.   B. building up its fame   C. developing its business.   D. providing the local community with quality service   正确的答案是: D



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