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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  本课您将学到:the face of sth.(形象代言人),I do everything to do sth.句型(尽我所能)

  好久没有听到名模Cindy Crawford的消息了,毕竟年龄大了,还生了孩子,还能指望她永远充当时尚先锋嘛!可不服输的Cindy以自己的行动再次赢得了世人的目光,不过这一次,功臣可是一个刚满周岁的孩子。

  Cindy Crawford is setting up her son Presley for a career on the catwalk(时装表演时模特走的天桥).

  She lost her 11-year contract as the face of Revlon(露华浓化妆品公司) recently. But she has enrolled(参加,招收) her one-year-old son as the model for her latest project: a book that instructs parents on having fun with their children.

  Whenever he goes behind the cameras I act like a mad woman, yelling and pulling faces, she said.I do everything from waving fruit to doing his favorite monkey impression(做鬼脸) to make sure hes having fun. Fortunately, Presley is a real natural in front of the camera and he puts on a good show for the photographers. The only problem is that he doesnt know when to stop.



  人们管模特的步伐叫猫步,被赵本山解释为猫在散步catwalk,但这是一个名词,指的自然就是猫儿们散步的地方, T型台了。Set up有创造机会的意思,与后面的for a career on the catwalk连在一起思考,为一个T型台上的工作创造机会,再加上现在进行时态表示将来时的意思(is setting up),整句话的意思也就是辛迪克劳馥想把儿子普雷斯利也推向T型台。

  辛迪刚刚结束了与露华浓化妆品公司11年的合作合同。the face of Revlon,有形象代言人,形象大使的意思,比如:She is the new face of Esprit.(她是Esprit的新形象代言人。)在商业活动之外,也可以出现这样的代表,比如:She is the face of our class.(她是我们的班花。)

  但她却在新出版的教父母如何使孩子们得到快乐的新书(book that instructs parents on having fun with their children)中把儿子也扯了进来。(enrolled her one-year-old son)

  不论何时,只要他走到摄像机后面,我就得表现的像个疯婆子,(I act like a mad woman)叫喊着做鬼脸(yelling and pulling faces),她说,从挥动水果到做他最喜欢的鬼脸,(from waving fruit to doing his favorite monkey impression)我尽我所能(I do everything)使他开心(to make sure hes having fun)。

  幸运的是,(Fortunately)普雷斯利似乎天生就是上镜头的人,(Presley is a real natural in front of the camera)他为摄影师所做的夸张动作简直棒极了。(he puts on a good show for the photographers)

  我们都知道natural是形容词,意思是自然的;有关自然界的,当它做名词时,意思相应就应该是自然而然的,生就具有特定才能的人。比如5岁就能作曲的莫扎特,就可以被称为:He is a natural on the piano.(他天生就是弹钢琴的。)

  这位天生的模特唯一的问题就是,他不知该何时停下来。(The only problem is that he doesnt know when to stop)


  今天的句型来自本课最长的一句话:I do everything from waving fruit to doing his favorite monkey impression to make sure hes having fun.

  先来分析一下:from waving fruit to doing his favorite monkey impression是介词短语做everything的定语,实际上,这个句型浓缩一下就是:I do everything to do sth.(我尽我所能去做某事)

  突然想起了《星仔走天涯》这部动画片,那个小孩的行动就可以说是:She does everything to find her father.(她想尽一切办法去寻找她爸爸。)

  婚礼上,新郎面对众多亲友,向大家保证:I will do everything to make her happy.(我要尽我所能带给她快乐。)一句话,赢得了满堂的掌声。

  正在苦学英语的朋友,让我们也试着来一句豪言壮语:I will do everything to learn English well.(我要用尽全力学好英语。)记住它,更要实践它!




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