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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  本课您将学到:mood(心情好不好?),like nobodays business句型


  Do you whistle(吹口哨) while you work, when you walk down the street, or when you are in a good mood? Some say that whistling is a lost art that brings to mind small town life and a simpler time. Whistling has also been a handy way to get the attention of pets, taxi drivers, and beautiful women walking down the street. While modern music may have overshadowed(使相形见绌,使失色) the simple charm of whistling, whistling contests are still heldand are taken very seriously.

  If your whistling skills leave something to be desired, do not worry; you can learn. Start to whistle by putting two fingers in your mouth in a U-shape before blowing. After a while, you can move on to a fingerless method. Soon you will be whistling like nobodys business.


  当你在工作、在街上漫步或者在心情不错的时候,(when you are in a good mood)会吹吹口哨吗?


  Are you in a good mood today? (你今天心情好吗?)

  Hes always in a bad mood on Monday.(每逢周一他的心情都很坏。)

  如果要表达有没有心情做某事,就要这么说:sb. is(not) in the mood to do sth.比如:

  I am not in the mood to argue.(我没有心情争辩。)

  Hes in the mood to see a movie, so am I.(他想去看场电影,我也是。)

  有人说吹口哨是个失传的技艺,会让人回想起小城镇式的生活以及更为简朴的日子。(a lost art that brings to mind small town life and a simpler time注意:that引导的定语从句修饰a lost art)

  吹口哨还是一种引起宠物、出租车司机或街上美女注意的简便方法。(Whistling has also been a handy way to get the attention of pets, taxi drivers, and beautiful women walking down the street)hand是手,handy就是手边的、近便的如:

  Is there a restaurant handy? (附近有饭店吗?)

  还可以指便利的;便于使用的如: A vacuum cleaner is a handy household tool.(吸尘器是一种使用方便的家庭用具。)

  也许现代音乐已经使口哨的纯朴魅力相形见绌,(While modern music may have overshadowed the simple charm of whistling)但是吹口哨比赛还在举办,而且人们还是认真对待它的。(whistling contests are still heldand are taken very seriously)

  如果你吹口哨的技术还有待提高,(If your whistling skills leave something to be desired)那也不用担心,你能学会。

  Desire是愿望、渴望、欲望,但leave something to be desired是指令人不满意,仍有缺点,要改进的意思,如:Her cooking leaves something to be desired.(她的烹调技术有待改进。)

  吹气前,先把两根手指头摆出U型放入口中。(Start to whistle by putting two fingers in your mouth in a U-shape before blowing.)练习一段时间以后,你就可以进展到不用手指的阶段。(you can move on to a fingerless method)

  move是移动,move on就是向前走,这里它的意义引申为情况的进展。

  不久,你就可以吹得很好啦!(like nobodys business)


  like nobodys business非常好,无与伦比


  It will protect your company like nobodys business.


  Since Alen became a member of an English community, she can speak English like nobodys business.




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