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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  本课您将学到:on the one hand, on the other hand句型及big, large, great, giant(没有最大,只有更大)


  Picture this: Two very fat men enter an ice cream shop. They sit down and order two giant sundaes(圣代). After enjoying their rich desserts(点心), they go to a health club and have a good workout(训练). Theyre trying to work off(发泄) all those calories(卡路里) they ate. Who would be so silly(愚蠢)? Some Americans would.

  When it comes to health and fitness, Americans have mixed(混乱的) emotions(感情). On the one hand, they are concerned about their health. On the other, they have some very unhealthy habits(习惯).


  Picture是图画,除了指现实中的图像,也可以指头脑中的画面、想法,比如有人对你说了一段话之后问Did you get the picture?意思就是你明白了吗?当picture做动词时,就有要你在头脑中描绘picture的意思,也就是去想象一下吧,Picture this.

  两个大胖子进入一家冰淇淋店,(Two very fat men enter an ice cream shop)他们坐下来点了两客大圣代。(They sit down and order two giant sundaes.)吃完高热量的甜点后,(After enjoying their rich desserts)再去一家健身俱乐部好好地运动一番,(they go to a health club and have a good workout)想把吃进去的热量消耗掉。(Theyre trying to work off all those calories they ate)谁会这么傻呢?(Who would be so silly?)有些美国人就是这么傻。(Some Americans would)

  这段中的rich可不再是富有的意思,而是富含,Oranges are rich in vitamin C.(桔子富含维他命C.)

  谈到健康与健美,(When it comes to health and fitness,)美国人有矛盾的情结,(Americans have mixed emotions)他们一方面关心自己的健康,(On the one hand, they are concerned about their health)另一方面又有一些很不健康的习惯。(On the other, they have some very unhealthy habits.)


  应用今天的句型,可以帮助你把文章写得更有条理,它就是on the one hand, on the other hand一方面,另一方面


  On the one hand, I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying.


  On the one hand, a lot of people going to the US, but on the other hand, a lot of people coming back from there.





  最普通也是最常用的就是big,可以指外形大小,(That shirt is too big for me.)也可以指长度、宽度。(How big are you round the waist?)large和big意思差不多,不过稍微正式些。

  Great不只是大,还有壮观重要的意思,尤其是当我们描述某些抽象的事物,要用great表示大的意思。比如:She showed great courage.(它表现出了极大的勇气。)

  Giant则是巨大,表示比同类事物大得多。有个皮鞋厂把自己做广告的鞋做成了轿车那么大,这就可以说是a giant sized shoe(一只巨型的鞋)。

  在城郊有一个很大的超市,面积相当于两个足球场,要形容它的大,就可以说Theres a giant supermarket just outside the town.

  好了,今天的基础英语轻松学就到这里,我们学了on the one hand, on the other hand句型及big, large, great, giant的区别,你都记住了吗?

  Hope to see you again. Bye!



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