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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  本课您将学到:a series of(一系列),句型attract sbs attention(引起的注意)

  In Denmark the sea embraces(环绕) people and cities. It accompanies(伴随) them in their daily life. It marks(记录) them in history.

  One of the most famous authors of fairy tales(童话故事) in the world, Hans Christian Anderson, was born in Odense in the 19th century. His father was a modest(谦虚的) cobbler(鞋匠) and Hans had to struggle(奋斗) to attract the worlds attention. In the museum dedicated to(奉献给) him, which was set up in the house where the author was born, we also find a series of original illustrations(图示) by famous artists, inspired(被激发灵感) by his fairy tales and his life.

  Andersons works are staged in Odense, with children and visitors acting out(把表演出来) the parts. Among his most famous stories are The Ugly Duckling, The Princess and the Pea. The little Mermaid(美人鱼) went on to become the symbol of the city of Copenhagan.

  Denmark is a beautiful and dreamlike place. Its beauty and serenity(平静) encourage people to create their own fairy tales.


  丹麦,大海拥抱着这里的城市和人民。(sea embraces people and cities)它伴随着人们的生活。(accompanies them in their daily life)它记录着丹麦的历史。(It marks them in history)

  汉斯.安徒生是世界上最著名的童话作家之一。19世纪,他出生在欧登塞。他的父亲是位谦逊的鞋匠,安徒生要靠自己的努力得到世界的认同。(Hans had to struggle to attract the worlds attention)安徒生博物馆就建在他出生时的房间里,(In the museum dedicated to him, which was set up in the house where the author was born)这里还有一些著名艺术家留下的图画草稿。他们曾在作家的童话和生活中找到了灵感。

  Series的意思是套、丛书或者连续比赛等,表示一系列连续有关的事物,短语a series of就是一连串、一系列的意思。来看两个例子:

  He saw a series of white arrows painted on the road.


  Then began a series of wet days that spoiled our vacation.


  安徒生的作品正在欧登塞上演,孩子和游人分别扮演剧中的角色。(with children and visitors acting out the parts)他的代表作有《丑小鸭》、(The Ugly Duckling)《豌豆公主》,(The Princess and the Pea)小美人鱼(The little Mermaid)甚至成了哥本哈根的城市象征。

  丹麦是个美丽的梦想之国。(a beautiful and dreamlike place)它的美丽与恬静(beauty and serenity)赋予了人们灵感,创造他们自己的童话故事。(encourage people to create their own fairy tales)


  今天我们来学的句型是to attract sbs attention.

  attract意思是吸引,引起的注意,我们形容一个女孩特别有魅力,用的就是这个词的形容词形式attractive,That girl is so attractive.


  Let me have your attention!


  现在,我们把它们组合在一起,to attract attention就是引起的注意。21世纪,人类面临的最大问题可能就是环境危机了,所以污染问题引起了人们的关注就可以说:

  The pollution attracts the attention of people.


  Heze peony flowers attract many foreigners attention.


  今天的节目里,我们讲到了一个短语a series of(一系列),介绍了一个句型attract sbs attention(引起的注意),大家记住了吗?希望朋友们在生活中多多使用,我们下次再见!



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