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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  上一期举了20个由get引导的片语动词。这期要举些由take开头的实用词,数目较少,但也足够大家采用。一般上,以take引导的片语动词多数是多义的。比如take in一词,就有四个意思如下:

  ① 理解:For a reader with only a basic knowledge of English, he will find the book Good English Made Simple difficult to take in.

  ② 缩小:My dress is a bit loose. Could you take it in a bit for me?

  ③ 包括:The total cost of the trip is $300,taking everthing in.

  ④ 被骗(常以被动语态出现):As that salesman looked respectable, Susan was completely taken in.

  ⑤ take up:开始学习

  The university wants its undergraduates to take up a regional language, if time permits.

  ⑥ take after:外貌相像

  Though not exactly alike, Cathy takes after her mother in many ways.

  ⑦ take on:承担(工作等);聘请

  If you take on too much work at a time, you wont be able to do it efficiently. / Fast-food restaurants take on more assistants during school holidays.

  ⑧ take back:收回

  When Ahmad discovered his mistake, he took back all he had previously said.

  ⑨ take to:喜欢

  The moment the maid came to the house, the children seemed to take to her.

  ⑩ take up:占据;讨论;开始学习(见⑤)

  May I have a word with you? I wont take up too much of your time./ Financing the project is an issue the committee ought to take up when it meets again.

  ● take off:扣除;(飞机)离地

  If you purchase more than $50, the shopkeeper will take off 5% from the bill./ The plane took off at the stipulated time.

  ● take down:写下;拆散

  The students took down the main points of the lecture./ The mechanic took the engine down for servicing.

  ● take out:邀请出外;订购

  Do you often take your parents out at weekends?/ I have taken out an annual subscription for Readers Digest.

  ● take out on:对发泄自己的情绪

  I know you are angry with your office staff, but you should not take your anger out on your family members.

  ● takeupon:以后再询问或接受

  Todays meeting is over. If you have any more questions, please take me upon them next time./ I cant come out with you tonight, but I will take you upon your offer of a meal another time.

  ● take away from:减损

  Sams failure to win the prize this time does not take away from his chance of winning one in future.

  ● Takewith:向某人提出某事

  You can take the matter up with your Member of Parliament.

  ● take outagainst:发出传票

  The traffic police have taken out a summons against the driver involved in the accident.

  ● taken up with:时间和精神多用在

  Some kind-hearted people are very taken up with voluntary work.

  ● taken with:对感兴趣;被吸引住

  Many youngsters are much taken with the singer, Jack./ James is rather taken with Jasons idea.



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