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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. So _________ that even the people in the next room could hear him.

  A. loudly he spoke B. he spoke loudly

  C. loudly did he speak D. loudly spoke did he

  2. Only when one loses freedom _________ its value.

  A. does one know B. one does know

  C. does know one D. know one does

  3. He never went to see her again, _________ to apologize.

  A. nor did he write B. nor he did write

  C. he did write D. nor he wrote

  4. _________ to sleep than the telephone rang once again.

  A. No sooner had he gone B. No sooner did he go

  C. He no sooner went D. He had gone no sooner

  5. No sooner _________ down than the phone rang.

  A. had I sat B. I had sat

  C. have I sat D. I have sat

  6. No sooner _________ than he was asked to leave again.

  A. has he arrived B. he has arrived

  C. had he arrived D. he had arrived

  7. Little _________, but were flying to Geneva next weekend to celebrate his birthday.

  A. does he know B. he knows

  C. knows him D. did he know

  8. Never in my wildest dreams _________ to win first place last time.

  A. I expected B. did I expect

  C. I have expected D. have I expected

  9. Never before _________ so many people here are still starving.

  A. had I known B. I had known

  C. have I known D. I have known

  10. Little _________ about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.

  A. does he care B. did he care

  C. he cares D. he cared

  11. Only after my friend came _________.

  A. did the computer repaired B. be repaired the computer

  C. was the computer repaired D. the computer was repaired

  12. _________ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.

  A. So curious the couple was B. So curious were the couple

  C. How curious the couple were D. The couple was such curious

  13. Only by shouting _________ to make himself heard.

  A. he was able B. was he able

  C. he did able D. did he able

  14. Only when we landed _________ how badly the plane had been damaged.

  A. we realized B. did we realize

  C. had we realized D. we had realized

  15. _________ was the attack that we had no time to escape.

  A. So sudden B. Too sudden

  C. So suddenly D. Too suddenly

  16. Not only _________ a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.

  A. do the nurses want B. the nurses want

  C. did the nurses want D. the nurses wanted

  17. Not only _________ to her, I even got her autograph!

  A. I spoke B. did I speak

  C. I have spoken D. have I spoken

  18. The service was terrible and _________ the food.

  A. so that B. so as

  C. so was D. so as to



  15 CAAAA

  610 CABCB

  1115 CBBBA

  1618 ABC


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