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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, Im Neil Edgeller.

  Feifei: 大家好,我是冯菲菲。Neil youre looking very relaxed and healthy today.

  Neil: Oh, thanks Feifei, Ive just come back from a camping holiday.

  Feifei: A camping holiday!? 大多数人野营回来都因为条件不好,睡得不舒服累得不行,你怎么能如此精神抖擞呢?

  Neil: Ah, well actually I cheated. I went glamping.

  Feifei: Glamping?

  Neil: Yes, glamping. Although I was staying in a tent, it was already set up when we arrived at the campsite. We slept on proper beds and even had a kitchen with a cooker and fridge .

  Feifei: Well that sounds more glamorous than camping!

  Neil: Exactly! Glamorous camping. Put those two words together and you get

  Both: Glamping.

  Feifei: Oh I see... glamping 这个词时候两个词组成的:

  Neil: Glamorous.

  Feifei: 这个词本身的意思是有魅力的,在这里的意思是豪华的,超五星的。

  Neil: And camping.

  Feifei: 野营。豪华的野营和以往人们俗知的野营相比,吃住和很多相应设施要完善很多。比如说豪华野营的帐篷里会有一张床,甚至大的帐篷里还会有一个厨房。


  A: I really hate camping. It reminds me of miserable holidays as a kid sleeping on a cold, wet floor and eating horrible food!

  B: You should try glamping. You get to spend time in the great outdoors but in a proper bed and with nice meals! Its wonderful!

  Feifei: So do people really use this word glamping?

  Neil: Yes, its quite a new word and a little bit of a joke, but you can read it and you do hear people use it because there are more and more companies offering glamping holidays.

  Feifei: Glamping 是英语语言里的一个新词,有些开玩笑的程度在里面。不过越来越多的人在平日的生活中已经开始使用这个词了,我们在报纸上也能时不时地看到这个词。

  Neil: So, Feifei, I know you enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, but do you think youd like to try glamping?

  Feifei: Hmm, Im not sure about that Is there room service?

  Neil: Room service?! Thats going a step too far! Im afraid thats too glamorous for glamping!

  Feifei: Neil 觉得客房服务对于豪华野营来说有点儿太不实际了。OK how about a spa and massage room?

  Neil: Spa and massage room?! Honestly, it is still camping, Feifei Bye for now.

  Feifei: Ha ha ha! Bye!



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