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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  To Blow Your Own Trumpet

  William: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. My name is William Kremer.

  Helen: And Im Helen.

  William: Ive got something for you, Helen.

  Burst of loud classical music (Beethoven5th Symphony)

  Helen: William, 听音乐是不错的,但是为什么

  Burst of different classical music (MendelssohnDance of the Clowns)

  William: What do you think... nice music, huh?

  Helen: 听起来还可以,起伏挺大的。So are we having a special musical edition today?

  William: Well, yes we are! The BBC Proms start this Friday, remember?

  Helen: 是哦,差点忘了。BBC Proms BBC 夏季逍遥音乐会是英国广播公司主办的古典音乐盛会。已经有超过100年的历史了。有很多音乐迷们会在夏季的两个月里每天排队争取买到5镑的门票。

  William: So, I thought we could have a music-themed programme. And our phrase this week relates to one instrument in particular...

  Trumpet music solo

  Helen: The trumpet?

  William: Yes, do you know what it means to say someone blows his own trumpet?

  Helen: Yes. 这个短语 - 吹响自己的喇叭,意思就是炫耀自己的成就,自吹自擂。

  William: Exactly. Lets listen to an example.


  Woman: Whos going to be there tonight?

  Man: I think Angela and Mark and that guy Martin...

  Woman: Oh no, not Martin! Hes such a bore. Hes always blowing his own trumpet. Last time I saw him he went on and on about how he had been promoted twice in six weeks.

  Helen: 听起来这个短语是贬义的

  William: Yeah, sometimes. But interestingly, it isnt always used in a negative way . Listen to this example. A woman is talking to her niece.


  Woman: I didnt know youd come top in the class again! Why didnt you tell me? You really must start blowing your own trumpet a bit more!

  Helen: 刚才的这位女士告诉她的侄女她应该 blow her own trumpet more 需要给自己捧捧场。 因为她的侄女太低调了,在班级里又考了第一名,但是大家都不知道。

  William: English people sometimes use this phrase because they are embarrassed to talk about their achievements. Listen to this clip:


  Man: Hows it going at your work nowadays?

  Woman: Well, at the risk of blowing my own trumpet, its going very well. In fact, Ive just won an award!

  Helen: 这位女士回答 At the risk of blowing my own trumpet 也就是,不好意思,听起来好像我在自吹自擂。

  William: Yeah. You know, I wonder whether we should blow our own trumpet a bit more, Helen. I mean here we are with a really popular website, bbcukchina.com...

  Helen: ...making lots of little programmes that are entertaining, fascinating and useful...

  William: ...and best of all, its all free! Brilliant, huh?

  Helen: 好了好了,我想我们该停了, 再说下去,别人还以为我们是自恋狂呢。

  William: Yeah, OK. Well, lets have some of that nice music again to finish off. Bye!

  Helen: Bye!

  Music (Beethoven5th Symphony)



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