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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  My mind has gone blank

  Rosie: Hi. Youre listening to Authentic Real English. Im Rosie and today Li is with me.

  Li: Hello!

  Rosie: Today were going to be talking about... Er... Li, what are we talking about again?

  Li: I dont know. Youre the one presenting the programme! 难道你不清楚今天的节目里你要说什么?

  Rosie: I know, but my minds just gone blank.

  Li: Your mind has gone what?

  Rosie: My minds gone blank which means its completely empty, like a blank sheet of paper .

  Li: Oh dear, completely empty? Rosies 感觉大脑空空,就像是一张白纸,什么都忘了。 Right, lets start with something basic. Do you remember what your name is?

  Rosie: Of course I remember what my name is! When you say your mind has gone blank, it means youve forgotten what you were going to say.

  Li: Ah, I see. 如果你突然忘了你要说什么,用英语表示就是 your mind has gone blank . Or in this case you completely forgot what you were supposed to be talking about in this programme ?

  Rosie: Exactly! Do you remember it happened to me when I had to give that presentation...

  Rosies boss: Right, now, Rosie is going to talk a bit about the project and its aims.

  Rosies mind has gone as blank as a piece of paper!

  Rosie: Yes. Well... Er... Sorry, my minds just gone completely blank.

  Li: Well, dont worry. It happens to the best of us. I was in an interview once and I couldnt think of an answer to a very simple question. 记得有一次我参加面试,大概是因为太紧张了,结果连最简单的问题都答不上来...

  Interviewer: So Li, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

  Li: Ah, yes... Theres so much to say, I dont know where to begin. Lets see... Erm... Sorry, my mind has just gone blank.

  Interviewer: Right, I see.

  Rosie: Really? And did you get the job?

  Li: Yes, I did! I was really surprised after my mind went blank like that in the interview. 我竟然得到了那份工作,也许是矮子里面拔将军吧。I do have a lot of experience and they must have really liked me as a person

  Rosie: Ive just remembered what we were supposed to be talking about today! We were going to discuss

  Li: Sorry Rosie, but its a bit too late now. Next time, perhaps? If your mind doesnt go blank, that is.

  Rosie: It wont. Thank you Li.

  Li: Join us again for another edition of Authentic Real English. Our website is... erm... our website? 怎么,我竟然把咱们的网址给忘了。My minds gone blank.

  Rosie: Its www.bbcukchina.com. Bye!

  Li: Ah, thats right. Thank you Rosie, bye bye!



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