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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Go to town 不遗余力,大作一番

  Abigail: Hi. Youre listening to Authentic Real English. Im... actually, sorry Feifei, I cant really stay long, Ive got a lot to do.

  Feifei: Hi, Im... What do you mean youve got a lot to do? 你有很多事情要做,忙什么呢?

  Abigail: Oh, well, you know Im having a dinner party this evening.

  Feifei: 啊对了,晚上你要请客吃饭。我也去。So? Thats this evening, you dont need to start now!

  Abigail: Oh no but I really have big ideas. Im really going to town

  Feifei: 你要去城里?Were in town already. Just go to the supermarket and buy a few ready meals 买上几份方便速食。No one will know.

  Abigail: Ready meals?! No Im really going to town.

  Feifei: Will you stop saying youre going to town? Youre supposed to be working.

  Abigail: No. Going to town is what you say when youre going to a lot of trouble, making something really special .

  Feifei: 原来 going to town 的意思就是努力做一件事情,大作一番。看来你们英国人一定非常喜欢市中心城里?

  Abigail: Yes, I think we do. Have a listen to some examples:

  The wedding was beautiful, they really went to town. Everything was decorated pink and white.

  This is lovely food - theyve really gone to town.

  Have you seen the admin team? Theyre really going to town on that paperwork.

  Feifei: Well, just as I thought I understood, you confused me again. 我知道你可以用这个短语来形容请客吃饭或准备婚礼做寿什么的... But how can you go to town on paperwork? 也能形容文职工作?

  Abigail: Hmm, yeah, good point. I suppose theyre going to a lot of trouble, making a special effort.

  Feifei: I suppose I can see that. 他们工作不遗余力非常认真。Theyre really going to town .

  Abigail: I still have to think about my dinner tonight. Maybe Ill buy flowers. I could make cocktails. I know - all the food could be red!

  Feifei: 所有的菜都是红色的! When you go to town you really go to town!

  Abigail: Oh no, wait, wait, all the food could be silver!

  Feifei: Right, you keep planning, Ill just get the ready meals.

  Abigail: Oh no, wait, Feifei, everyone could dress as animals! We could eat on the roof!



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