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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  今天李华忙着批改中文班学生的作业。李华会从Larry那儿学到两个常用语:go easy on和go cold turkey。

  LH: 哎!这些学生!看看他们的考卷儿,简直糟透了!也不知道他们是不是真想学中文。

  LL: Hey, go easy on your students, Li Hua. Theyve only been studying Chinese for a few weeks. Its a difficult language!

  LH: 你说什么?你要我把中文课改得再容易一点儿?

  LL: Thats not what I said, Li Hua. I said you should go easy on them. That means you should show some restraint - dont be too angry with them.

  LH: Go easy on them,就是对他们宽容一点,别那么恼火。可是Larry, 他们每天才学五个单词,要是你问我啊,I am going easy on them。连这点最基本的中文都考不好,那还有什么希望呐!

  LL: I just mean you shouldnt yell or get angry at them. Why are you always in such a bad mood these days?

  LH: 我这几天是情绪不好,没耐心,也不知道是什么原因,可能是因为咖啡喝得太多,晚上睡不好觉的缘故吧。

  LL: A lot of coffee - huh? No wonder you cant sleep well. I think you should go easy on the coffee.

  LH: Go easy on the coffee? 等等,Larry, 刚才你让我对学生要客气点儿 - go easy on my students,现在又说我应该go easy on the coffee,这又怎么解释呢?

  LL: When I say go easy on the coffee, I mean you should show some restraint and drink less coffee.

  LH: Go easy on the coffee, 就是让我少喝点儿咖啡。可是,go easy on the students就是要对学生客气点。我不是太清楚,Larry, 你能不能再给我举个例子?

  LL: Sure. Whenever you see me drinking at a party, you always tell me to go easy on the beer.

  LH: 对呀,每次参加party 的时候我都劝你别喝那么多啤酒,喝醉了会出洋相的!哎哟,Look at this! 这个学生,五道题里只回答了一道,我只能给她不及格了。

  LL: Hey, hey, dont give her an ! Go easy on her. And go easy on the coffee,

  LH: 啊,我累死了!

  LL: How are you feeling now that youre drinking less coffee?

  LH: 嗯,我已经三天没喝咖啡了,晚上睡觉是好多了,可是白天我怎么老是觉得精力不够、昏昏沉沉的呢?

  LL: No coffee for three days? I told you to go easy on the coffee, not go cold turkey!

  LH: Go cold turkey? 你在说什么呀?你让我少喝咖啡,多吃冷火鸡呀?

  LL: No, I said you went cold turkey. That means to suddenly quit doing or consuming something that is addictive.

  LH: 噢,原来go cold turkey不是 吃冷火鸡呀!Go cold turkey是突然停止做那些习惯做的事,一下子戒掉原来上瘾的习惯。哎,Larry, 你觉得我过去喝咖啡到上瘾的程度了吗?

  LL: Ok, youre not really addicted to coffee. But quitting coffee isnt easy, right? When I said you went cold turkey, It implied that quitting is not easy.

  LH: 是啊,突然一下子一点儿咖啡都不喝了,是够难的,怪不得我老没精神呢!不过Larry, 要把戒咖啡和戒烟相比,我看,戒烟恐怕更难吧?

  LL: Thats true. One day, my friend Rick went cold turkey on cigarettes. It almost drove him crazy, but he never smoked a cigarette again.

  LH: Wow, 你的朋友Rick可真了不起,说戒烟一下子就戒掉了。我记得我叔叔也试过一下子戒掉 - go cold turkey on cigarettes,可是他试了三次都没成功,不过他现在抽得比以前少多了。

  LL: Im glad your uncle is going easy on cigarettes.

  今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语。一个是go easy on someone 就是对某人客气些,要是说go easy on something,那就是有节制地使用某件东西。李华学到的另一个常用语是go cold turkey on something, 意思是突然停止做某件事。



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