Time-travel TV series Bu Bu Jing Xin, or Startling by Each Step, began broadcasting on TV on September 10, 2011. Ratings of the show rose to nearly 7 percent in the first two days. The show has been searched on the Internet more than one million times in the first three days and the number is still increasing. Most of the audience gave the show high marks.
时下火爆荧屏的穿越剧就是time-travel TV series ,穿越剧是以人物穿越时空为线索的电视剧,许多穿越剧都改编自hot online novels (热门网络小说)。上文报道中的热门电视剧《步步惊心》的所改编自的原著就是Internet writer(网络作家)创作的time-travel novel (穿越小说)。
除了穿越剧外,现在最受欢迎的电视剧类型还有spy drama (谍战剧)、courtroom drama / legal thriller (案情剧)和idol drama (偶像剧)等。
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2017届高考英语一轮复习指导课件:选修7 unit 4(新人教版)
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