Todd: So, Al, you mentioned that you quit smoking.
Al: Yes, I did.
Todd: Now, I also heard that you quit drinking.
Al: I did. Almost, about one week after I quit smoking, I quit drinking.
Todd: Wow! No more? No beer? No wine with dinner?
Al: No.
Todd: Nothing?
Al: No.
Todd: Never?
Al: Nothing, never.
Todd: Have you even had a little bit since you quit?
Al: No, I cant have a little bit. Its all or nothing for me so.
Todd: Wow!
Al: Yeah, nothing at all.
Todd: Thats pretty tough to do. Well, I mean, you seem pretty happy, I mean.
Al: Im very happy.
Todd: OK. So what, why did you stop drinking? Why do you think its better not to drink any alcohol?
Al: I dont, I mean, Im not against drinking the way I am against smoking. I knew that for me it was the best thing to do because drinking is getting in the way of other things I wanted to do with my life.
Todd: Right.
Al: So, and I didnt really, I drank a lot and I didnt enjoy it anymore.
Todd: Yeah.
Al: That was the thing.
Todd: Actually, I have to feel a little bit the same way. Im a social drinker. I only drink when Im with friends and I really dont like drinking because I dont like how it makes me feel afterwards, like if I have a glass of wine or beer, I cant work afterwards and that bothers me but its nice to have a glass of wine with a good meal.
Al: It is. Yes. There are things I miss about it but there are so many other good things that Ive got from not drinking so I look at the balance and the sacrifice and for me its worth it, not to drink. I can give up a glass of wine with dinner if get the other things Ive got from it, so.
Todd: Well, do you feel healthier? Does you body feel better?
Al: I feel much healthier. I feel much more focused. My thinking is much clearer, and I like, I still go to bars and hang out with people and they drink and d I dont and I go home, I love leaving a bar when Im still sober. I love that feeling. I dont know why its a fantastic feeling.
Todd: Well, sounds like something maybe I should consider.
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