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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



   1. There have been several new events________ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

   A. add B. to add

   C. adding D. added

   2. ―Can you think of _______ person who can help me with my English?

   ―How about John? ________, he's always helpful.

   A. the; I think Personally

   Generally D. /; Often

   3. What he told us about the affair simply doesn't make any ____________.

   A. sense B. idea

   C. meaning D. mistake

   4. As the plane came down through the clouds, green fields and white houses came into ______.

   A. light B. sight

   C. eyes D. effect

   5. He's not got another job yet and it's not ________ he will for some time.

   A. likely B. easily

   C. nearly D. lonely

   6. If you live in the country or have ever visited there, _______ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day.

   A. situations B. facts

   C. chances D. possibilities

   7. The child had only _______ slight temperature, but the doctor regarded _____ illness as serious enough for ______ hospital treatment.

   /; the B. a; /; /

   the; / the; the

   8. He tried to keep __________, but his trembling hands gave him away.

   A. quiet B. still

   C. silent D. calm

   9. Dogs are clever animals and they can be trained to _________ houses.

   A. look for B. watch

   C. watch out D. watch out for

   10. The doctors are trying to reduce the patient's fear ________ he would die of the disease.

   A. which B. when

   C. that D. if

   11. -Not getting that job was a big disappointment.

   -Don't worry. Something better will _________

   A. come along B. take on

   C. go on D. carry on

   12. Recently CCTV station has taken great _______to make a program that reviews the important _______ of the past 20 years.

   A. steps; affairs B. efforts; matters

   C. pains; events D. efforts; incidents

   13. -Have you got ________ with your composition?

   -No, I need another twenty minutes.

   A. through B. up

   C. along D. well

   14. In the spring sun, local residents ______ the Chengdu Botanical Garden where the Spring-greeting Flower Show is on.

   A. are to attract to B. are to be attracted to

   C. are attracted to D. are attracting to

   15. Tigers ________ meat-eating animals ______ meat.

   A. belonged to; fed on B. belonging to; feed on

   C. were belonged to; feed on D. belonging to; feeding on


   Now I had thought I would have to go down into the pit with snakes in order to catch them, and so I was wearing the 16 sort of clothes. I explained this to my friends, yet they very kindly lent me these trousers and shoes, 17 were quite thick and strong. So, as I could think of 18 excuses, they tied the rope round my waist and started to 19 me into the pit. Just before I landed on the bottom, I 20 up and told them to stop lowering me. I wanted to 21 the ground that I was going to land on, to make sure there were no snakes in the way. The area being 22 , I shouted to them to lower away, and at that moment 23 things happened.

   Firstly, the 24 went out; secondly, one of the shoes which I had 25 from my friends and which were too 26 for me, came off. So there was I, standing at the 27 of ten-foot-deep pit, with no light and no shoe on one foot, 28 by seven or eight deadly Baboon snakes. I had never been more 29 I had to wait in the dark, without daring to move while my friends 30 the lamp out, lit it again and lowered it into the pit again.

   With plenty of light and both shoes on, I felt much 31 and began with the task of catching snakes. This was really easy enough, I had a 32 stick in my hand, and with this I came near each snake, pinned it down with the fork and then picked it up by the back of the neck, and put it into my snake bag. What I had to 33 out for was that while I was busy catching one snake, another might move round 34 me and I might step back on it. However, it all passed without 35 . And at the end of half an hour I had caught eight of the Baboon snakes.

   16. A. right B. wrong C. terrible D. favourite

   17. A. they B. that C. which D. who

   18. A. too many B. so few C. any other D. no more

   19. A. put B. lower C. throw D. make

   20. A. called B. climbed C. got D. jumped

   21. A. search B. find C. cover D. examine

   22. A. clear B. flat C. big D. terrible

   23. A. some B. two C. several D. three

   24. A. snakes B. birds C. light D. rope

   25. A. bought B. worn C. took D. borrowed

   26. A. large B. small C. tight D. heavy

   27. A. top B. bottom C. side D. centre

   28. A. bitten B. hit C. surrounded D. watched

   29. A. excited B. delighted C. frightened D. surprised

   30. A. put B. helped C. sent D. pulled

   31. A. braver B. happier C. easier D. warmer

   32. A. sharpened B. forked C. straight D. strong

   33. A. take B. turn C. look D. reach

   34. A. before B. from C. above D. behind

   35. A. accident B. success C. effort D. difference



   370 S. Perry St., Denver, Colorado

   Price: $164,500 For sale by: Resale Homes by Owner

   Bedrooms: 3 Bathroom: 1 Garage: 1

   Square Feet: l, 003 Lot Size: 2

   Year Built: -

   School District: -

   Open House Date: -

   Open House Time: -

   Date Posted: January 21, 2007

   Best value in Denver: This Garden style home is equipped with a grape vine that wraps around the front of the house. There is a small-unfinished basement, attic (阁楼) and an additional room in the garage. It is zoned (划成区域) R2 (two families can live here) and positioned at the back of the double sized lot (plenty of room to build) It is fully landscaped (美化) with sprinkler (洒水装置) system and privacy (独处而不受干扰) fence. It is 5 minutes from downtown. The neighbors are great, and security is good. Viewing anytime.

   Home Features: Carpeted Floors ● Dishwasher ● Patio

   Community Features: Public Transportation ● Wheelchair Access

   36. If one dollar equals 8 Yuan, one square feet equals 0.093 square meters, how much does one square meter of the house cost?

   A. About 15,140 Yuan. B. About 13,120 Yuan.

   C. About 13,160 Yuan. D. About 14,150 Yuan.

   37. During summer time, the front of the home may look _________.

   A. green B. white

   C. red D. black

   38. Which of the following statements about the house is NOT true?

   A. You will spend extra money to build a room in the garage after buying the house.

   B. You can have enough room to enlarge your house after you buy it.

   C. You don't need to water the plants in the garden by yourself.

   D. If you buy the house, you can also have the dishwasher and carpet.

   39. What does the Wheelchair Access probably mean?

   A. It's a kind of sidewalk built for disabled people.

   B. It's an entrance to a house built for the disabled people.

   C. It's a street built for the disabled people to have a walk.

   D. It's a special path for the disabled people to get to the garage.


   Many people believe the glare from snow causes snow blindness. Yet, with dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow blindness, when exposed to several hours of snow light.

   The United States army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snow blindness in troops in a snow-covered country. Rather, a man's eyes often find nothing to focus on in a broad space of snow-covered without-grass land. So his gaze continually moves and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding something, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become tired and the eye muscles ache. Nature makes up for this discomfort by producing more and more fluid (液体) which covers the eyeball. The fluid covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until it makes eyes difficult to see clearly, and the result is total, even though for a short time, snow blindness.

   Experiments lead the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts (侦察员) ahead of the troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow-covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark-colored objects ahead on which they can focus too. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop searching the snow-blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snow-blind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a continuous white land is overcome.

   40. To prevent snow blindness caused by the strong light from snow, wearing glasses or not _________.

   A. depends on whether the snow is white enough

   B. makes no difference

   C. makes much difference

   D. depends on whether the snow is thick

   41. When the eyes are tired, tears flow out __________.

   A. to clear the vision

   B. to make the eyes stop searching

   C. to make the vision unclear

   D. to produce more and more liquid

   42. Snow blindness can be prevented by ___________

   A. moving one's gaze back and forth

   B. walking ahead and keeping looking around

   C. making up for the discomfort of one's eyes

   D. providing the eyes with something to focus on

   43. What is the probable meaning of the underlined part Their gaze is arrested.?

   A. They get something to look at.

   B. They can only look at one spot.

   C. Their eyes are clear.

   D. They can't see freely.


   M: You don't look happy. What (44) s____ to be the problem?

   W: I've got to write a long composition for my English class, but I can't come up (45) w_____ any idea.

   M: That shouldn't be too difficult. Remember those pictures you were (46) s_____ me last week?

   W: (47) S_______, I've got them here from someplace.

   M: Why don't you write (48) s________ about the camel ride you took?

   W: That (49) s_________ like a good idea. I can also tell about our visit to North Africa.

   M: Well, now that you're (50) f_______, I think I'll be on my (51) w_______. I've got to finish my composition too.

   W: (52) T______ for your help. I'm much more relaxed now and once I get it organized, it won't be so (53) d________. (44) ________

   (45) ________

   (46) ________

   (47) ________

   (48) ________

   (49) _______

   (50) _______

   (51) ________

   (52) ________

   (53) _______



   注意:1. 词数:120左右; 2. 参考词汇:人才 talent 口译员 interpreter。




   1.D。考查add to结构。选项D,分词短语作定语。相当于 which will be added。

   2.A。考查冠词。第一空指某一个人。第二空personally意为in my opinion。

   3.A。make sense的意思是有意义、讲得通。例如:What you say doesn't make any sense. (你的话毫无意义)。sense作这一层意思讲时。

   4.B。come into sight,意为进入视野,为固定短语。常用的词组还有in a sense (在某种意义上),make sense of sth. (弄懂,了解的含义)。




   8.D。keep calm的意思是保持镇定。

   9.D。词义辨析题。look for意思是寻找watch意思是观看watch out意思是小心,当心watch out for意思是看守,照看。

   10. C。考查that引导的名词性从句作fear的同位语,在句中不充当任何成分。

   11.A。该题考查短语含义的辨析。come along到达、出现,与所给语境相吻合;go on继续carry on继续、进行take on承担(工作等),雇佣,呈现等。

   12.C。take pains to do为下工夫做某事。event为重大事件之意。affair小事,(复)事务。matter事情,(复)事态。incident事件,事变。

   13.A。get through是惯用法,意思是完成(任务)、接通(电话)。


   15.B。belong to没有被动形式,故此处只能用其-ing形式作定语。



   17.C。引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的trousers and shoes两个先行词。

   18.D。除去穿错衣服外,想不出别的更多的(no more)借口。

   19.B。与短文第一句I would have to go down into the pit及后句 told them to stop lowering me.呼应,用绳子把我向下放到坑里。

   20.A。后半句 told them to stop lowering me.中的told提示,应该是喊叫。

   21.D。后半句 to make sure there were no snakes in the way.提供信息,想要察看,以确保落脚的地方没有蛇。


   23.B。下段第一句 Firstly secondly 提供依据,说明共发生了两件事。

   24.C。本段第一句 with no light and no shoes on one foot和最后一句 lit it again and lowered it into the pit again. 说明是熄灭了。

   25.D。短文第一段第二句 they very kindly lent me these trousers and shoes提供信息。

   26.A。空后的 came off(脱落),说明鞋过大。



   29.C。前句 with no light and no shoe on one foot, by seven or eight deadly Baboon snakes.和后句 I had to wait in the dark, without daring to move说明我当时非常恐惧。

   30.D。pull out 在此意为掏出。

   31.A。第二段说,我因为当时灯熄灭了加上一只脚赤足,非常恐惧而不敢动。而现在, With plenty of light and both shoes on 应该是胆子大了。

   32.B。空后的 with this I came near each snake, pinned it down with the fork 说明我用的是叉形木棍。

   33.C。表语从句 while I was busy catching one snake , another might move round _______ me and I might step back on it.说明我当心的事情。

   34.D。后半句 I might step back on it.说明,它会爬到我的身后。

   35.A。前面说,我很当心怕会出事,However(然而)表明转折关系,又有后半句And at the end of half an hour I had caught eight of the Baboon snakes. 表明我进展顺利,没有出现事故。


   36.D。计算过程为:(164,5008) (00931,003)14.150。

   37.A。依据是This Garden style home is equipped with ...,葡萄藤爬满房子正面,到了夏天当然看上去是绿油油的。

   38.A。A项错在车库里的小房间是已经存在的:B项的依据是该房子的宅基地其实是供两所房子用的(Lot Size:2/double sized lot),当然扩建空间很足;C项的依据是花园用的是自动喷灌系统;D项的洗碗机和地毯是作为房屋特色列入广告中的,自然是属于房屋的一部分。

   39.B。结合生活常识应该能够判断access的意思是通道,人口,wheelchair access即是指专供残疾人使用的无障碍通道,如医院和公共场所所铺设的无台阶、斜坡型、可供轮椅出入的通道。

   40.B。第一段第二句Yet, with dark glasses or not提到戴不戴眼镜都会产生雪盲的症状,如头疼,流泪甚至雪盲。

   41.C。第二段结尾部分... makes eyes difficult to see clearly ...说此时泪水流出来充满眼眶,眼睛看不清,导致雪盲。




   44. seems 45. with 46. showing 47. Surely 48. something

   49. sounds 50. fine 51. work 52. Thanks 53. difficult


   One possible version:

   Li Hua is a young man, my neighbor. Up to now he hasn't found a job yet. Maybe you wonder why.

   He was once advised to learn to use computer, but he thought it was difficult. When he saw others learning English, he shook his head, saying it was too hard to remember the new words. As to science and technology, in his opinion, it was too difficult to understand. What is he fond of? He enjoys watching TV, playing cards, smoking and so on. It's hard for him to give up all these.

   Not long ago, he was eager to seek for a job. When he knew that talents are greatly needed, such as computer engineers, English interpreters and technicians, he sighed and regretted the time he had wasted.



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