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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (2010.湖南 长沙 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合的写(T),不符合的写(F) ,计10分)

  Find and keep your friendship

  Every one of us ,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends.Your friends will listen to you when you speak,will take care of you when you are sick,and will be together with you in your journey through life.

  Everyone needs friends.Friendship can make us happier.How can we find a good friend and get on well with each other?Here is some advice.

  ★ Make friends with a person who is easy to get along with.

  ★ You should make friends with a person who has something in common with you.

  ★ Give your friend a hand when he or she is in trouble .Friends should always be ready to help each other.

  ★ Believe in each other.This is the most important thing in a friendship.

  ★ Even the best friends may have quarrel (争吵)sometimes.If this happens ,dont let your quarrel last too long.Try to make up with(和好) your friends soon.

  Friendship is a kind of treasure in our life.It is like a bottle of wine,the longer it is kept,the better it will be.

  41.Rich people dont need friends.

  42.If your friends are in trouble,you should help them.

  43.Make friends with people who are not difficult to get along with.

  44.Dont believe in your friends.

  45.Best friends dont have a quarrel.



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