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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  2.增加的95个词汇都是实词,其中名词56个、动词32个、形容词13个(多个兼类词),都是学生学习、生活中常见的高频词汇,也是阅读写作中常用的词汇,涉及社会,经济,科技,环保等多个话题,特别是出现了有关奥运题材的多个词汇,比如badminton, champion, fireworks, participate, sneaker等。

  3.95个词汇大多数出现在现行教材(71个),绝大多数是《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)(人民教育出版社(实验)2003版)》要求词汇(94个),只有一个词responsible adj.超出该范围。但其同根词respond (v.反应)和responsibility (n.义务,责任,职责)都是课标词,何况-able也是考试说明和课标所要求掌握的构词法中后缀之一。




  1. absorb v. ①吸收

  Can I use the cloth to absorb the spilled milk? 我可以用这块布把弄撒了的牛奶吸干吗?

   The halls of the building absorb heat during the day.楼房的墙壁白天吸收热量。


   I was absorbed in a novel and didn’t hear you call.我刚才被一本小说吸引住了,没听见你叫我。

   So absorbed was she that her husband didn’t dare to make a sound.见她是那么的全神贯注,丈夫一点儿声音都不敢发出。她完全沉浸在手头的工作中了丈夫不敢弄出一点声音。

  2. adopt v. ①收养,过继

   Having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan.由于没有孩子,他们决


   Is this boy your adopted son? 那个男孩是你的养子吗?


  She refused to adopt the idea.她拒绝采纳那个主意。

   Will the committee adopt your suggestions? 委员会将采用你的建议吗?

  3. alcohol n.酒,酒精

   The doctor suggested he cut down on alcohol.医生建议他限量喝酒。

   You’ll never touch alcohol again,will you? 你永远别再喝酒好吗?

  4. ancestor n. 祖宗, 祖先

   His ancestors came to America from Europe.他的祖先是从欧洲来到美洲的。

   Do you regularly mourn for your ancestors? 你们经常悼念你们的祖宗吗?

  5. angle n. 角

   An angle of 90°is called a right angle. 90°的角叫直角。

   The tree was growing at an angle.那棵树长歪了。

  6. annoy vt. (使)烦恼

   Try at least not to annoy your parents.你至少应该尽量不让你爸妈心烦。

   I was annoyed when I found myself left alone.当我发现就我一个人被撇下时,我很不痛快。

  7. approach n. ①接近

   The approach of spring brings warm weather.春天临近带来了暖和的天气。

   The children ran off at my approach.我一走近孩子们就四散跑开了。


  All the approaches to the hall were guarded by troops.所有通往大会厅的路口都有军队把守。

   The only approach to the top of the mountain was blocked.到山顶的唯一一条路被堵住了。


  They adopted a new approach to teaching English.他们采用了新的英语教学方式。

   Why not try another approach? 为什么不尝试另外一种方法?

   v. 接近,靠近

   As you approach the town,the first building you see is the bell tower.你走近那座小镇时,首先看到的建筑就是那座钟楼。

   The time is approaching when we must think about buying a new car.我们该考虑买部新车了。

  8. architecture n. 建筑学,建筑风格,建筑设计

   He studied architecture at college.他在大学时学的是建筑设计。

   How do you find the architecture of the fifteenth century? 你对15世纪的建筑有何看法?

  9. badminton n. 羽毛球

  Would you like to play badminton with me after class?下课后愿意和我打羽毛球吗?

  I prefer playing badminton to playing basketball.我喜欢打羽毛球胜于打篮球

  10. band n. ①帮,团伙

   None of the band of the robbers escaped being caught.那伙劫犯无一漏网。

   How many members are there in the band in all? 那个团伙总共有几个人?


  We heard a really great band yesterday evening.昨天晚上我们去听了一个很棒的乐队演奏。

   They invited me to join their brass band.他们邀请我加盟他们铜管乐队。

  11. basic adj. 基本的

  To learn English, you must start with the basic vocabulary of it.为了学英语,你必须从基本的词汇学起。

  The basic rules of good driving are as follows.优秀驾驶的基本规则如下。

  12. border n. ①边缘

   I’m on the border of fifty now.我已年近五十了。

   She bought me a handkerchief with a blue border.她给我买了块带蓝边的手帕。


  The robbers escaped across the border.抢劫犯逃出国境了。

   There used to be border incidents in the 1960s.二十世纪六十年代曾经发生很多次边界事件。

  13. brake n. 闸

   His brakes failed when he was driving down a hill.他在驱车下山时制动失灵。

   I put on the brake before the car knocked into the fire engine.我踏下了制动器才没有撞到救火车上。

  vi. 刹车

   The taxi driver braked hard as the boy ran onto the road ahead of her.孩子跑到她前面的路上时那位出租车司机用力踩闸。

   He drove around the corner without braking.他没有刹车驶过拐角。

  14. brand n. 品牌,商标

   What is your favorite brand of jeans? 你最喜欢什么牌子的牛仔裤?

   The company is developing a new brand of toothpaste.该公司在开发一种新品牌的牙膏。

  15. burden n. 负担

   The old camel couldn’t carry the heavy burden.那头老骆驼驮不动那沉重的货物了。

   Do you find homework a burden? 你觉得作业是负担吗?

  16. calculate v. 计算

   Have you calculated the cost? 你算花多少钱了吗?

   Scientists calculated when the spacecraft would return to the earth.科学家们推算飞船何时返回地球。

  17. candidate n. 候选人

   Marie was the best candidate for the job.玛丽是干那个工作的最好的候选人。

   Was her husband one of the candidates in the election? 她丈夫是参加那次大选的候选人之一吗?

  18. champion n. 冠军,优胜者

   Who’s the school chess champion? 谁是学校的象棋冠军?

   The French football team was the world champion in 1998.法国足球队是1998年的世界冠军

  19. concentrate v. 集中

   If you don’t concentrate more on your work, you’ll be dismissed! 你要是还不全神贯注做好你的工作就会被解雇!

   Can you concentrate on your studies with the music going on? 放着音乐你能够把精力集中到学习上吗?

  20. conflict n. ①争论,争吵

   The two political parties are now in conflict on foreign policies.两个政党现在就外交政策展开争论。

   He works with both companies and there is obviously a conflict of interest.他在两家公司任职因此很显然会有利益的矛盾。


  Armed conflict could start at any time in that area.那一地区随时会发生武装冲突。

   Is there a possibility of a serious conflict between the two nations? 那两国之间有可能发生严重的冲突吗?

  21. constant adj.经常的,不断的

   I don’t like the constant arguments with you.我不喜欢跟你没完没了的争论。

   Change is constant in history.历史上变化是不断的。

  22. creature n. animal or being of some kind动物,生物,人

   Did you go to the show of the photos of some creatures from outer space? 你去看来自外空生物的照片展览了吗?

   That poor creature had no family at all.那个可怜的家伙根本没有家。

  23. debate n.讨论,辩论

   A public debate about that is suggested.有人建议就此展开公开讨论。

   There has been much debate about the effect of the medicine.关于这种药物的疗效还有很多争议。

  v. 讨论,辩论

  What are the two sides debating about? 他们双方在为什么辩论?

   The future of the nuclear industry will be debated in government soon.核工业的未来不久就要在内阁讨论。

  24. decorate vt. 装饰----,修饰----

   She brought some beautiful pictures to decorate the walls of her room.她带来一些漂亮的图画来装饰房间的四壁。

   We’re decorating the kitchen again this autumn.我们秋天要重新装修厨房。

  25. decrease v. 减少,减轻,减弱

   The corporation decreased the number of workers.那家公司裁减了员工。

   Interest in the game is decreasing.人们玩那种游戏的兴趣渐渐消退。

  26. delete v. 删去

   If you delete 80 words, we can put the whole passage on two pages.如果你删去80字,我们就可以将这一整篇文章放在两页纸上了。

   Why did you delete his name from the list? 你为什么把他的名字从名单中删掉了?

  27. differ v. 相异,有区别

   On the right stand rows of big houses differing one from another in the color of their front door.右边耸立着一排排大房子,只是他们的前门颜色不一样。

   The climate in the south differs from that in the north.南方的气候与北方的迥然不同。

  28. digital adj.数字的,数码的

   We’re now in digital times.我们现在身处数码时代。

   My wife prefers to buy a digital camera.我妻子更想要架数码相机。

  29. discount n. 折扣

   Teachers and soldiers get a discount of 25% on airfares.教师和军人乘坐飞机票价可打25%的折扣。

   The vests are $1 each but if you buy a dozen, we’ll give you a 20% discount.背心一美元一件,但你如果要买一打,我们就给你20%的折扣。

  30. disk=disc n. 磁盘

   The disk was completely destroyed.磁盘已经彻底坏了。

   She found some of her computer discs missing the next day.第二天她发现几张电脑软盘不见了。

  31. donate v. 捐赠,赠送

   Again he donated a large sum to the Red Cross.他又向红十字会捐了一大笔钱。

   How much on average do you donate to charity per year? 你每年平均为慈善事业捐助多少钱?

  32. dormitory(缩写式dorm)n. 学生宿舍

   A new dormitory for girl students has been built in our college.我们学校已经为女生建起了一座新宿舍楼。

   The man who set a fire to the dormitory was sentenced to death.向宿舍楼放火的那人已被判处死刑。

  33. download n. v. 下载(计算机用语)

   Remember to restart the computer after you finish the download.记住下载完毕后重新启动计算机。

   I have downloaded the data that you need.我已经下载了你要的资料。

   There was a power failure when she was downloading a new song.她正在下载一首新歌时停电了。

  34. elect vt. (投票)选举

   When were you first elected as club secretary? 你第一次是什么时候被选为俱乐部书记的?

   For the second time they elected Lincoln president.他们再次选举林肯为总统。

  35. embarrass v. 使难堪,使为难

   Making speeches in public is really embarrassing.在公开场合演讲真是令人为难。

   I was a bit embarrassed by her comments about my clothes.听她谈论我的穿着我感到很难为情。

  36. error n. 错误, 差错

   I made an error of judgment.我判断失误。

   The letter was sent to his former wife in error.信被错寄到他前妻那里去了。

  37. essay n. 散文, 文章, 随笔

   He refused to mark my essay because I handed it in a bit late.他因我交的有点晚就拒绝给我的论文打分。

   I need a copy of his latest collection of political essays.我需要一本他的最新政论文集。

  38. evaluate v. 评价,估计

   How do you encourage your students to evaluate their own work? 你是如何鼓励学生评价自己的作业的?

   The exhibition has just been open for three days, so it’s too early to evaluate its success.展览会仅仅进行了三天,因此说成功还为时过早。

  39. expand v. 扩大,膨胀

   The experiment proves that metal expands when it is heated.这个实验证明金属受热膨胀。

   Our company has expanded its operations by building new factories in some different cities.我们公司通过在不同的城市开设工厂扩大业务。

  40. explore v. 探测,探险

   Did Columbus discover America and explore the new continent? 哥伦布发现并探测了新大陆吗?

   Let’s explore all the possibilities.我们探索所有的可能性吧。

  41. export n. 出口

   He carefully examined their export licence.他仔细检查了他们的出口许可证明。

   The export of gold is still forbidden.黄金出口仍然禁止。

   v. 出口

   Does your company export? 你们公司经营出口业务吗?

   Taiwan exports software to different countries and areas.台湾向很多国家和地区出口软件。

  42. federal adj. 中央的(政府等), 联邦的

   Congress is the federal lawmaking body of the United States.国会是美国联邦政府的立法机构。

   What do you know about a federal organization like that of the US? 你对像美国这样的联邦制度了解多少?

  43. fiction n. 小说

   The popular writer of fiction wasn’t present at the meeting as expected.那位深受欢迎的小说家并没有跟预料的那样出席会议。

   Sometimes truth is even stranger than fiction.有时候实事比小说更离奇。

  44. fireworks n. 焰火

   Many people went into the street to watch the beautiful fireworks.很多人走上街头看美丽的焰火。

   Can fireworks sometimes be dangerous? 烟花有时也有危险吗?

  45. flu n. 流行性感冒

   I feel as if I’m getting flu.我觉得好像要得流感。

   How much do you know about bird flu? 关于禽流感你知道多少?

  46. fluent adj.流利的,流畅的

   Our manager is fluent in three foreign languages besides English.我们经理除了英语外还能够流畅地说三门外语。

   The young man speaks fluent though not very correct French.那个年轻人讲法语虽说不很准确但很流利。

  47. garbage n. 垃圾

  Her job is to collect garbage every day.她的工作就是每天清理垃圾。

  The street was covered with garbage these days.那些日子里大街上堆满了垃圾。

  48. grasp v. ①抓住,紧握

  The little grasped her mother’s hand firmly.这小女孩紧紧抓住妈妈的手。

  The drowning boy grasped the rope.溺水的男孩紧紧地抓住绳子。


  He didn’t grasp my meaning.他没懂我的意思。

  They haven’t grasped the spirit of the foreign language.他们没有掌握外语的实质。

  49. gravity n. ①重力,地心引力

  Anything that is dropped falls to the ground, pulled by the force of gravity.在重力的吸引下任何掉下的东西都落到地面。

   We couldn’t stay on the earth if there were no gravity.假如没有地心引力我们就不能呆在地球上。


  She seems to have understood the gravity of her illness.她似乎已经明白了她的病情的严重程度。

   Today’s news was of unusual gravity.今天的资讯很重要。

  50. grocery n. 食品杂货店

   The young man was sentenced to 5 years in prison for setting fire to a grocery.那个年轻人因为放火烧了一家杂货店被判处五年监禁。

  The owner of the grocery, from whom I bought the pills yesterday, was found dead by the roadside.杂货店老板被人发现死在路边了,我昨天还从他那里买药片呢。

  51. harbour (harbor) n. 港口

  Our ship stayed in the harbour during the typhoon.在台风袭击期间, 我们的轮船停泊在港内。

  We reached the harbour at sunset.我们在日落的时候抵达港口。

  52. hardship n. 困难

   He could bear no more hardship.他再也承受不了更多的苦难了。

   We suffered many great hardships during the war.战争期间我们忍受了很多困难。

  53. highway n. 公路

   The white Ford turned off the highway to escape being followed.为甩掉跟踪的车,那辆白色福特拐下了公路。

   A new highway is under construction between the two towns.那两个城镇之间正在修一条新公路。

  54. identity n. 身份,本身

   I left my identity card in my office.我把我的身份证忘在办公室了。

   What do you think is the identity of this piece of metal? 你认为这块金属是什么?

  55. interpreter n. 翻译

  She worked as interpreter for ten years.她当翻译已有10年了。

   If you want to become an interpreter, you must involve yourself in the foreign language study. 如果你想成为翻译,你必须使自己融入到外语的学习之中。

  56. jeans n. 牛仔裤

  Jeansare very popular among young people.牛仔裤非常受年轻人的欢迎。

  She likes wearing tight blue jeans.她喜欢穿紧身蓝色牛仔裤。

  57. jungle n. 丛林,密林

  It is very difficult for a person to live in jungle.一个人生活在丛林中是很困难的。

   The path is hacked out of the jungle.这条小径是从丛林中开辟出来的。

  58. legal adj.合法的,法律的

   Do you know your legal rights? 你知道你的法律上的权利吗?

   He took legal actions to stop them cutting the young trees.他采取合法的行为来制止他们砍伐小树。

  59. litter v. 乱丢杂物

  Anyone who litters will be fined 10 yuan.乱丢杂物者罚款10元。

  The sign says No littering.标语上写着不要乱丢杂物。

  60. mild adj. 温和的,暖和的,凉爽的

  She has too mild a nature to get angry with me.她的性格太温和了,不会对我发火的。

  It’s been a mild winter this year.今年冬天的天气很暖和,不是很冷。

  61. modest adj.谦虚的, 谦逊的

  Our daughter is very modest about her success and says that it’s just the result of good luck.我们女儿对她的成功很谦虚,说那只是运气好。

  Don’t be too modest about your achievements.不必为你取得的成绩过于谦逊。

  62. nutrition n. 营养

   Good nutrition is important for good health.良好的营养对人的身体健康很重要。

   This food provides all the nutrition your pet cat needs.这种食物可以给你的宠物猫提供她需要的所有营养。

  63. opera n. 歌剧

  Beijing opera is world famous.京剧世界闻名。

   Opera can belong to classical music.歌剧可称为一种古典音乐。

  64. orbit n. (天体等的)运行轨道

   It’s a satellite in orbit round the Earth.它是在绕地球轨道上运行的人造卫星。

  After many months’ travel, that satellite at last came into the orbit of Mars.经过数月的航行,那颗卫星终于进入了火星轨道。

  65. outline n. ①轮廓

   I was stricken by the outline of her face in the light of the candle.我被她在蜡烛的光映出的脸的轮廓打动了。

   Will you draw us an outline map of your province? 你给我们画张你们省的草图好吗?


  She referred to an outline of the main points of the speech at times.她不时地参看她的演讲提纲。

   It’s better to make an outline of the world history before the examination.最好在考试前整理好世界历史概要。

  66. participate v. 参加,参与

   After he was set free he more actively participated in local politics.他被释放后更积极地参加当地的政治活动。

   How many teams will be participating in the debate? 将有多少代表队参加辩论赛?

  67. policy n. 政策,方针

   One of the party’s important policies is to control public spending.党的一项重要政策是控制公众消费。

   It’s against our policy to sell weapons to Taiwan.出售给台湾武器违反我们的政策。

  68. postcode n. (英)邮政编码

  May I have your postcode? 可以告诉我你的邮政编码吗?

  The postcode makes it easier to sort the letters.邮政编码使分检信件更容易。

  69. profession n. (需要有高等教育学位的)职业(如医生或律师)

  Is your husband a lawyer by profession? 你丈夫是职业律师吗?

  She turned to me for advice on her choice of profession.她就择业问题来向我求教。

  70. recite v. 背诵

   Our English teacher suggested us reciting each text.我们英语老师建议我们背诵每篇课文。

   He recited a speech from “Titanic” to the class.他向全班背诵了电影《泰坦尼克号》的台词。

  71. recommend v.推荐

   What do you think of the film that I recommended you? 你认为我给你推荐的电影怎么样?

   He was strongly recommended for the important post.大家强烈推荐他担任那一重要职务。

  72. recycle v. 回收, 再循环

   Some of us recycle used batteries in our spare time.我们中的一些人业余时间回收用过的电池。

   Is this made of recycled glass? 这是再生玻璃制造的吗?

  73. reject v. 拒绝

   Why did she rejectyour offer of marriage? 她为什么拒绝你的求婚?

   The shop assistant brought out a pile of rejectedclothes for him to choose from.那个店员拿出一堆别人不要的衣服让他挑选。

  74. relevant adj.有关的

   Color and sex are not relevant to whether somebody is a good lawyer.肤色和性别跟一个人是否是个好律师无关。

   She asked me to get all the relevant documents ready by Friday.她要求我星期五以前把一切相关文件准备好。

  75. represent vt. 代表

   Does the rose represent England? 玫瑰花代表英格兰吗?

   Tell us what x represents in this equation, please.请你告诉我们这个方程式里x代表什么?

  76. responsible adj.①负责任的

   I’m responsible to the board for making sure that the project is profitable.我对董事会负责,保证该项目赚钱。

   Who is the person responsible here? 这里谁是负责人?


  You can leave your child with her; she is veryresponsible.你可以把孩子交给她,她很可靠。

  Is he the responsible man who you spoke of just now? 他就是你刚才说起的那个值得信赖的人吗?


  The bad weather was responsible for her absence.她因为坏天气而不能到场。

  We all doubted Scott was responsible for breaking the window.我们都怀疑司各特应该对打破窗户玻璃负责。

  77. scan v. 浏览,粗看

   He scanned the list of the names without saying anything.他粗粗地看了看名单什么也没说。

   I have a habit of scanning the newspaper through breakfast.我有个吃早饭时浏览报纸的习惯。

  78. shortcoming n. 缺点,短处

   Frankly speaking, I’m a person with many shortcomings.坦率地说,我这人也有很多不足。

   Her shortcomings stopped her becoming a pop star.她的缺点使她没有能成为一名流行明星。

  79. skyscraper n. 摩天楼

   There stands a skyscraper on the island.岛上耸立着一座摩天楼。

   The skyscraper was soon burned down.那座摩天楼很快就被烧成平地。

  80. sneaker n.(复)轻便运动鞋

   How much are the sneakers? 这双运动鞋多少钱?

   He is always wearing a pair of sneakers.他总是穿着一双运动鞋。

  81. software n. 电脑软件

   The software cost me far more than the hardware.软件花去的钱比硬件多许多。

   The smart man made his fortune by dealing with software.那个精明人靠做软件交易赚了大钱。

  82. spit v. 吐唾沫, 吐痰

   The boy was spitting out of the window.那个男孩在向窗户外吐唾沫。

   It’s considered rude to spit in public places.在公共场所吐痰被认为是粗鲁的行为。

  83. sponsor n. 负责人

   Do you agree with the sponsor on this point? 你在这点上同意负责人的意见吗?

   The young man was appointed sponsor of the department.那个年轻人被任命为部门业务主管。

  84. stable n. 厩,牛棚

   The next morning, however, they found their stable empty.但第二天早上他们却发现马厩是空的了。

   Is it the stable that caught fire first? 是马厩先起火的吗?

  85. summary n. 摘要,概要

   Now here is the summary of the news.现在播报资讯摘要。

   He’s reading a three-page summary of a government report.他在阅读一份三页的政府工作报告摘要。

  86. sympathy n. 同情

   She pressed my hands in deep sympathy.她紧紧握我的手对我深表同情。

   Don’t expect to get much sympathy from that man! 别指望从那个家伙那里得到太多同情!

  87. telescope n.望远镜

   Remember to put away the telescope before you leave.记得走的时候将望远镜收拾起来放好。

   Father bought me a telescope, through which I could observe the moon.爸爸给我买了一架望远镜,通过它我可以观察月球。

  88. tendency n. 倾向,趋势

   My sister ’s always had a tendency to be a bit thin.我姐姐总是有点偏瘦。

   As far as I can see, prices continue to show an upward tendency.依我看,物价还会继续上涨。

  89. tolerate v. 容忍,宽容

   I can’t tolerate bad manners any longer.我再也不能容忍那么粗鲁的行为了。

   How can you tolerate such an awful woman? 你怎么能受得了那么可恶的女人?

  90. unique adj. 唯一的,独特的,独一无二的

   This stamp is unique; there’s no other one like it.这张邮票是独一无二的;再找不到类似的一枚了。

   He was dressed in a rather unique suit.他穿着一套十分独特的衣服。

  91. urgent adj. 紧急的,紧迫的

   It’s urgent; it cannot wait until next week.这事很急;不能等到下周。

   My jeep is in urgent need of repair.我的吉普车急需修理。

  92. vehicle n. 车辆,运输工具

   Motor vehicles cannot ride on pavements.机动车不能在人行道上行驶。

   When was the first space vehicle sent up? 第一颗宇宙飞船是什么时候发射的?

  93. wage n. 工资,工钱,报酬

   We’re just demanding to be paid a living wage.我们只是要求得到能够维持生活的工资。

   Wages are paid on Friday every week.每周星期五发薪。

  94. web n. 蛛网,网状物

   The fly was trapped on a spider’s web.苍蝇被蜘蛛网缠住了。

   Did you use to catch birds with a web when you were a child? 你小时候经常用网捕鱼吗?

  95. worthwhile adj. 值得做的

   It’s worthwhile taking the trouble to explain it to her again.把那件事跟她再解释一遍,费点力气是值得的。

   Teaching is a very worthwhile career.教书是很值得做的工作。


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