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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Part 1典型案例:


  Q: What kind of flowers has special meanings in China?


  A1: ...er...peony, which means rich. And..um..rose means love.

  A2: Well, I am afraid I really dont know much about flowers, but everyone knows that roses mean love. And that is also the case in China. As to other flowers, I bet my father has a better understanding of their different meanings. Actually, he is planning to grow some in the garden of our new house.


  Answer 1是多数考生碰到类似这种不太有话说的问题时的回答,明显在内容和篇幅上都过于简短。相比较而言,之所以Answer 2要更具体,内容会更丰富,就是本着从日常生活入手的原则。实事求是讲到自己不太懂花,而老爸对花比较感兴趣。分析认为,我们很多考生有一种误解,觉得不该在考试时说不知道,于是顶着头皮死撑,结结巴巴说不好。其实say no的方式有很多,像这里A2开场用的I am afraid I really dont know much about这一句就是很好的一种表达不知道的方法。


  A1: Id like to talk about Yaoming who is from shanghai. He is a famous basketball player. He is now in NBA. He is special because he is very tall. He is also a kind man who takes part in charity.

  A2: Well, I have to say that sports is really not my cup of tea. Actually, P.E lessons have always been a nightmare to me all through my school life. That may explain why I am not a fan of any sports star. But um, I think I can tell something about Yaoming, who is a basketball player from shanghai. I bet youve heard of him, since he is now a NBA star. You can see him on TV commercial, billboards, posters, etc. All of these prove how famous he is. He is a very tall man. I can hardly imagine how it would be if I were standing beside him. A striking contrast! Apart from that, Yao is the kind of sports star who would like to help others. I once read an article saying that Yao is one of the richest men in China and he devotes much to charity



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