雅思口语话题解析:someone who is good at cooking-查字典英语网
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雅思口语话题解析:someone who is good at cooking

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Describe someone you know who is good at cooking.

  You should say:

   who this person is ①

   how you know him or her ②

   what kinds of food they cook ③

  and explain how this person became so good at cooking.④


  ①The person whos good at cooking - My Mom. Her cooking is equivalent to the top cooks of the world in my eyes.

  ②Now, I have been living on my own for over a decade, I really miss my moms cooking. Wheneverone of the family members has a birthday, we gather at my parents home for dinner.

  ③Shes good at cooking western food - Italian food more than anything else. She cooks terrific Cheese macaroni, lasagna, ravioli. The pastry she made is heavenly, it really is something to die for.

  ④Actually, my mom was not much of a good cook several years ago. She even thought the height of cooking was browning some hamburgermeat, adding oregano and basil - that was Italian food. If it was Mexican food, she added chili powder and a tiny bit of cayenne. Things changed after she completed the courses in Beijing New Oriental School. It was a nice school offers 3 days free trial and, there, my mom had a chance to step into the demo kitchen and to get to participate as much as she liked. She got all many informativeand helpful hints in the Cooking School.

  Food just really isnt much of a focus for me other than to fuel up. But I really do enjoy my moms homemade appealing meal. My moms an awesome cook, much better than I am.


   equivalent to 等于

   more than anything else 尤其是

   macaroni 通心粉

   lasagna 烤宽面条


   pastry 面粉糕饼,馅饼皮

   heavenly 美好的、天国似的

   to die for 为了...而死 这里形容东西好吃

   height 高度


   basil 罗勒

   chili powder 胡椒粉


   Beijing New Oriental School 北京学校

   3 days free trial 试学3天不收费

   fuel up 补充燃料

   appealing 吸引人的



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