对于雅思口语的练习,扩展思路是非常重要的一点,因为这样才能在短短的准备时间内想好答案进而脱口而出。现在我们就拿剑7中TEST 2的题目What kinds of things make you laugh? 为例来讨论一下雅思口语的范文思路问题,希望各大家一些借鉴。
煽情版:Being with parents is the very thing that can make me laugh.
作为即将离开父母、远赴大洋彼岸的孩子们,homesick将会成为他们生活中不可缺少的一个部分。在接下来的至少4年时间里,他们和父母相处的时间可能只能用天来计算了。从Foundation到Bachelor一般要4年,每年暑假回家呆90天,四年一共是360天。期间,睡觉要用去1/3,走亲访友、同学聚会、逛街购物再用去1/3,只余下120天可以呆在家里。而这120天中,能够真正和父母坐在一起聊聊家常的时间,每天也就只有4个小时。算下来,there are only 20 days we can REALLY be with our parents in the following 4 YEARS!!! 这难道不是一个惊人的数字吗?每一个留学的孩子在假期结束时,都会以分、以秒来计算和家人相处的时间,因为一旦走出海关,登上飞机,自己面前的是又一个长达9个月的分别So this laughter is not just the sound ha-ha, it is a feeling of happiness, a sense of safety, a true emotion from the bottom of our heart, which can be found ONLY when we are home.
实话实说版:A score of 7 can definitely make me laugh.
The reason why a 7 can make me laugh is because it is not only a score, it symbolizes my achievement in English study. It means I didnt make effort in vain! Not to exaggerate, a 7 in IELTS for me is like a Nobel Price for those scientists! Maybe now it IS a daydream, but I bet it WONT be long for me to get a real 7, coz I believe No Pains, No Gains. 发扬灰太狼精神么我会回来的!
多米诺原则版:Anything can make me laugh.
如果你在人物 PEOPLE方面准备比较充分,它就可以是: Meeting someone special can make me laugh. 然后,你可以大大方方地把话题转到a singer, a host/presenter, an actor/actress, a teacher, a neighbor
物体OBJECT和地点PLACE:Reading an old letter/Seeing a photo can make me laugh coz it reminds me of my sweet memory when I was 好了,聪明的你们会想到该怎么继续了。其实,回忆可以是一样的,说个比较不一样的东西就可以了。
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