触犯法律 break/violate/flout/disobey the law
犯罪 commit a crime
罪行 offences/crimes/criminal acts
罪犯 criminal/offender/culprit.perpetrator
从犯 accomplice/accessory/convicts后者指帮助犯罪但为直接参与的人
受害者 victim
心理创伤 trauma
曾横社会 resent society/hold a grudge against society
囚犯 inmate/convicts
牢房 cell
监禁 imprison/incarcerate someone
教育罪犯 educate/edify criminals
宽容的 lenient
改造罪犯 reform/rehabilitate criminals
执法部门 law enforcement agencies
重罪 heinous crimes/flagitious crime/felony
轻罪 petty crime/misdemeanour
初犯的人 first-time offender
惯犯 hardened criminals/repeat criminals
遏制猖獗的犯罪 curb/halt/check the rampant crimes
再次犯罪 revert to crime
再次犯罪 recidivism
守法的公民 law-abiding citizens
遵守法律 abide by/comply with the law
无视 disregard
给某人造成心理创伤 traumatise someone
抓捕 track dowm/hunt down/capture
有预谋的犯罪 premeditated crime
犯罪倾向 criminal tendency
上一篇: 雅思写作技巧:短语优先
下一篇: 雅思写作必备模板:连贯与衔接
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