abbreviation cohesive editing intensive pattern reject survey
ability combine effective intimate pause related syllabus
academic committee efficient invest peak relevant synonym
accomplishment communicate elective investigate per reliable synthetic
accurate comparison elicitation irrelevant perceive remainder system
acquisition competent eligible isolate percentage represent tally
adapt compile emerge issue period reputable taxation
adequacy complex emphasis journal permanent request technical
adhered comprehensive emulate judgement persuade require technique
administration comprise endure knowledge petition research technological
adopt concern enroll laboratory pie chart resemble tend
advantage conclusive ensure labor pitfall reserve tertiary
affirmative conduct envisage lack placement resource theoretical
agenda conflict essential latter plus respondent thesis
amend confront ethnic lecture policy response timetable
analysis connectives evaluation legal poll result tradition
annually constant evidence legendary positive resume transfer
anticipate consumer example legible postgraduate revenue trend
anxiety context expand lesser postpone review trial
appeal contradict exponent literally potential revise tuition
appendix contrast extracurricular lobby rigorous tutor
approach convert facility location predict roster tutorial
appropriate convince factor logical preference rough draft undergraduate
approved copyright faculty maintain prefix route undertake
approximate core familiar major pressure safety unique
argument corporate federal majority prestige sample unofficial
arranged correspond fervent manual principal scales upgrade
array counsellor field marketing printout scan utilise
aspect course financial materials priority scene vacation
assess credit finite maximum procedure schedule valid
asset criteria focus maximise process scope value
assignment criticism formation minimise profile score variables
associate crucial former minimum programme scrutinise variation
assumption curriculum formulate media progress section variety
assured cyclic forum minor project sector various
auxiliary deadline foundation minus proposal security vary
ballot debate function model prospect selection vast
bar chart decade gender monitor provision semester venue
barriers decline generalise national proximity seminar virtual
basic degree graduate negative qualify sensitive virus
basis demerit graphic negotiate quality separate vital
bibliography department gross network query sequence vocabulary
boost detail hectare noticeable questionnaire series vocational
brainstorm determine identity notify queue session welfare
budget development illegal notion quote situation wide-ranging
campus diction immediate numerous radical skill windfall
cancel diploma impact obtain range skim wisdom
canteen disaster improvise official ranking software withdraw
capacity discard inadequate operate ratio source witness
catalyst discipline income opinion react specialise worldwide
cater discussion increase opponent realistic specific workforce
caution distinct indicator oppose reality stagnant workshop
ceremony diversify induce optimism recession standard x-axis
chaotic diversity inflation option reduce state y-axis
chronological doctorate influence organise reference statement zone
civic document influx original reflect statistics
civil domestic inform outcome refute steep
classify dot-matrix innovation outline regard stem
client draft instance passage region submit
cognitive drawback intake passive regular suffix
coherent economic integral patron regulation summary
上一篇: 每日雅思词汇:各路英雄 谁是你的最爱?
下一篇: 雅思听力考试必备的十个场景及词汇
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