American school busses these days really have come a long way from those traditional big yellow busses from back when we were in primary school…at least in Shanghai they have.
We have a student who attends Shanghai American School. They really use state-of-the-art school busses. When he gets on the bus, he swipes his student ID across the card reader and his parents at home can login to a website that tracks the location of the bus. Once he arrives at school, his parents will be alerted, and they can move on with their busy day, assured their son is safe at school. If there happens to be an incident on the way to school, parents are alerted through text messages and phone calls explaining what has happened. If it’s raining really hard that day, parents are also informed that their child arrived late to school due to the road conditions.
We can tell that the American school not only invests heavily on providing the best hardware for its students, but also follows up with excellent service and strong sense of responsibility! Time and money well spent!
Words and Expressions:
1、come a long way
v. 有很大进步, 有很大改进
adj. 最新式的, 使用了最先进技术的, 顶尖水准的
3、follow up
vi. 跟进, 采取措施
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