Our life span is restricted. Everyone accepts this as biologically obvious. Nothing lives for ever! However, in this statement we think of artificially produced, technical objects, products which are subjected to natural wear and tear during use. This leads to the result that at some time or other the object stops working and is unusable . But are the wear and tear and loss of function of technical objects and the death of living organisms really similar or comparable?
本段介绍了 对生物体寿命的有限性,以及对物品的寿命的有限性的提出疑问。
Life span is restricted
Wear and tear loss of function of technical objects the death of living organisms
1. 对比
This leads to the result that at some time or other the object stops working and is unusable .
Are the wear and tear and loss of function of technical objects and the death of living organisms really similar or comparable?
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