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发布时间:2008-08-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Chinese authorities will close more than 200 factories near Beijing and restrict traffic in four surrounding cities if its skies don't clear in time for the Olympics, a tacit admission that its anti-pollution policies haven't gone far enough.

The measures, unveiled nine days before the Games are set to begin Aug. 8, will be implemented 48 hours in advance if weather and pollution forecasts predict unhealthy air, government environmental officials said.

(This story and related background material will be available on The Wall Street Journal Web site, WSJ.com.)

The new measures come on top of a series of steps already taken since July 20th in Beijing, the nearby port city of Tianjin and four surrounding provinces. Those efforts were meant to undo in a few weeks the environmental damage of decades of nearly unrestrained growth.

Hundreds of steel mills, cement plants, power plants and factories making everything from chemicals to furniture to building supplies already have either been shut down or told to cut back production. Inside Beijing's city limits, strict traffic controls have removed about half the city's 3.3 million automobiles from the roads. These measures have forced some workers home on extended leave with lower pay, while others struggle to get to work on streets still jammed because of special Olympics VIP-only lanes on major roads.

Officials say all these measures already have cut pollution by about 20% compared to last year. But they acknowledge that may still not be enough if the weather goes against them. Some nations have worried about their athletes in outdoor endurance sports such as biking and marathons. Olympic officials said they would postpone or even cancel such sports in the case of heavy pollution.

Experts say that pollution can be scattered within days under the right conditions of a strong breeze. And in the first few days of the initial set of measures, Beijing's air quickly cleared.

But muggy air smothered Beijing over the weekend, sending its air pollution index above 100, the maximum level for what officials call the city's 'blue sky days,' or days of acceptable air quality. China ranks air quality on a scale of zero to 500 with anything below 50 ranked 'good' and above 251 'hazardous.' China says days just above 100 are 'unhealthy for sensitive groups.'

Still, even a level of 100 exceeds typical levels in most European and U.S. cities, and is well above World Health Organization guidelines on some types of pollutants.

Officials blamed bad weekend weather but acknowledged that more could be done.

The new plan announced by the Ministry of Environmental Affairs Thursday said Beijing could shut down all construction sites and another 105 factories, while nearby Tianjin would shut some 56 power plants and factories and surrounding Hebei province could close another 61 plants. Traffic restrictions could be expanded to four more cities.

Beijing has already shut down some 100 plants and the city of nearby Tangshan has already temporarily stopped 267 factories. Restrictions are in effect as far away as Shanxi Province and Inner Mongolia, regions rich in coal and heavy industry. Studies show as much as 70% of Beijing's pollution can blow in from outside the city.











在这之前,北京已经关停了约100家工厂,临近的唐山市也已对267家工厂下达了暂时停产令。身为煤炭和重工业大省的山西和内蒙古也实行了一些限制措施,因为有研究显示,北京地区约七成污染物都是从京外地区扩散过来的。 (实习编辑:顾萍)


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