在进行学术型文章写作时,罗列观点式的并列型写作结构是常用的段落展开手法。因此,在雅思学术型阅读文章中,这种结构也屡见不鲜。所谓并列型结构,指的是按照某种分类特征罗列要点的叙述结构,最简单的便是First Second Third Finally的叙述逻辑。而在雅思文章中,这种结构的开端位置通常也具有十分鲜明的特征,文章通常会首先总述一下所罗列要点的数量,即出现数字+分类特征词的典型表述。如剑7 Test 3 Passage 3的第四个段落:首句出现six detailed resolutions的描述,因此可以迅速断定该段落为并列型结构,并依此将段落中六个并列层次找出。该篇文章后第34-39题的匹配题目中,题干即为Resolution 1 6,因此可以根据之前的分析,迅速定位到第四段的六个并列层次位置并进而完成解题。
剑4 Test 1 Passage 1 文后的9-13题:
Questions 9 13
The box below gives a list of responses A-P to the questionnaire discussed in Reading Passage 1.
Answer the following questions by choosing the correct responses A-P.
Write your answers in boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet.
9. What was the childrens most frequent response when asked where the rainforests were?
10. What was the most common response to the question about the importance of the rainforests?
11. What did most children give as the reason for the loss of rainforests?
12. Why did most children think it important for the rainforest to be protected?
13. Which of the response is cited as unexpectedly uncommon, given the amount of time spent on the issue by the newspapers and television?
A There is a complicated combination of reasons for the loss of the rainforests.
B The rainforests are being destroyed by the same things that are destroying
the forests of Western Europe.
C Rainforests are located near the Equator.
D Brazil is home to the rainforests.
E Without rainforests some animals would have nowhere to live.
F Rainforests are important habitats for a lot of plants.
G People are responsible for the loss of the rainforest.
H The rainforests are a source of oxygen.
I Rainforests are of consequence for a number of different reasons.
J As the rainforests are destroyed, the world gets warmer.
K Without rainforests there would not be enough oxygen in the air.
L There are people for whom the rainforests are home.
M Rainforests are found in Africa.
N Rainforests are not really important to human life.
O The destruction of the rainforests is the direct result of logging activity.
P Humans depend on the rainforests for their continuing existence.
我们换个角度来考虑:题干形式是五个问题,根据题目描述可知原文有提及一份调查问卷,那么我们不妨回原文先定位一下questionnaire这个词。查找后发现,questionnaire一词出现在文章第四段落的第二句话中:Secondary school children were asked to complete a questionnaire containing five open-form questions. 而本句中的five open-form questions很明显将在文中引起一个并列型结构,且数字5恰巧对应题干问题的数量。这种吻合显然不会单纯是个巧合,这里就是该题目出题位置。
First question位于第四段落第三句话:The most frequent responses to the first question were descriptions which are self-evident from the term rainforest.
Second question 位于第四段落第五句话:The second question concerned the geographical location of rainforests.
Third question 在文章的第五段落首句:Responses to question three concerned the importance of rainforests.
Fourth question 位于文章第七段落首句:The fourth question concerned the causes of the destruction of rainforests.
Fifth question在文章第九段首句:In answer to the final question about the importance of rainforest conservation, the majority of children simply said that we need rainforest to survive.
找到五个问题后,与题干做对比发现:Question 9出题对应原文第二个问题,即热带雨林的地理位置,回原文找到原句答案The commonest response were continents or countries: Africa ,所以答案选择M;Question 10出题对应原文第三个问题,即热带雨林的重要性,原文给出答案句为The dominant idea, raised by 64% of the pupils, was that rainforests provide animals with habitats.,因此答案选择E;Question 11出题对应原文第四个问题,即热带雨林破坏的原因,原文对应句答案Perhaps encouragingly, more than half of the pupils identified that it is human activities which are destroying rainforests,答案对应选项G;Question 12出题对应原文第五个问题,即保护热带雨林的重要性,原文原句答案对应选项P;而最后一个问题Question 13按照顺序原则定位在文章第九段后半部分中,根据题干特殊信息unexpectedly uncommon和newspapers and television,分别对应第九段第三句中的This is surprising和media两词,可断定题目问题所对应的答案句应为第九段第二句:Only a few of the pupils mentioned that rainforest destruction may contribute to global warming,本句提及了全球变暖现象,因此答案为选项J。
如此逻辑性的并列层次分析,使得看起来极为复杂的题目,解答起来得心应手。在其他剑桥真题中也不乏可以利用并列型结构帮助解题的文章,如上文提到过的剑7 Test 3 Passage 3的Questions 34-39,以及剑5 Test 1 Passage 3的Questions 33-37、剑8 Test 4 Passage 3的Questions 31-36及Questions 37-40等等。同学们不妨尝试利用并列型结构分析,来辅助题目的解答过程,这样做不仅可以更加精准的定位题目的出题位置,更能够帮助同学们理解文章的整体篇章逻辑,进而达到既读懂了文章又做对了题目的完美状态。
上一篇: 雅思阅读基本功训练:情态动词
下一篇: 雅思阅读复习要点:多记单词勤总结
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